What do you think of japs

What do you think of japs

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Don't care.

the girls are cute

beautiful women. i'm not an autist so i don't watch cartoons. games are alright but i haven't played since my early 20s

Mt Fuji is ebin

don't think about them at all

Jaban :DDDD

the only one i met irl was my math teacher

BOM the SHIT out of them!

Used have a really chill Japanese friend in elementary school. He invited me to play lazer tag

The obnoxious weebs deserve a bullet though.

How is grandfather?

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>BOM the SHIT out of them!

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I see. For as long as you are alive... The dragon's blood can never be mine.

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I heard there LGBT community in Japan are pretty rad and bunch of nice folks.

I will endure any burden. To save Ashina, I will shed humanity itself. Behold the lighting of Tomoe!

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they are like a joke but there's no really other alternatives to the smuggy western world

Pearl Harbor was a falseflag operation. Nanking did not happen. Remember the 250,000. All of SEA rightfully belongs to the Japanese empire.

>teleports behind you

theyre childish

I'm Taiwanese and love Japan to the point of not minding if they retook Taiwan

no homo

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i second this


Rutherford Alcock, British diplomatist, "The Capital of the Tycoon (1863)"
>I have no hesitation in saying that Japanese are, upon the whole, a cleanly people, wash often - live in houses open to the air, and look on wide and well-ventilated streets, where nothing offensive is allowed to rest. In all these things the Japanese have greatly the advantage over other Eastern races, and notably over the Chinese, whose streets are an abomination to any one possessing eyes to see, or a nose to smell with. (Vol. I, p. 189)

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don't really think about them, but I guess crazy korea haters online

but your people now live in megacities
maybe you take care of your hygiene but I can’t live in a concrete jungle
pic related is perfect

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I am unironically a massive weeb. Send help.

For what purpose do you want to know what the other posters think of us?

Shut the FUCK up you Jap faggot

ugly women


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because he is a weeb 馬鹿
japanese-korean mix is cute

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that is 100% plastic

t. 朝鮮人

*blocks your path*

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Miko no shinobi...

Why do jap girls love BLACK MEN so much?
This school girls dream is to marry a BLACK BVLL

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go thank justin trudeau for successful immigration
t.shizo chicano

cue to 1945, 2.5 million deaths and 2 cities reduced to a pile of rubble

tihis is japanese woman

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No particular opinion.

kek. nostalgic

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I am not into japanese woman, but your nation would look better if you gave your children plastic surgery as a gift after highschool grad

ordinary country without weebs

Don't worry because i don't marry japanese

Why do self hating nips like you exist?

I like myself but I just don't like Asian women

So what color of women do you want?

papua new guinean

Arab or Latin

wrong. all insects are gross


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How can you call this gross you fag?

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Dolphin eaters

you still around, yellow fever incel?

who are you faggot?

one of your haters

lmao I have like 2 haters on here
and WHY do you hate me? for what?

built for BBC

amerifats are built for getting shot in the head