Why a lot of anons have a inferiority complex over their eye color ?

Why a lot of anons have a inferiority complex over their eye color ?
Its eyeshape that is the most important

any women would prefer chico lachowski or orldando bloom than your average blue eye chad

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Francisco Lachowski comes very close to perfection. There are virtually no flaws in his facial appearance.

He has perfect maxillofacial growth which becomes evident from the zygomatic arches that project wide and are round in shape in the tipping points. The nose is perfect: straight nasal septum indicates the face hasn't grown vertically more than it should at any point in developmental time so it doesn't appear hooked, it is also devoid of any obscure mal/formations, crookedness or deviation

He has near perfect dentofacial growth. While he has gotten some dental aid with orthodontics (evident from the appearance of his top central and lateral incisors+canines), his bite is perfect. You can tell this by looking at his lip posture, which is affected by the position of the mandible, and anyone will agree that it looks nice and balanced. The mandible is in an ideal position which means there's no malocclusion, and malocclusions have an enormous impact on the aesthetic appearance of the face. This is rare because with modern [western] diet and the rapid increase of allergies, it is extremely hard for most males to develop a nice looking jaw (not to mention that you need the appropriate testosterone levels and genetics to develop one). It takes a perfect growing environment on top of good genes and hormone profile to develop a balanced facial structure like Lachowski's, and that's leaving out the individual features like the eye area, which in Lachowski's case is unique in itself. Now combine all this with the fact that he is 6'5" tall with perfect frame and bideltoid breadth, completely hooded eyes with aegyo sal and neutral canthal tilt with no scleral show and no upper eyelid exposure, flawless skin and perfect facial leanness, 1.88 fwhr, 0 on the NW scale, 7 cm interpupillary distance and 14.2cm of zygo width, forward grown maxilla and jawline with a massive skull.

>chico lachowski

i know he is literally perfect
italian-polish mix male model


Never understood why this nigga so famous just looks like your average chad outside photo shoots. When the make up and good angles are gone he just looks average.

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>slavo-med hybrid unleashing the potential of both gene pools
the germanics fear this

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Reminder to bluecels, they changed him from a nordic blonde blue eyed god to a mutt polynesian and made over 1 billion at the box office because of women.

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He has nigger nose and lips.

Because fren, women taste are a lot different to incels on Yas Forums with white utopia fetishes

Attached earlobes
>No flaws

Literally only something an autist would notice or care about

Girl here, BTS members

Nah he’s really not that handsome let’s face it. Compare him with someone like Sean O’Pry and he just looks like your average joe

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6'3 and giant skull

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He is hitting the wall hard

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People need a reason to explain their insecureties which lead to many blaming their eye colours for why they are being held back. Others might blame the shape of their nose, their height or some other physical feature when in reality it's their behaviour and mindset that's their true problem

Didn’t know he was that tall t bh

I had never noticed his nose shape, I imagine he probably has some KANG or Native ancestor in his family tree

>italian-polish mix
Damn, he's definitely a pussy destroyer.

>sean opry
lol you did not, opry looks like an autistic gay mong in most photos compared to Lachowski


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Yeah male and female models are supposed to look different than your average chad/Stacey. Modeling would be so boring if it only had average handsome people

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I have brown chink eyes


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I'm living this tragedy

Not an argument

Just shave bro, don't resist

I used refuse to look at myself in the mirror while I was balding.

Fucking same. I had a good run tho so at least I enjoyed my youth while it lasted

This. So much this.

It's called being a decent human being.

Yeah, I'm thinking soy and cringepilled.

Wow, problematic much? Downvoted.

Wow.... just wow, friendo.

You, sir, are a bigot.

Go back to rebbitt, you redditor subhuman from plebbit brrraaaaapppp

Wow, you sound like a hecking fascist. I'm crying rn.

And you sound like you love soy keeeeeek

Ugh, my feelings don't care about your facts

Logic always prevails, soyboy.


But logic is literally Hitler!!!!

Ok? and half of the models look like aliens, and most of them people don't even know. Just because you're a model doesn't mean you're the idol of everyone's worship. Take your guy for example, i've only ever seen him posted and talked about by incels.

Kekerino le SJW is seething

Ugh, >implying being a sjw is bad
Like you're more of a bigot with each post

Yes, SJW cucks are ruining the media

Eye shape is all

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He’s literally the most famous male model right know (he’s been the most famous for like 6 years now)

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How? Because we don't support white supremacy, you evil nazi?

I need a porno with alessandro and franciso, no homo.

Videogames are part of our heritage, cuck

He is one of the top paid. Guess what, so is Kylie Jenner. How many normal people do you see calling Kylie Jenner the hottest woman in the world? Exactly. Just because you're a model, doesn't mean the general public is lusting after you kek

A heritage of heteropatriarchal racism, ugh...

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That's it, I'm finishing this conversation, anti logic cuck. Everyone can see I won.

You’re just being dense on purpose, Jenner got where she is because of her family, everyone knows that. It’s pretty obvious Sean deserve to be where he is because he just happens to look very unique

To be honest, you make pretty good points. Fuck it, I won't be a sjw anymore. Thank you for making me smarter, man.

Absolute cope. There are models who come from as wealthy families as Kylie. No one, not even gays of /hm/ post this faggot. Again literally only you incels from those boards seem obsessed with him because muh hunter eyes. No one else lusts for him, and in fact a lot of actual girls he's been shown to called him weird looking.