
Arditi edition

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Smoker (not a big one, 5/10 a day ish)
high blood pressure


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won't apologise if I infect anyone, my body my choice


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said i was 80+, smoker, male and ticked all the preexisting health conditions and all it gave me was 33% likely to die

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rare sighting of storke


mighty fin

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A brief glimpse of things to come

northern ireland is such a shithole

Looks dead eyed

right going to need you lads to post your girlfriends right now

Don’t know why you cunts are worrying about a virus. You could get hit by a car tomorrow and be left stone dead on the road. Relax lads. Nothing matters

The problem isn't that oldies will die

it is that they will overwhelm our health service for many months. Our ICU will be at capacity of months on end because the majority will actually survive this shit

10 days of Italian lockdown and the numbers keep rising

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I disagree

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I was chatting to a man from Belfast the other day. He reckons England will be in lockdown t the end of the week

she actually does
the black version obviously

ah yes nothing is real or means anything

epidemiological models predict they will peak within a few days

think how psychiatrists operate is pretty terrible
they know that intentionally not fixing your problems gives them more profit as it results more scripts for drugs and paid sessions
sad sad world

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Germs are scarier than Germans

literally ruined my ex-gf

Sure the virus is nothing. It’s what the government will do. It’s for you to worry about because as your know yourself pikeys couldn’t give a fuck about laws or the government. They’ll seriously restrict you

This is the central problem which people are seemingly desperate to ignore. I hope all these zoomers who say it's just old people need hospital treatment during those peak epidemic months. Hope they break their necks, crash their cars and have drug overdoses, and up dying in a hospital car park because there's no space for them.

being a contrarian for the sake of it gets a bit boring after a while

Honestly don't know why we're destroying our economy just to keep boomers like this mong alive.

how does one make it to that age and still be that stupid?

if your not at 0.2% risk of death from corona you deserve to die for being a stupid horrid unhealthy neek

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same with my best m8

not even worth engaging with such intellectual hacks

we're like bloody bongo bongo land now

Clubs, pubs, cafes and restaurants are shutting down tomorrow.

same she was on and off all kinds of meds her whole life
since we broke up shes gotten fat and gone through a number of bfs


man i thought twitter/insta was a sewer, this tiktok shit though... next level shit
fucking zoomers

is the manchester arndale open tomorrow

wait a second i'll just fucking reverse ageing

nah they shut tonight....well as soon as they possibly could was the order
many shut by 6pm tonight

absolutely cannot fucking wait to get out of bed, make a pot of coffee, cook myself bacon and eggs and read the morning paper in the sun


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Sounds like she's enjoy life

go on a run granddad you big fat bastard

dunno wm8 ring em



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So when will all this be over? In A couple of weeks?

Sister has got far worse and far more suicidal since going on them too, but she was a bit of mentaloid beforehand too so it's hard to say for sure

incomprehensibly peng


all this 'rona stuff makes me think of the poor bastard at toil that got sacked last week, going to be fucking mental trying to get a new job

mine was tappering off hers when we were dating, she was doing well and got a new job

when we broke up she literally just dived head first right back into them, seriously tragic


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it's operated by a chinese nonce ring

weedman on route as we speak

blog on

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does she not have family members to help her out?

ironic that hed be the first to go

not sure yet, probably be on lock down for about 12 weeks
then maybe have phased parts of society come back
maybe parts of cities will become active in stages? We will need to phase the virus for as long as possible so the health system can cope

>Godfrey William Bloom TD (born 22 November 1949)
Hate it when literal baby boomers talk about the war like they were there



would have expected you to enjoy such a scenario french lad

Lorraine Kelly is such a milf

unironically looks like the ex ex gf

this business is just highlighting how fragile so-called modern civilisation is

Mum's crying

*starts running through empty streets with my willy out ringing a hand bell*


Based cavalry

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i actually did mate. it was said unironically

unfathomably based

when normies are forced to live like us gamers...well let's just say society doesn't stand a chance!

nah it's just highlighting how globalisation is stupid

but also how resilient it is

might do this later

thanks for pulling through for me there mate

feels weird not being at pre drinks now

i couldnt do this
physically not able
penis is far far too small
its invisible
im like a barbie doll

this thread is fucking shit without monica, without a cute girl, there's no point in being here

Already had coronavirus and didn't really phase me desu

you enjoy your saturday morning mate. ill watch a couple of episodes of the wire and head to bed

Fucking hell Black Mesa is out, I thought it had died.


me? gonna give the willard a tug then head to bed

you probably had swine flu which you caught from your pig mummy

literally why are you smoking

my days