Why are blue eyes always considered to be the most attractive eye colour?

Why are blue eyes always considered to be the most attractive eye colour?
>no evolutionary advantage
>weaker against sun

>maybe because its rare?
no, hazel and green are rarer but most consider blue eyes to be prettier
>it only looks good on women
>brown eyes are better looking in my opinion

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but dark green is the best eye color

>cyanosis eyes
why are white people like this

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>>no evolutionary advantage
unironically makes you have better sight in darkness

Actually blue eyes are genetically weaker

I've never met a guy who gave a shit about a girls evey colour. Only girls do

The evolutionary advantage is super apparent. I can mate with whatever women I choose.

Pretty much

>It only looks better on women
That's such a lie, most women I've met strongly prefer blue eyed men.
I also prefer blue eyed girls (male)

>no evolutionary advantage
I'm pretty sure has to do with melanin and sunlight?

>Actually blue eyes are genetically weaker
Wtf are you talking about. A trait being "recessive" doesn't make it "weak". On the contrary, it's clear evidence that said trait was indeed very successful

Redpill: Blue eyes are just brown eyes that lack melanin

>but most consider blue eyes to be prettier
Than green?

I always hear this but all it means is that blue eyed men had to breed FOUR TIMES AS MANY WOMAN as br*wnoidds in order to pass their eye genes.
Just think. Not twice as many woman as the average man. Not three times. Four times as many, MINIMUM just to keep blue eyes in the population.
>no evolutionary advantage
Sounds like an advantage to me.

>Recessive means genetically weaker
Mutt education

Where are my /cope2/ bros at

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>hazel and green are rarer
Nigger, i am 6,25% native and have it. It's literally mutt eyes.

Green is very hit and miss though.

for me

light eyes look better on men
it give a colder/ killer look

So are blue
Actually they're mostly miss and look void and soulless
Very uninteresting and unattractive

wow monkey. have a medal

because they're pretty

And yet the majority of the world is brown eyes, not blue lol

cope,mutt, only 1% of people actually have an eye color which is even remotely the light brown that you've posted, most are literally just shit color
how? as i know blue eyed people are more likely to go blind and have worse vision then brown eyed europeans on average.
eye color isnt really a dealbraker for guys but every guy prefers blue eyes over brown

>no evolutionary advantage
>weaker against sun

blue and other coloured eyes are just more attractive, and that’s why they have spread so much

>no, hazel and green are rarer but most consider blue eyes to be prettier
Who thinks blue eyes are better than green or hazel eyes?



Blue-green is the overall most beautiful eye color.
t. Grey eyes

i like brown eyes except on white people
white people with brown eyes look boring and stupid

...and that minority of blue eyed men is reproducing at four times the rate you are. they really don't teach you much in school down south do they?

Blue eyes are related to myopia not because of the colour itself but rather they share similar population, a northern european with brown eyes is also suceptible

Green eyes are souless

So they're still the minority, so basically what you're telling me is allthroughout history browns were the most successful cope more.

She's gorgeous because of her facial features, not her eye color.

Also, name?

Uh,hello, Cope department?

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>quantity is the only indication of value
why are you people like this?

brown eyes are cute on babies. on adults it’s cringe

Ew, diarrhea colored eyes. Literally the worst kind.

Blues on full cope mode not a single blue twink topped these two amount of global worship

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Nobody is gorgeous only for eye colour

sounds like a cope

they are sexier thats why, do you need any other reason?

>no evolutionary advantage
Make you more attractive so more likely to mate. That's all the advantage a trait needs

The opposite, brown eyes see better in darkness

these are amber eyes, not br*wn. Cope harder, br*wnie

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Nice memes. Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scott Eastwood just off the top of my head.
Beeboid was only THAT popular among prepubescent girls... literally anyone who's marketed enough for them will achieve that.

Blue eyes only look good on men.

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> why yes I love my brown eyes

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>scott eastwood
He barely gets work and is a little who to most
>zac efron
mostly gays
>chris hemsworth
literally only for thor, nobody cared about him before marvel and all his films outside marvel flopped
this one is fair, but also old. But the rest of your list were cope. None of those guys even came close to Biebermania

what the hell are you on about?
blue or green eyes, have less pigment in the iris, which makes the iris more translucent and lets more light into the eye.

If she looked you directly in the eyes, you'd start blushing like a soyboy. Admit it.

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This thread is so much filled with ignorance I'm starting to believe you're all just americans with a VPN

>no evolutionary advantage
Yeah except
>see better in the dark
>see better underwater
>less likely to be colourblind
>colour is more vivid

Brown-eyed people are successful

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ITT: Incels dickracing on ophthalmic æsthetix

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Cope, shiteyes

> lopsided mouth
> assymetrical face
is this baltic cope

Now this is cope.

>According to some studies, there is a slight difference in vision capabilities between people with light and dark colored eyes. Lighter eyes, such as blue or green eyes, have less pigment in the iris, which leaves the iris more translucent and lets more light into the eye. This means that light-eyed people tend to have slightly better night vision than dark-eyed people. However, darker eyes act like a stronger filter for light, which means that dark-eyed people tend to see better in bright sunlight and are less susceptible to glare.

blue eyes allow you to see better in the night

I know because in the Dutch Army all Recon guys must have blue eyes

This is pretty true, I don't pay attention to eye colour at all but girls use it all the time to describe someone. Dunno why that is.

Basically, blue eyes confirmed introverts


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>br*wn eyes
either cope or extremely delusional

brown eyes allow you to fuck more in Europe

I know because in Europe all Black guys have brown eyes

It makes your tribe more distinct from muds even if you live in the same area which is always a plus

I disagree

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not really

Gracie Abrams

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>Implying I called any kind of eye colour æsthetic in my post
Wherefore art thou so insecure?? I merely pointed out the absurdity of the thread.

If you're a woman with blue eyes you are a whore
If you're a man with brown eyes I'm so sorry it had to be like this
If you're a woman with brown eyes you are my queen
If you're a man with blue eyes you will always be my brother

Black guys would have had more sex if they had blue eyes.


She is "gorgeous" for other two reasons

This, brownish/darkish eyes on white people can look unique and exotic af because you don't expect it.

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No one likes blue eyes except niggers

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence...

Not really. This guy only looks exotic because of his eye shape and brow.


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Literally first image i got on "blue eyed blonde" search on google images. Because I knew any option within those parameters was better. Kek

Low light visibility is a million times more useful imho
Specially on poorly lighted bike paths of France
Her tits are awful without a bra, a good example of why more is not better in the tit department

based turk, please impregnate my sister and make a superior brown race

98% of the world is sunny, so no.

It's because we tend to stare at tits while girls are more prone to scan your entire body for imperfections like they do to themselves in the mirror every day

>t. arab whos women has at least 20 pairs of blue eyed lenses
t. knower

>Low light visibility is a million times more useful imho
Yes and you could always use sunglasses or just not look at the Sun. The worst that happens to me is that I get temporary "snowblindness" (inability to see colour blue, everything looks dim and orangish) when I come inside a building after being outside in the winter for 30 minutes.

100% of earth experiences night time

blue eyes look soulless desu

anytime I see blue eyes I think "damn there goes one of those husks"

It's not so much about eye color, as it is not being blondoid. All the top actors and highest paid models from most countries are not blondes. Even in Denmark it's a darkie.

See: girlsaskguys.com/dating/q2735033-which-do-you-think-is-hotter-top-or-bottom

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eye shape matters more than color

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98% of the world is a shithole
Even in those shitholes there is night
Even during day there are indoor spaces
I'm pretty sure more people die of stumbling in the dark than in glare even in saudi arabia

That's very homo sex of you Ikea.

All studies say the differences between both are only slight, relax. You are not vampires, and brown eyes are not superman.

There is no difference between blue and brown. Both have eumelanin, brown just have it more. Blue eyes just weak type of brown eyes.
Real white people (like me) have green eyes, they have pheomelanin.

brown hands typed this post

fucking disguqting
i hate when they do that
their brown eyes are 100x times better

Ice blue eye color reporting

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>even in day there are indoor spaces
Like I said, confirmed introvert

Actual blonde male adults are rare. If anything they punch way above their numbers in the amount of actors that are blonde.

Based and redpilled sad that the blue eyes belong to a Nord.


not more than snownigs getting tans kek


i think its cute, but cringe yes. their real eyes are better

Not really, Alexander Skarsgard attained none of the clout Henry Cavill did and he had a WHOLE show that all the normie faggots watched, before Henry.

what are you trying to prove with these pics?

Some Arabs have blue eyes.

Are we havn a problem cracka?

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Very few as in a tiny handful.and they are mixed.

He's not even blonde, what are you about?

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>people who are light-eyed

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its cute when its natural but ceinge if lenses

If he's not blonde, that just makes it even worse

Blue eyed supreme map

Native Italians , Spaniards, and Greek with blue eyes are descendants of patricians while their swarthoids descend from their slaves and Christian immigrants, that's the master race the 1-10% patrician population in southern Europe.

r8 my eyes

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