On a scale of 1-10 (10 being hysterical), how panicked are the average people of your country about the coronavirus situation right now?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being hysterical)...
damn all the preppers must be laughing their ass off rn
omg all of those boomers so close.
not close enough
Why do people live in LA again?
it just keeps going jesus
mexicans are retarded
The hysteria wasnt even that bad here. What's wrong with Americans lol.
I live next to a hospital so I'd say about 11, I saw people fighting today. losing their shit everywhere, illega shitskins wondering not having anyone to sell drugs to. After 10 everything's closed, the only thing missing is some zombie music
also everyone's wearing a mask and gloves
I'm actually more surprised that there's a proper fucking line.
Like 4, I’ve seen buckwheat bought out in one of the supermarkets, that’s about it
but that seems like just 1 guy, and judging by his size that might just be his average weekly groceries
Getting more so, I think, consideing everything is now locking down.
Real talk I was completed fine, until my mum told me my aunty (who works in healthcare) is working directly with Corona patients and our main hospital is it lockdown.
I'd not long watched a video about staff members falling ill and dying. My uncle passed away just last month, So I'm pretty fucking SHOOK.
Trying to calm my self down, and hope I can still get a taxi to the coach.
The stores are still full of wares even though they're selling pasta and beans on discount. I've heard things are a bit worse in Stockholm though so I guess it's a 2/10
dios mio...
And those are the subhumans that insult Mexico.
>la luz extinguido
so are Mexicans really just out and about doing everything the exact same as they normally would?
About the virus itself? 3
About the economic future? 9
We're retarded, so we've both ends of the panic spectrum
Idk. Maybe like a 7-8?
See a few people wearing masks. Obviously they closed down a bunch of stuff. My sister is flipping out and wants to keep my parents in lockdown, my dad is like "eh God sent it to kill Trump"
i don't get out much, but i think it's about a 4
Meanwhile in Florida
That's an average Saturday at Costco tbqh
>Cypress, CA
I doubt it considering they're all your brethren to begin with
There I was thinking the queue's at tesco was bad (maybe 10 people)
>and judging by his size that might just be his average weekly groceries
Germans go often to the market and buy fewer groceries in general.
T. lived in Germany.
Tesco is a meme mart, nothing like Costco
At my grocery stores there is no line everyone can just go in. Heard a few people coofing. Pretty sure I caught Corona
apart from a complete transport lockdown everything is fine
There were dudes in full hazmat suits dragging pallets of milk out of the store and i live in a small countryside town. So I'd say 8. We slovenians are generally sheep and very easy to scare into total panic so this isn't really surprising.
It's going to end up killing less people worldwide by the time it blows over than cars did this year but people are still going to drive like fucking morons.
we have retards thinking the suspention of schools are work are extended vacations, and see it as an opportunity to go on trips
smart guy, have a mask-use it
kek based and hedonismpilled
We mobilized the army for the first time since WW2, the federal government declared emergency an currently rules via decrees, all non essential shops, all public venues and places are closed, the police will disperse crowds over 5 people and in supermarkets you have to queue up and get a number to enter the store. Stores are full tho even at evening, the last couple days you had to be early to get everything.
People are nice and calm and disciplined, I was amazed and a little bit proud that the Swiss still can pull themselves together.
I'd say 3/10 panicked
I work in a grocery store. We need staff on hand 24/7 to restock the shelves but there's no line out the door wtf
Indeed I do. Prepped already in January, pretty much when only China coofed, because I understand we live in a world where normally there are 100K flights per day from every cunt to every cunt and that my cunt eventually would be next. Also because I know that people are just fucking animals, and I refuse to be in the chaos you now see in supermarkets, not to mention that it is the most likely place to still get infected. I find it fucking amazing, yet quite amusing that 95% of the people didn't have the capacity to see this coming and only made last minute preparations, which are only half assed because of the rush, I'm sure.
Covid19 will be a reoccurring phenomenon. Perhaps a cure/vaccin will be perfected by then, but I'm not counting on it. So when the time is right I will prep again for the next wave, and in all comfort just watch the sequels of this shitshow.
shit like this is why price gouging laws need to be removed or mandatory ration card and quotas be put in place. what the literal fucking shit is this? people are more likely to get SARS 2 HERE.
4. People are buying lots of food (possibly because many people don't keep weeks of food in their home), shop keepers and the like were wearing disposable gloves, but that's about it. Once they have a bit of food in the house, most are content. But selfish millennials and zoomers refusing to obey social-distancing rules has forced the government to get stricter in their public gathers closures.
Nope, go on Twitter. They're bitter as fuck denialist because they're overwhelmingly Drumpf supporters. It's honestly hilarious.
lol bullshit I am assuming you are memeing. Preppers are smug as fuck rn
Our government just gave out 32 billion in free credits, by Monday if you have a registered business and need money, you just can go to your local bank and get up to 500k free creditline to support you during the next months.
Literally the first thread there is whining about muh libtards
It was maybe 5 or 6, a week ago, now it's more like 2. I went to the supermarket yesterday and it was fully stocked again, and very few people.
They are gloating that they (the red states) are prepared with their big prepper hoards and big city libtards aren't.
>Another silver lining to all this... The pandemic might just pop a few liberal bubbles, and get them into the real world and away from their fantasies about gumdrops and lollipops. The real world is harsh, and often unforgiving. You need to be prepared to meet it.
>And to those that won't learn the lesson... well, they are at greater risk of contracting this, and we might see a "stupidity die off" in the near future.
That's not "Denialist" thats smugly waiting for the libtards to die off while they sit pretty on their preps. Important difference.
The still think the virus wont get them because they live in a small town and vote Rep, when all numbers say that you're growing exponentially.
No they are literal preppers they think the virus can't get them because they dont have to leave their land for months at a time. Right now their biggest fear is the govt comes to take their preps and they have to fight em off.
>They are gloating that they (the red states) are prepared
That's even more laughable if they get sick they're fucking toast. No ventilators or doctors around for literal miles.
>Prepped already in January
Prepped jackshit, if you're not behind a vpn, I'm wondering what the fuck you're doing in the netherlands, one of the most dense area in the world, whil the shit is about to hit the fan.
My mom keeps watching stupid news and she sees 700 Italians died and panics. I can't explain to her Italy is a 60 million country and like 3000 Italians die daily in normal conditions too.
I live in Bayern, and we went pretty much into lockdown today because people were being retarded and partying outside due to the good weather. So I'd guess around 5.
>live in the capital city area
>go do groceries around 4pm
>shelves are emptier than usual but still well stocked
>people are going about their business normally
>see a couple of face masks but that's it
>find everything i need with zero hassle and go home
business as usual desu
a cashier started coughing everywhere after he finished ringing me up
am i doomed
What the literal fuck... have normies completely lost their goddamn fucking minds?
>Small town rural certainly has the advantage here. They are more independent and self-sufficient than their big city opposites. They are less densely populated, which inherently hinders the spread. And they tend to favor personal liberty over panicked "safety measures"
> Red and Blue America Aren’t Experiencing the Same Pandemic
It's clearly about politics and muh liberty. tell that to the virus when it comes along. The Spanish Flue did hit places like Alaska and the Pacific Islands hard and every single town in the continental US, big or small, why should it be different this time.
If you're a legit prepper and you need this, good for you, but everyone that is still bickering about politics is a fucking moron. This one will hit you harder than any other developed nation and you're still playing great divide. Shameful behaviour for a true Republic.
You are mixing politics and prepping, preppers are laughing that they aren't panic buying like the rest as they have bought their goods months ago, all the Trump politics are a different thing and don't even apply to preppers here in Europe. And I hate this image of preppers being some redneck stereotype that you see on TV, you just need to go on the reddit prepper forums to see that is simply not true.
Probably 3. There are more people than usual in grocery stores and toilet paper shelves are half empty but things are otherwise calm.
3-4 I would say. They buy like crazy but it does not seem that anyone is really worried about his safety. You see very little masks or other protection and people still fill all public places. Everyone posts memes like crazy.
Hell, the Gf got called that she was with an infected on her last flight, called her boss if she can come in, homeoffice is boring and he was just like "yeah, see you tomorrow and don't worry, we all get that stuff anyways".
Both Austria.
>This one will hit you harder than any other developed nation
Dont know why it would. Its not like EU is handling it very stellar honestly, and so far EU has done worse.
Le seething
Imagine being an expat in Bavaria. Yesterday it was just fine, today you're confined to your room, the police is on the streets and shouts at you in German. You heard rumours that they are rounding up all the "foreigners" to a "prevention camp"
Normies are losing their minds though.
It's going to kick to 8 in a week.
Especially with the leftist republican autism and voxemitas getting very angry at the gov.
Yeah nice toilet paper castle you got there broeder.
yea, but that's because of all the measures that are taken
left unchecked it would probably kill people by the millions considering all the old people in first world countries
The situation in Italy is fucking dire there so yeah your mother is gonna be worrying to deaths.
Shouldn't the people be further apart?
I think a lot of them are trying to get chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine.
The idea with prepping is that you batten down the hatches and refuse to leave your preps. Eventually the feds and/or raiders and/or sheriff come to take your preps (they were fools who failed to listen to preppers when times were good) so you have no choice but to get into a big shootout and yeah kill'em.
I dont think you have a real grasp on the prepper mindset in spite of your twitter experience.
You are right though that most preppers tend toward rural lifestyles and miles and miles away from closest hospital or even doctor clinic. Not that it helps much, the problem is "hospitals all full" not "hospital far away". We are all fucked.
Lmao, that shit would get you arrested in Italy.
>Dont know why it would. Its not like EU is handling it very stellar honestly, and so far EU has done worse.
I give you a hint, epidemics time is measured in days, day 0 is when you hit 100 initial patients.
Italy is currently at day 25, they have 47k infected and this number doubles ~72 hours.
The US is at day 16 because the epidemic started later , they have 18k cases as of now and this number doubles every ~48 hours. By day 25 you will have around 300k cases and the dead will start piling up because you have run out of ICU beds and hospitals have to make a tirage.
Generally relaxed.
Knowing to keep their distance, not to panic shop, as there's plenty of everything, and we generally understand the whole personal hygiene thing. Also that we must prolong and delay the virus for as long as possible at the make the spread as slow as possible so we shan't swamp our hospitals.
Basic quarantine rules really.