/ummah/ = /mena/ + /tr/ + /asean/ + /balk/ + /ex-yu/ + /desi/

sup ummah bros

Attached: mena.jpg (2654x1494, 268.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


islam is cancer and will cause the collapse of the west

Attached: ah.jpg (712x707, 69.48K)

you didn't add the generals for central asia, china, africa, russia, caucasus and diaspora muslims.
anyway next time don't try to bait by putting so many generals in the title. Just type /Ummah/ and I'll participate.

Attached: 0 ISLDistribution.gmms07.jpg (3300x2550, 781.63K)

because they arent active

new one


Please add سودـٰن (SWeDeN) next time as well.

my black brother

Hello fellow سُوَيدي

Subhuman Muslims actually post here
Based for both

You guys forgot Al Andalus?

are you actually swedish?

You are not brown

die accursed like your eunuch deity, sodomite dog.

Ja, nej.

fear not it is I, mr 5% nafri
just came by to say hey

I am 6'4 irl lake of testosterone
WTF man you think you talk shit like this over internet and get away with it
give me your address

t. كلب قبطي

Attached: egypt.jpg (540x960, 77K)

pssshttt. nothin personel akhi

pluggar du arabiska? började du i år eller?

You're only a lake of cum in your ass, choir boy.

Varför skulle jag ha först börja plugga i år?

Haha inte vet jag, sa bara något
brukade komma hit när jag pluggade för något år sedan

Ar du galen?

Betyder inte "libbe" Libanes? Jag är fortfarande Arab.

Jaha! Nej libbe är den tjocka libanesen som brevar i sverigetråden.

Aha. Jag är inte på Yas Forums ofta.

det är nog för det bästa, jag ska nog sluta komma hit igen sabbar mitt psyke på riktigt hahaha

Jo jag förstår. Är mest på v nuförtiden men det är nog samma skit överallt.

Where is that video from


that's a bad thing how

wow I never saw a majoosi kaafir post on here

Attached: iran_events.jpg (750x836, 367.57K)

t. butthurt s*nni

cringe and blue pilled. Islam is bound to become unpopular and without شوكة like christcuckiny but it would fun to see those pigskined whitoids speaking superior arabic rather than their retarded indo-european apespeak

t. post-op 'a*mi

>t. f-14 rust bucket pilot

t.butthurt majoosi

Attached: persia_conquest.jpg (1440x1268, 226.81K)

why are there so many ar*b diaspora
go back to your shitholes


Attached: muslim_man.jpg (570x322, 41.91K)

evrope is for svnni bvlls

Attached: 2050_europe_map.png (415x914, 201.13K)

That verse wasn't revealed because Aisha was accused of adultery. Aisha was never accused of adultery.

The story about Aisha being accused of adultery and that's why that verse was revealed was made up by the Bakri's in order to dismiss any doubts cast on the infallibility that they had given her by basically saying any criticisms of her are false just like this one supposed time she was accused of adultery and an ayah was sent down to defend her.

The reason that verse was really revealed, was because Aisha accused one of the Prophet's other wives, Marya, of adultery. And this verse is defending Marya from the false accusations put on her by Aisha.

Quit barking hindu diaspora, go back to india like your khomeini.

>These s*Lafi retards screaming "muh majoosi!"
>Ignoring the fact that the Umayyad and Abbasid Bakri scholars they ascribe infallibility to were literally majoosi

>under high migration scenario

only after i've skull fucked at least a hundred sunnis

ت مجوسي




You're literally retarded. You've been licking too much tainted abu lulu shrine again.

يا فرخ القحبه

although I'm not fully convinced that Islam is alhaqq min endallah but I'm an advocate for arabic imperialism, dabbing on أعاجم and forcing them to speak our superior language, wonder how we were successful in doing that with the berberniggers but couldn't do the same with the majoos and northern pajeets (pakis and bangs)

cope muttoids

t.butthurt zoroastrian LARPer

Attached: persia_muslim_conquest.png (2410x1566, 1.31M)

With what, your father's strap-on?

berbers were pretty much arab in lifestyle as nomads but persian dogs saw themselves as superior urbanites and not nomads

as for pajeets, they were simply too lazy to learn the language and were influenced by sunni persian dynasties

Kill all Muslims and kill all mods for never deleting these Yas Forumsddit threads

This is why subhuman 'ajmis have to cry themselves to sleep while cursing Umar, the breaker of kisra's rib.

idk what this is but mena is here

خنزير كافر
مص بظر اللات

t.cucktolick kaafir

Attached: pope_blacked.jpg (1024x688, 595.4K)


Attached: 1584278113244.png (820x791, 579.24K)

cry more doggy

I blame the fucking turkish roaches for ruling over half the muslim world for half a millennium and making their language more popular

Turks are better than Arabs

t.shia kaaafirs

Attached: shia_flowchart.png (2177x2442, 89.96K)

Why did you say you were a real Swede when you’re not?

>pls america help me from ISIS BVLLS

Attached: shia_soyjack.jpg (778x798, 60.95K)

muslims lie allot



Attached: (((((((((((majos.jpg (636x661, 32.39K)

What the fuck are you on about?

why do you keep stalking him in every thread

kek, name a single prominent kalam philosopher, jurisprudence scholar who was a turk. it's only persians and arabs


Attached: pepe discord.jpg (609x727, 99.62K)

t based

Attached: urduni.png (912x782, 144.68K)

بظر اللات أشرف وأطهر من هؤلاء العجم المأبونين . ليمصوا أير كسرى أو خميني

bros i want a mena gf

Attached: mena.jpg (3024x4032, 921.14K)

t unbased

Attached: serbcuck.jpg (1024x671, 81.85K)

Turks were too busy fucking boys and murdering their siblings. They squandered the entire Muslim world. Fuck 'ajam.
