Japanese women are goddesses, the most attractive women in the world

Japanese women are goddesses, the most attractive women in the world.

But Japanese men are the ugliest men in the world.

It isn't fair

Attached: Find-Your-Love-In-Japan-Message-To-Logan-Paul-From-A-Native-Japanese-Guy.jpg (500x438, 52.74K)

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Japanese women are fucking ugly.
ugliest women in the world.

Attached: 88969B75-2277-4EAA-9751-75CAF8F0EB26.jpg (1440x810, 59.95K)

Japanese men are ugly, but they're adonises compared to Indian men

Japanese in general are not a good looking race
In fact I would say men are better because at least you get the occasional handsome jaimon man

In general gooks are ugly. Men and women

Get a fucking Latina, they'll take any guy up

Attached: Nobita very ugly.jpg (1280x720, 97.18K)

Not really, Japanese women are fucking goddesses. Most beautiful women in the world!

that not true, many white girlies are in love with kpop guys, and i see AMWF on youtube very often. tiktok.com/@argyllcrice/video/6769858508327243014?source=h5_m

Black girls are even easier.

>t. down syndrome faggot

Attached: down-syndrome-10-638.jpg (638x479, 63.65K)

Why does Nobita keep calling himself ugly? Is it low self-esteem? All he needs is some anti-dandruff shampoo, something for his skin and maybe a haircut.

On average I think white women are more beautiful, but I think Japanese women are the most attractive in the world.
White women and Latin women look manly and old.

Nah, like any race, there's attractive people in both genders and the nips are no different. The problem with pic related is he is a pencil neck, no gains soiboi

Ngl he'll still be ugly even if he does all those things. He's got a tranny gf so he's no a lost cause.

only those with ainu blood

no eyebrows yayoi are ブス

Based knower
Gooks and mongolians are painful to watch. too ugly. all of them...

>he's got a tranny gf
What? Thought he was a lonely loser

This. Japanese women are better than all women combined. I want to marry one and have many Spanish-japanese off spring with her

If you come to Japan, you will know that Japanese women are not ugly.
They are cute

He made a cameo on a livestream. His gf looked like a tranny.

Why aren't that many Japanese women in America?

Nobita has insecure white weeb qt gf though. His real name is Tsubasa. And he did soccer when he was a student in canada and had qt blonde gf back then. Just FYI

>But Japanese men are the ugliest men in the world.
yeah nah thats niggers

Tell me if i'm wrong. It seems to me that Japanese women, back in the day, used to appreciate manliness and how dependable a man is. But nowdays man are weaker and less dependable. What i'm saying is that japanese men were never chad looking but acted like chads, now they just plain weak. Wrong ?

They are 7/10 women in Japan. These women are common.
I'm Japanese men and I think Japanese women are best.

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yes when they have ainu eyebrows and snaggle tooth


Post a picture that has been taken on a average street in japan. Don't show me these porn actress looking girls. Takehiro don't lie

He seems to have quite a few extra incisors there

Japanese have eyebrows.
Korean have no eyebrows.

Latinas are goblins. Unrionically look like apes.

but the most kawaii-est girl in japan is the haafu from リアル鬼ごっこ

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That's why they're perfect for ugly Japanese men like OP


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she is an american.

I can fully sympathize with his racist cause but simultaneously worshiping white people makes it hypocritical, Japanese need to stop consuming Western media and relearn to love themselves

They look normal. Ok, fair enough Takehiro.
I noticed that Japanese teenage girls look bad, but when they grow up they look good or normal. Japanese men look better when in high school for some reason

cuz japanese women prefer free healthcare countries

Those are Korean. They look too flat to be japanese

I've been to Japan and can say that the average Japanese woman is not that good looking. Now, the average Japanese lolita on the other hand

They look cute to me.

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Actually Japanese don't consuming western media.

our media is full japanese shit.

except background has japanese symbol

Not Korean.
Japanese are flat too

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posts normal girls

these are all ビッチ

which is heavily influenced by American


I hate ビッチ too.
but ビッチ are hot

Attached: 811BCB18-BC26-4F0C-88F7-06CF2C2DCD89.jpg (600x400, 46.07K)

for example?

btw average Japanese don't know american celeb unlike Europeans.
I was very surprised that Europeans were familiar with American celebrities.

Japanese bitch are not ugly.
cute to me

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Literally are built for brown cock breeding. Are Japanese women based? do they like brown men?

Do they like brown men? I'm half white myself and want Japanese babies

>do they like brown men?
some people prefer brown men.

brown men looks like SE Asians or Mutt brazilians.

So no.

I'm not convinced. This is more natural

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Based, I'm half white

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brown men doesn't mean tanned people.

tanned gals prefer tanned guys.
But majority of Japanese women don't want to settle down with SE Asians for some reason.

If you want to have sex with a Japanese bitch, go to a Tokyo nightclub.

Japs aren't human

he is very handsome for japanese

what's with the hand sign they're all making?

Brazil has a large Japanese population. Im actually Brazilian and look like this

Attached: Luis_fernando_lopez_render_grand_thef_auto.png (652x1196, 622.17K)

Sounds like Russia for me.
Only countries were Males looks better than females are UK and Finland.

Attached: russian.png (697x1000, 665.01K)

so you look.... brazilian

Seething pajeet

Yes. Light brown skin, straight hair. Got it all baby. 5'8 sucks tho