Is there anything more based than this?

Is there anything more based than this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yes, genova is based

>inventing banks
>financing crusades
>discovering america

nothing is more based than genoa

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thread theme:

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Holy fuck this level of pathetic shouldn't be possible.

ahh that's better

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>blocks your path

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mate you're polish......
Dont throw stones

agreed, but /skandi/ would never accept us even if this were the case

Based and pestopilled

How is this possible kek

I lived in the UK for 3 years. I can throw literally every stone at your rotten teeth faces as much as I want.

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Boot licker

In case you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic

>I lived in the UK for 3 years.
Lmao. 1 year in Paris here, I wouldn't go back there for all the money in the world.

>I've leeched off the UK for 3 years and used my wage slavery as a roundabout welfare state for my family back at in my impoverished shithole
FTFY Pidor

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Poles literally have the worse teeth in Europe and your women come here to suck dick for pocket change.

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>british source

At least he could provide for his family with his hard work. Brits are lazy entitled niggers, just like the French.

Kek. Polack really fell for the Yank stereotype.

Ah yes, Paris, England

>>british source
I know Poles are subhuman but come on

>meme statistics made just to feel yellow tooth fell better

I've interacted with your dirty specimens far too long to get tricked ever again. You are literally halfbreeds with 0 self awerness, I hope your "herd immunity" will strike you dumbs shits so you will never recover. I really hope you will import more and more nigerians and pakis to replace your filthy kind once for all. Remember my words - you are finished, you will get replaced by people of color withih two maybe three decades, and this is a good thing.

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>I've interacted with your dirty specimens far too long to get tricked ever again. You are literally halfbreeds with 0 self awerness, I hope your "herd immunity" will strike you dumbs shits so you will never recover. I really hope you will import more and more nigerians and pakis to replace your filthy kind once for all. Remember my words - you are finished, you will get replaced by people of color withih two maybe three decades, and this is a good thing.
imagine writing this lmao
peak mental illness

slavs aren't human

>I went to your wealthy well run country that everyone wants to be in and earned a low wage and didn't make any friends and only interacted with scummers because I was a labourer


In fact their is...
The Flag and coat of arms of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Attached: sovereign-military-order-of-malta-s-m-o-m-coat-of-arms-over-flag.jpg (900x600, 108.18K)

>tfw I see triggered a*gloshits

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>Entire history is getting cockslapped by Germany and Russia.

LMAO Poles are so pathetic

No we will not apologise for leaving you to be the cumdumpster of Germany and Russia and no we owe you nothing.

British education.

Always makes me laugh when I see JFs use pics like this to try and take the mick when most people here relish the image, great big fat men who drink loads of pints are an elite breed that we cherish

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ooga booga, remember britshits when posting here, you might be visited from a local correctness police department. This may end up pretty bad for you as you are now a minority in your own country lol.

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Look I know the plumbing work isn’t going so well with this coronavirus isolation thingy, but u need to take a chill pill or ur gonna have a heart attack. I’m genuinely concerned, who else will clean the shitter?

That's not what plumbers do, you double digit retard.

*obsesses over your country and cherrypicks things I don't like about it and saves pictures about it onto my computer and bangs on about it* hahaha you just can't imagine it can you

And I'm supposed to believe these guys used to rule the world?

>imprisons your king
nothing personal kid

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Noone mentioning the Kiwi cunt who created this thread just to watch people shit on us.
I will remember this.......

it was you who allowed to butcher kids and turn them into kebab, not Polish immigrants you fool. Oh, yes I forgot. You can say anything bad about Polish workers but you have to be quiet when it comes to other minorities. I hope it servers you well.

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Don't you think it's sad that you know all this detailed stuff about the UK but noone knows anything about polish people other than that they never smile

>english people turn their children into kebab > polish people never smile


Although being Bosnian isn't the most favorable thing in the world I have the right to a neutral position, which in my case holds that being English is one of the most puke-inducing things one can be
These people don't receive sunlight throughout the whole year, the whole country either look like a steam engine industrial dystopia or the ruins of medieval castle
No wonder it's such a perfect breeding ground for the most evil and psychopathic individuals on Earth's surface

No you misunderstand, I'm sure lots of heinous stuff goes on in Poland, it's just that noone knows about it because noone sane would ever learn Polish and read about it on your news. As you're well aware, the UK is an extremely safe country, so of course you will have the same stories, if not worse. It's just that noone cares enough to look it up

>the UK is an extremely safe country

>. As you're well aware, the UK is an extremely safe country,
god fucking damn it. I lived 3 year in the UK..............don't tell me anything about safetiness in a country that is overrun by pakis, indians, niggers and chavs

you wouldn't say that if you were in his position

Oh dear!

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Cheap labour is imported to the same destinations. Which ghetto did you used to live in and how bad were you bullied and anally gangraped by Pakis?

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human trafficking is rife in Poland

I hope coronavirus wipes anglos out

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It's a coping mechanism among irrelevants and shithole dwellers. When you're such a prominent and prestigious country like the UK or US, you'll obviously be in the spotlight. We do have our fair share of subhumans and they must be dealt with accordingly, but Pooland is already filled with subhumans by itself.

The trashiest chav is worth a million of your so-called "people".

This. A classic British archetype. What's the problem exactly?