dying inside edition
/v4/ + incels
magyar cigany
if you dont wanna live just kys
if you want attention get alot money
If you're gonna jump, then jump
Don't think about it
If you're gonna run home and cry
Then don't waste my time
If you're gonna kill yourself
Then to save face
Get on with it
Slonochimaru itt vagy? Ismered a Kolerafelkelés történetét?
beat corona on day 7
Eszegesze bamboleo
I ran over a snek yesterday and I still feel bad about it.
I miss slonchad, he keeps the breads alive
I dreamt I had additional nipple in the middle of my chest, honestly wierd as fuck
do you ever have any strange dreams argie
Good, stop killing animals, especially based ones like sneks
Well, one day I dreamt that a horse sudokued throwing itself from a windmill, thats the only one I can recall now
I am an incel.
do you think that the dream somehow correlates to your life situation?
I dreamed tgat long ago, when my economical situation was different but my emotional state was dire, so maybe
don't forget to wear face masks to protect others from your own saliva
cute anime girl please hug me and take my virginity
just spit on everyone
>+ incels
do you usually spit on people when you don't have a mask that stops you from doing so?
you spit while talking more often than you think
I spit on anyone that doesnt bow to me
Based and alphapilled.
what an trap
I am ready to die at any moment
I am an incel.
I am a Polskisexual.
young e-thots resort to doing this in order to attract faggot audiences, what has our world come to?
"People" who dress up like "cute" animoo characters should be locked up in concentration camps.
holy based, can any femoid weigh in on this?
Pic rel is the femorrhoid who wrote that.
She is right. I wish I was a dog of God burning her to death at the stake.
My family has abandoned me. I will die very soon. Goodbye cruel world.
And what about the low quality females?, I wonder whats her opinion on that
Her writing is aggressive, like she was butthurt when she posted it
even low quality women can pop out kids, incels are just expendable and as a society we have no way to dispose of these undesirables
My mother doesn't love me.
Incels could get laid too if they bothered going out and worked in their social skills, ive seen plenty of ugly fucks of both genders having partners and kids, but their standards arent usually high
Honestly 95% of these ever whining bitches arent even bad looking, they're coward, narcissistic and lazy fucks that want women to throw themselves at them, because perish the thought of someone rejecting them, oh the horror!
>dude just completely replace your personality, outfit and your taste just to get pussy
Women have no soul
Right, twist my words for your convenience, anything that excuses you of making any effort.
what happened user?
I made enough effort. I learnt my lesson.
Pls enlight me about it
He got cucked once.
Coca Cola Zero is so utterly shit when compared to Pepsi Max.
My family left me alone to survive the Corona alone, while they enjoy themselves in their Dacha. But it's okay O can follow them if I want. It's just I can't sleep in the Dacha, but there is a house in the middle of the forrest just 500 metre away from the Dacha. I can sleep in. I just need to stay alone in that house with no internet. With no reception. Completely isolated there. Also there is no public lightning there. And I have an extreme fear of darkness.
Or I can stay in the commie block. Alone risking everyday that I will contaminate Corona. I think I already have at and I have days left btw. I feel it. Also my mother got rid of my bed, because it was old and broken, but I can't sleep in this new bed. Yeah I know I should man up and stop whining.
And that's it? He found a shitty woman? Good god, you silly bois give up so easily.
Plenty of shitty people around the world, in fact they're majority, the good ones, like everything in life, aren't easy to find.
I am a failed normie, I started out as a super autist, but I worked myself up. Learnt how to be a normie. Learnt how to say high to the cashier. Learnt how to dance and how to work out how to groom myself. Learnt how to talk to foids. Even had a gf. Then my life broke apart and now I spend my days in my room posting on 4channel and slowly growing insane and wallow in self pity. Seeking attention in /v4/. Yes I am pathetic, but I don't care. I gave up.
>I think I already have at and I have days left btw
Even if you have it your chances of dying are very low unless you're a sickly boomer.
Also bruh you're like 26
chill out you definitely won't die of corona bro, just stay positive, things will get better eventually
>Then my life broke apart
What happened? The cucking?
Not just that. I graduated university and broke up with her at the same time. So my life fall apart over days. I lost my social circle. I moved back to my parents and I am basically a NEET since that. For two years I have been nothing with my life. Except for Yas Forums.
I know I am dying. My lab results will come out next week.
Ok schizo
I wish I was schizo I would get neetbux and meds.
Just fake it.
what happened is that you were pretending to be someone you werent, and a lie cant last forever, so the illusion crumbled
My advise: stop giving a fugg about gfs and trying to be a normie, and do only what you genuinely enjoy, your confidence will boost and eventually youll find someone who likes you by who you are
Out of curiosity, were your parents overbearing at some point?, you remind me a little to a former friend who gets utterly depressed for everything and her mother is overbearing desu
Damn, Gypsyvak looking good today!
*bans prostitution*
>Hehe, now the competition is gone and we can get as many tattoos and eat as many cheeseburgers as we want
do you feel physically like you are about to die or something?
My only joy is making other people angry on the internet.
>Overbearing parents
Not really. They didn't really care when I was younger. Although eversince I moved back home my mother kinda acts overbearing and wants me to start my life (get a job, get a gf etc).
Yes. I went to the doctor. They didn't say much. They will deliver the official diagnosis next week.
>get a job
You told me that you have a job, larper.
This, he's being pretty quiet today.
I see, youre the user that cries because he miss his mom, mommy's boy >:3
How old are you btw?
Shit I am busted. :) Feel free to post the "durrrr I am retarded" picture :)