Posted as reply to thread edition


Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /sp/, and /bant/, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitLab page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums/tree/master/maps
About Yas Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>Making Flags?

>Having troubles installing the script?
Ask here

>Looking for flags?
The 4 boards that have integrated default flags are Yas Forums, /bant/, Yas Forums and /sp/. Happy hunting :^)

>Other flag tools?
Flaggot: github.com/dnsev/flaggot
Flag Fixer: github.com/ebinBuddha/Yas Forums-Flag-Fixer
Extra Flag Lister: github.com/ebinBuddha/Flag-Lister-for-Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:




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stop linking your GOD DAMN POSTS CUGAT

the last stand of implicit white identity, pic related

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>he got /flag/ linked to /s4s/
this is a new low

>tampa, i saw your asian girl posts on boards.4channel.org/int/flag
>do you really love us asian girls?

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why yes
yes I do

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>why yes
>yes I do

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Why are there two of the exact same /flag/ threads? Delete this one let’s post in the other

bro that's a funny joke man i remember going over this about 20 minutes ago and now here it is again the same joke haha

where did you get that photo of me

from the good 'ol folks over at extraflags.com

I've reported you to the internet police and other relevant authorities
you're as good as dead mister


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are we posting our previously posted mediocre posts again now?


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i hope all of you are getting your schoolwork done

i hope youre getting in that nursing home you like so much

i have no idea what this nonce is on about

senile old man talking to himself
doesnt even know how to reply to other posters anymore
a true shame

holy shit mane are you really STILL concerned over that?

ok ok i'll stop if you simply reply, maybe i'll get back into it after so long

we are all very concerned

i don't even think you read my post at all
is my schizophrenia spreading to you?
i think you might want to seek a professional asap mate


me? oh no, its my ADHD that doing that
hey where is my Juul more like :B:ool haha

its fucking hard to type out the number of your posts and the two little arrows everytime i want to reply to you, you know

i'll take it into consideration bud

>go on to /soc/ to talk to people because bored and pandemic happening
>enter the clean discord and kik threads
>explicitly say nothing sexual
>end up getting message from self-described fat 30 year old latina
>tries to move things sexual, talks about me being incel
>rebuke her, but keep talking. It's not very often that females want to talk to me
>eventually gets pissed and clingy, demands to know why I'm not responding to her fast enough
>tell her it's no big deal
>gets super defensive, insults me, tells me that with my looks I'll struggle finding women and that I should treat her with more respect
>block her
I mean, from the few experiences I've had with women I haven't been proven wrong. Shout out to Tampa and Detroit on this one, best a guy like me can "get" (emphasis on that, wasn't even looking to talk to females) are abusive fat brown women. Meanwhile white women are busy dicking down chad and tyrone by the bunch

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someone should write a script to fix that
you should be able to click the post number, and have it auto-fill the reply box, with a new line after it

who are you talking to?

>be autistic
>want women
>have a woman scrambling for you
>shut her down
kind of based, but also kind of cringe given your situation. it's not like you were actually going to have sex or something, it was just a cringe e-message thing. no need to stroke your 'tism over it

the post I am about to link sums up my opinion of you quite nicely you won't recover from this one, r*tard

should've stopped talking to her right then, i would say its your fault for not seeing the red flags and expecting something like her to be normal, but with your fucked up view on the world i can excuse that

bro i don't know what you're talking about you linked nothing for me on my end ??????

ahh, what could've bean...

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discordo tranny


I'm not going to take verbal abuse Tampa. I mean, it just goes to show, the best an average man can get is a fat abusive old brown woman. Meanwhile a black guy can get all the prime white pussy he wants.
>it's not like you were actually going to have sex or something
I know, but it would be nice if normal white women were actively seeking me out, not hambeasts. I got literally nothing on online dating, and I've been bullied and abused by females my entire life. It's nothing new, just thought I'd share the story as another testament as to why I'm right and you're wrong.
I mean I didn't intend to start anything, but I mean my "fucked up view of the world" is reality. That's really the best a normal "nigga"
can get these days.


Basically my paragraph said:
She calls you ugly and says you’ll have a hard time while she herself was obsessed and wanted your dick.

You should’ve gotten sexual back.

Don’t get too personal with incel shit you don’t have to.

This is one L of many, but don’t give up, and don’t believe her bullshit. I’ve heard that shit a fuck ton of times from girls online that I turn down and I just move on to another. Every girl does it.

Also pic semi related as it’s my Online French GF of 3 days so far

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Why should I give sexual gratification to someone who's abusive? Plus, I'm only interested in white women who aren't fucking hambeasts. I'm just showing that the only women who are interested in me are abusive ugly psychopaths. if anything shit like this is only going to reaffirm my androcentrism.

do you really think normal women browse discord threads on /soc/, much less Yas Forums in general? this site attracts basket cases and you definitely shouldn't be surprised when you come in contact with one imo

>Implying similar shit hasn't happened in real life with women saying I'm ugly, insulting me, and bullying me
the only difference is that in real life, the girls never liked me because they were normal, and were just doing it to increase their social standing, impress their boyfriends, encourage incel suicide, etc.

can you post screenshots of this happening? curious to see

Imma keep it 100 with you bruh, but if it’s really THAT FUCKING BAD for you, you gotta learn to settle. Not every girl is gonna be pic related. And if they are, and like you physically, you gotta tone the autism down, because believe it or not girls see personality too. Plus you live in the US (ESPECIALLY CALI) ffs so there’s about a 0.001% chance you’ll find pic.

Also, that ain’t abusive. I’ve been associated with a truly “abusive” female before (more like manipulative). She was just mad that she couldn’t see Sonodick. From what you said she didn’t seem “abusive” before your rejection. And like I said, 99% of girls will insult your face/dick/anything about you if you reject them, especially sexually. Also see

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nah son, a nigga deserves better than discord tier single mothers
provided he passes his midterms, you get me?

I already blocked her and I guess that deleted the entire thread. Sorry.
>you gotta learn to settle
I'd much rather takERisks. It's not like I go after stacys, I mean I already know my ceiling is the kind of bitch from earlier, I just want y'all to admit that I'm fucked. Better yet, I want you both to RESPECT my inceldom and stop posting attractive women here since you both know I have no chance getting them. It ruins my mental state, especially since i am hypersexual due to the spergers

I'm dropping out after this semester, so I will need a citation needed on that one if you catch my drift.

Inceldom is retarded and literal LGBT tier crybabyness so it’ll never get or deserve any respect. But no ones fucked unless you were born a potato (physically disabled) or lost your face via a grenade. again, taking risks isn’t a good idea if you really want results.

dropping out?
then what?

I'm basically fucked, I might as well have been born a potato or physically deformed. If I didn't have aspergers I wouldn't care but one of the traits of aspergers is an extremely high sex drive.
>taking risks isn’t a good idea if you really want results.
I don't think you actually understood what I meant by that.

What did you mean

Is that a final decision?

I think so, I just can't focus or do this shit anymore. Even with the online classes, I don't have the motivation to study. i spent the past week just making flags and watching youtube. Those last rounds of midterms basically condemned me, and my grandparents won't let me drop courses.
Read it again, this time carefully.


Here is my Top 10:

manly man song

And you really, really feel that that would bring any semblance of meaning to your life?

Sonoma and Yas Forums BTFO

Bloomers rise up

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My life already has no meaning. I'll never reproduce.

What a silly, soulless way of looking at things.

So what will you be doing after you drop out? Will you enter the labour market or move out of state or something?

I'm fairly certain he's redoing his physics class next year, when he won't have to do the math class on top of it.

You've obviously never had to face any existential crisis in your life.

He's hinting at shooting women, hence why he capitalized the "ER" in "takERisks"

AKA why he keeps talking so cryptically every time he mentions dropping out

sorry, you're right, clearly the only solution always involves shooting someone. give us all a break and just shut up already

I said I would rather ER than just settle and live the rest of my life as a beta cuck. I don't have the resources to ER, and even if I tried I wouldn't kill as many woman as I would like to. There's no way that I alone in one attack could get the body count I would want, so I won't ER.

I wish I could tho. Females are wretched and have ruined my life.

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You just don't want to lose your precious stacies that you hoard. Well news flash Tampa, I'm not gonna take them from you. You can continue to have them and ruin lives like mine all you want. You can steal my jobs, internships, etc. I don't have to put up with this shit regardless.

>14, 1D Wednesday
>180, 2D Today

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You're about to get a rude awakening kek, should have taken me seriously.

Why not just skip to the part where you blow your brains out?


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I don’t care this is nothing as usual.

>6 gorillion infected
>5,999(repeating) gorillion cured
>1 dead

Better shut it bitch