>your cunt
>thoughts on the electoral college system
personally i think it makes elections pretty entertaining. if it was just raw vote there wouldn't be any betting or "big moments" like when Trump won florida
Your cunt
I like it because it pisses off Californians
oh no no no landonbros we got too cocky
How does Texas get more points that California ?
Cali has 40 million people Texas has 25 million
ask Yas Forums
I can tell by your text patterns that you are both under 18 and have an IQ below 100. Get off my board.
that map is from 1936
Ok .... I figured something was off
I'm a conservative and that's no point in voting since I live in a blue State so I stay at home.
It's kinda shitty if you are a liberal in Texas or a conservitaive in California or new York. Your vote never matters
texas will turn blue this year as the millions of CHIs vote democrat
A system so retarded only americans could have come up with it.
why do you call it a college? do students go there or something?
Better than having 2 states determine the policies of 50.
it is based
Same but in the reverse. I don't bother with congressional elections either because the candidates on both sides are terrible and the morally bankrupt incumbents have been reelected for 20 years straight.
are you retarded? that's exaclty what it does, except it's Ohio and Florida
This, California is like it's own country. They should just leave the union
college definition 4
Yes, it makes much more sense to have Cletus and the 3 other people living in Montana to decide the fate of tens of millions in the locations where people actually live.
And no before you call me a seething libcuck I think Hillary is a literal demon, but that system makes no sense. If it had worked against Trump in 2016 in a situation where he won the popular vote but lost the election you would be seething about how the electoral college only exists so jews can rig elections or something.
except now florida and ohio do
imagine letting FLORIDANS fucking decide the future of your country
I have never heard anyone use it by that definition my entire life
Shut the fuck up, chi
seething libcuck
>And no before you call me a seething libcuck I think Hillary is a literal demon, but that system makes no sense. If it had worked against Trump in 2016 in a situation where he won the popular vote but lost the election you would be seething about how the electoral college only exists so jews can rig elections or something.
What the fuck are you talking about schizo?
So you can't read and can only think in memes. No wonder your country is in the state it's in.
Your elections are worthless 2me, no matter who wins it'll be an imperialist warhawk.
>so low iq you can't read basic sentences
this is how stupid conservatives are
it's an archaic definition, but the EC is centuries old
That's a good thing desu. Latam would be a commie hellhole without us.
Just speaking the truth. It's only natural that Trump fanboys would think positively because it happened to work out in their favor. If it hadn't facilitated a Trump victory despite him losing the popular vote you would be crying about it. Looking at it objectively it is just retarded. Imagine having only 2 options and if your state is always red or blue and you vote the opposite your vote literally doesn't matter.
Are all Finns this fucking autistic? I still have no idea if you're arguing against me or yourself.
your iq is below 90 isn't it?
do you even know how to fucking read
Can the quadrillions of people crammed into those cities really count as human?
You keep assuming I'm a Trump supporter or some shit.
Do you live in a solid blue district? Voting in house elections is arguably the most important thing to do
None of your business O'Sharty. Mind your own shithole
Incumbent advantage is nearly unbeatable in the house and senate though. You basically have to wait for a rep to retire for there to be a worthwhile election
Based retard
Based retard
Based Irish, Italian and Slavic Chads btfoing WASP sissies
some states joined the union because of the electoral college giving them some representation so as to not 100% be at the whim of the highly populated state, the EC has been changed in the past though and i believe it got fucked up in the early 1900s
outdated and easily manipulated system
Literally a Yas Forums thread you attach the word "your cunt" to.
I think it makes sense insofar as we are a nation of 50 states. However, democracy itself makes no sense because we are 50 states worth of retards. Thank you and goodnight
They said that in 2016 and then over 1/3 of Latinos voted for Drumpf anyway
are you retarded?
Are you? Texas might turn blue one day but not with a shit tier candidate like Biden running. Nothing was learn in 2016. Different year, same copes.
you're actually retarded. kill yourself
If they wanted representation why wouldn't they just stay independent? To leech off the bigger states perhaps? Literal welfareniggers
ok boomer. I'm sure everyone will be lined up around the block for Biden
>ITT: ignorant pinko euroshits commenting on political matters they know and understand nothing about
Keep licking the boot, retards. The electoral college and non-parliamentary, bi-cameral form of government is unironically one of the greatest inventions in political history, and essentially what made possible the survival of the US Constitution with its wide-ranging protections for liberties essential to civilized society.
With euroshit-style parliamentary democracy, the grey masses in CA/NY/MA/etc. would´ve scrapped the constitution and ruined the country in a few years after the immigration act of 1965.
better to be together than divided when you are a fresh nation with world powers near your borders. why did large nations appease them if they are just leeches and welfareniggers?
For those who aren't familiar, I made a chart that has electoral votes per capita, but also includes what kind of state it is. Republican states -> Red, Democratic States -> Blue, Swing States -> No color
When EU becomes federalized (and with Corona virus I think the failure to federalize is gonna be known as the biggest mistake yet) do you think Finland should get an equal vote to Germany etc.? Or 7% of the vote of Germany etc?
There are good and bad reasons for either. In the end the compromise is that in one house there is equal representation for all. In the other house, bigger states get more representation. Electoral college sums them both up.
Why is your VPN set to finland
Miksi olet vammainen sosiaalidemokraatti? Ei minun tarvitse olla amerikkalainen osatakseni ajatella omine aivoineni.
To be completely honest this country's leadership and voters are typically so retarded I would not want this shithole to have much of a say in that kind of scenario. For the benefit of everyone involved.
I don't picture that kind of federalization as a real possibility with the EU anyway though. It would be such an unimaginable clusterfuck.
You live in a country with public healthcare and a social safety net (that you likely abuse) and complain about social democracy lol. If you hate it so much then go to america and break your leg or something and see if you appreciate it then.
>I don't picture that kind of federalization as a real possibility with the EU anyway though. It would be such an unimaginable clusterfuck.
Why do you say this? Too much history and culture difference? Or something else?
that’s what already happens instead it’s flyover ignorant hicks doing the deciding instead of wealthy intelligent large-penised coastal elites