Tfw no Yas Forums bf

>tfw no Yas Forums bf

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Sorry I’m taken.


same user

what state are you in user

what's it like to have a bf?

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>tfw no cocks or gaysex
At least I have anime

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I'm in Massachusetts.

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I meant to type IKTF, I have no idea what it's like

Hi again other Massachusetts gayposter

hello. Any progress on your end? Although if you're posting in this thread...

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Whoops I meant to ask this user what it's like to have a bf I fugged up

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god i just want to cuddle with boipussy. why is life so unfair

iktf bro

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Sometime i wish the internet was closed due to gays

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Are single Mick?

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I have a gf, so I can’t be your bf.

what's it like having a gf user?

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Of course not :(

are you an oriental female(female, I hate That i have to make that clear)

It’s nice. Better than having a bf. You get children instead of AIDS. Would recommend.

No sorry sweetie, I can be your white bf though

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you can get aids fucking a women dummy

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Not with a gf that was also a virgin.


You actually can.

well no

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bro you can also get aids without having sex you realize that right?
Also boys CAN get pregnant

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I will admit that she is pretty, no hetero

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fuck off female

Extremely unlikely. Faggots however have very high chances.

I'm a boy ya dingus, we all know girls don't know how to use the internet right bros?

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Stop pushing the transgenderism propaganda you marxist scum. I can see why exploiting the most socially neglected classes as instruments to start a social revolution may be effective, but can't you understand your precious life is being toyed with by the jews who have too much pent up resentment in them after ww2? Most people aren't stupid enough to mutilate their dicks anyway. Just stop.

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This board is turning me more and more homophobic as time passes. Earlier last weekend I caught myself visiting Yas Forums wondering if there was such a thing as "homosexual gore general"

Holy cringe!

It seems however that many Americans have fallen for the (((circumcision))).

Of course they don't, and all for the better

You do realize that wanting to have a bf doesn't make someone a tranny right?

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You are an autogynephilic tranny, I can tell because you post anime pics when you gaypost.
Im pure argentinan

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I post them because I like anime and the faces are cute, there is nothing more to it dummy. Also pic related

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move down to NJ already so we can cuddle

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I'd love to sweetie but I'm quarantined still. Sending a hug your way

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>move to California
>still no bf

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mr. right is out there don't give up user!

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I honestly think I am too autistic

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aren't we all? what goes wrong do you get nervous meeting eligible bachelors?

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how are you doing, mr?


Same but gf, which is a more powerful longing.

I'm fine thanks user, just lonely ;_;

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how would you know unless you've also longed for a bf?...

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i'm okay i guess. i can't tell if i've been bored or lonely though

Straights have a deeper capacity for love and intimacy, driven as we are by our primary directive to seek out mates and breed with them. ">tfw no bf" usually just means "I want to have sex with boys".

sounds like you're a bit listless user, are you cooped up at home?

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i always am, yeah

yikes didn't you get the memo? Boys can get pregnant too dummy

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Not true, I've seen people try and it never worked

Are you battling depression user?

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ive been stuck in a rut for a few years, yeah

I want to have an intimate loving relationship with a cute boy


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I'm sorry user, you talking to anyone about it?

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not really

You should sweetie, especially if you get any catharsis out of talking about it with a bunch of shitposters on an Eskimo igloo enthusiast board

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i dont have anyone to talk to who wants to listen though