Cat breeds

This is a norwegian forest cat. I think it's a very cool cat. And probably the most chad of all cats

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scottish fold munchkin. Very cute

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It's chad because it's Norwegian

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American shorthair. Extra large since it's an American breed

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do old ladies at the market gates give these kittens away free from baskets? if so, rerserve me three

they are expensive

Maine Coon cats are cool, they look like miniature lions crossed with Ron Pearlman.

Oh and they get big

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not cute but an abomination
cats are supposed to have longer legs and perky ears
fucking disgusting that were doing the same thing to cats what we've already done for dogs

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I used to take care of the cat of some friends when they were on vacation, let's call him Redcat. Across the street there was picrelated Norwegian Forest Cat. NFC really hated Redcat, to the point where he would just sit opposite the door and wait for hours and hours. Completely motionless, like a true psychopath. But it was like Redcat knew, and he insisted to go outside. Alright man, your risk. So I opened the door and Redcat ran out, directly to NFC and slapped him right in the face. NFC did not anticipate this, and fled in panic. Cats are fucking hooligans, I love it. Anyway, I was proud of Redcat and gave him a nice treat that day, a fresh fish. His victory meal.

And of course I forget picrelated

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Why is the kot sad?

Post cats plz

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On the upside, cat genepool seems to be a lot less shitty than dogs. Even the more crass mutations seem to largely be healthy.

Another big Maine Coon

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White women will fuck anything that isn't a white man

That's a nice kitty

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Rusty spotted cat. It's fully grown.

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Cats no chads

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it is short and brown and will not have kot gf ever

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For good measure, this is Redcat. My favorite cat. A total bro.

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but for how long


>my cat can beat up your cat

Well since we don't use cats for specialised labour like we did dogs, and are now at a point where we can see and understand that fucking with the species is a shitty thing to do, it should be safe. It helps that cats never truly were domesticated as much as they domesticated themselves.

I feel like Maine Coons are the St Bernard equivalent to dogs, where they're super big but super chill.

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Witness Manul

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Holy based alien cat

I love kitties

Looks like the first boss from shadow of the colossus

Okay dog boi

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There is an assortment of "rex" breeds that are signified by curly fur. I think it looks bad most of the time, but sometimes it can look cool. They have no mroe health issues than any other cat so that's nice.

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Turkish Van cats enjoy swimming

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don't speak to me or my son ever again

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Used to have a forest cat (she looked very similar to picrelated) she always got into fights with other cats, including male cats.

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That looks like a more normal sized main coon. She's pretty.

Two Norwegian Forest cats. Gotta be honest, they're kinda hard to tell apart from Maines. They got very long bushy tails, so maybe that.

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Big Ragdoll cat. They have this white-brown coat typically. They got the name cause they go limp when carried, and because they're super docile.

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I think that is a small lynx

Are Maine coons a descendent of Norwegian forest cat? They look very similar.

When they mixbreed pic related they are usually super cute

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My cat
His name is Basil

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>moved to Bergen for university
>moved away from parents, friends and my cat
>miss my cat more than my family and friends
Feels bad, anyone else experienced this?

Here's the most successful wild cat when it comes to hunting
It's the smallest cat in africa

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Orange cats are always bro tier every one I’ve had has had a great character to them

very neat thread

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>Why yes, I am popular with the ladies, how did you know?

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if i posted a picture of my cat would you guys be able to identify the breed?


Reminder cats are for incels, wine aunts, and m*slims

nobody cares, now fuck off faggot

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jesus imagine the hairballs that thing coughs up

my cat :)

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My sister had a Ragdoll. It's the most autistic breed ever, even for a cat. She was still very cute.

cute kots

stunning kots you got there

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yes, moved to an island and then to austria, my cat always was confused angry for 20 min when i came home and then started to yell and cuddle me
she died like 7 years ago
i never was real emotional but 3 years ago i got like a cry attack at work thinking about her and had to go outside so no one knows