Incompetent government

>incompetent government
>non-existent healthcare
>uneducated, ignorant, hyper-violent and hyper-religious population

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>non-existent healthcare
Just have a good insurance, bro :^)

It's just a flu

Obama care is still here if youre under poverty it auto enrolls you.

Plenty of free klinics too.

>>non-existent healthcare
We literally have the worlds best critical care

next italy

>asked by a reporter if he had any words for frightened Americans
>tells the guy he's a bad reporter and avoids the question
Even Trump knows that America is doomed.

praying to Jesus is not critical care

Don't care, my closest neighbor is 14 miles away lol

>Trump says something nice to try at put peoples' minds at ease

Areas of the country with the most slant eyed Orientals have the highest numbers, imagine that

I'm sorry, is that russia you describe? That sounds utterly Russian OP, as Russia is the capital of mongoloidic bootlickers that suck on the teet of a despotic and failed state.


There WILL be a day of reckoning, I promise you. They must pay for their negligence

If that was his idea of putting people's minds at ease, I don't think he understands people very well.

>*cough* n-no u *cough* *cough*

were not all that bad, russiabro. please stop the hatred. i didn't chose to be born here and i don't approve of my government or of the actions of every person living in my home country.

we both bleed red dont we

I think what's happened is that you've developed a trait rare among Russians, self awareness!

>new england
hahaha F

That was the hypothetical holy shit how mentally deficient are you?

Uhhh idk man one of us bleeds for Israel and the other doesn’t so who knows

Reel it in, he has absolutely no business criticizing us. His nation is unfixably fucked

Yes, Russia is terrible.
But why did you post a picture of ШCA?

The only good thing about shit from dictatorships like China, Russia or North Korea, is that citizens will listen to what the government says for fear of being tortured in prison, in the United States literally nobody pays attention to authority.

Take your pills.

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Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that, authoritarianism is awful for a society but beneficial in a pandemic

it's about 7 bong innit? time for a nip of the ol' Queen's Piss Tea?

actually not really, fear leads to people not talking about problems, maybe a society of drones is easier to cut off like limbs of healthy tissue, but the benefits are intangible

are you suggesting i personally bleed for israel? i'm a pizza delivery boy and i make music when i go home. i have nothing to do with any policies regarding israel. you're missing the point.
my brother, you're missing the point too. he doesn't control his countries decisions. none of us pull the strings.

Fair enough argument friend

It's just a flu

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bad time to have a wedding

oh nonono

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>killing off all the boomers
It's even bettee

Fats getting absolutely rolled by this lame-ass captain trips

>Rapid Response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
>1 UK
>distant lead


Dont care
Didnt ask
Plus your not white

Literally me, im in a "shelter in place" state and just got back with this in the nick of time

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>boomers and geriatric east-coast jews getting ravaged
God bless Corona

thank you for your understanding. please be safe in these trying times :s

tfw the first testing equipment for covid in USA literally couldnt tell water from coronavirus
tfw even china can handle a virus better than the USA

>tfw the first testing equipment for covid in USA literally couldnt tell water from coronavirus

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>mediterranean countries when theres a lockdown
>they unite and sing songs and get along better than ver
>anglo countries when theres a lockdown
>they fight over toilet paper and hand sanitizer to resell it for profit on ebay
>they get as many weapons as they can in case they end up having to shoot their neighbors

>uneducated, ignorant, hyper-violent and hyper-religious population
only the flyover states. coastal elites are not like this

what the fuck would you ever need this for. is one pistol not enough?

*dies from the virus anyway*



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Where'd you get it
why the fuck do you pea-brained zoomer niggerpoors keep trusting china's numbers? lmao. don't tell me you're that fucking dense

>>tfw even china can handle a virus better than the USA

>China has 20k jump in covid numbers after changing diagnosis
>multiple thousand each day
>China changes back to old way of testing
>case numbers fall every day

stupid amerifat. let me guess, you stockpiled on all these weapons, but zero food and water?

Bought them last friday at an illinois gun store but 72 hour waiting period turned into 7 day waiting period because of backlog. Finally went through 1/2 before they closed for who knows how long

this isn't venezuela, there is food to last till the end of time, I don't live in a city, ayyyy, get the fuck out of my country nerd

he could eat lead

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you don't live in a wtf do you need all those guns for? i live in a city with a population of 1 million+ and even i don't need a gun.
god i hate white trash americans

Kys libshit

Well, my angry little boy, you know where our border is, and our airports. I invite you to exercise your right to leave this wretched expanse for your glorious homeland.

Why Luger pistols? Aren't those outdated, most people buy them as collectables or decorations, why not a modern gun?

no i'm fine here. i'll just stay out of the white trash flyover states.

they are so fucked, damn. good luck, ameribros, you are gonna need it

*gets shot*

not a lib. i'm just not a paranoid gun obsessed hick

I thought as much, your pocketbook overrules your pride.

pocketbook? what?

>americans are really trying to fight coronavirus with guns

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You too

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How much you wanna bet this kid lives in a segregated/gentrified part of the city?

that's amerifats' solution to every problem

you know, your money, your lifeblood, wages, we've got what you need, but you haaate us so

it's pathetic, and funny

not in a gentrified area, but also not in a really bad area. it's decent.

>that murrican that has to always tell everyone he hates murrica
whats his story

Gentrified. He's most likely a self-hating white. Otherwise he would've just said "white" instead of "white trash."

i'm not a richfag. i don't have "pride" in america cause i hate 90% of americans. oh well at least you'll all die of heart attacks from being fat

Big cities are always next to water, and they are where commerce and population are highest. Minorities and foreigners generally flock to those areas for work.

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But you’re forced to bleed too when america tells you to

Good great Lord, you're stupid!

>self hating white
i don't revolve my entire identity around being white so no i'm not "self hating"
>he would've just said "white" instead of "white trash."
i said white trash specifically because white trash americans are usually poor and ignorant and stupid and live in flyover states. of course when that's all you're ever exposed to in your life, you think that's the norm.

Critical care is what matters, H!N! proved that

>Good great Lord, you're stupid!

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Wuflu patients are required to be treated in critical care capacities for quarantine. Ever heard of negative pressure rooms?

>tfw Cuntecticut

Why is the US and EU data so old?

Forgot pic

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macht mexiko wieder espanien

great rebuttal