Just a reminder that French men can't take paternity test

Just a reminder that French men can't take paternity test.

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why not?

see it's forbidden by the state. not only French women are massive whores, as shown during WWII, but French men are forced to raise other's men children lmao

Poles are still burning books in 2020. Sad!

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how can a nation be this cuck?

Why does that matter, they all look the same anyway

Literally forced at gunpoint to raise jamal’s child.

So I can coom in dumb French sluts like this whore and then some French cuckold “””””man””””” will raise my child for me? Sounds great!

its France
vive la cuckecion


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>fatherhood is determined by society not by biology
what is this cuck shit? Sounds like it has come right from the Swedish textbook

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I'm French and I didn't know about this. Wtf.
As a woman it's upsetting too.

The French love parading around their little liberal revolution, but in reality they're as anti-liberal as it gets without an outright planned economy (and let's be honest: the French actually want one).

Women vote, that's the long and short of it.


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You want be my gf ?

Holy shit i wonder why Western society denegrated overtime.
Image all good children raising DNA replace with pump and dump DNA.

>burn books
>kill jews
Were poles the real nazis all along?

This shit board is full of bigotry. Fuck this, I'm going to reddit where your kind gets downvoted into ostracism.

Jews were the real nazis all along


Really fire the neuron


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>As a woman
If you want a simp brigade, go on Twitch and be polite enough to wear a low cut top. Don't go to a fucking anonymous image board.

Post-modernist existentialism thrives on redefining shit. Hence why modern French "philosophy" is so obsessed with things like "the other" or "the second gender". Of course something like "non-biological fatherhood" fits right up their alley of self-aggrandizing fartsniffing.

Don't come back

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we can though
from official website:
>The paternity test is authorized only within the framework of a legal procedure aiming at:

>either to establish or contest a parentage link,
>either to obtain or to cancel subsidies.

>The consent of the presumed father is compulsory. Doing a paternity test outside this framework is illegal.

>The paternity test is ordered by the court judge seized by a lawyer.


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New here?

Yes, just like how in Switzerland you can get a test... but only if the mother permits it.

Don't be a cuck defending cuckoldry. There is neither a liberal nor a logical reason to defend this kind of shit, except as a means to transfer wealth from men to women and to "preserve the peace in the family".

i want to lick this girl's feet

does this apply when you want to attack the presumption of your fatherhood?

Is it that italian princess whore?

What are you afraid of?

well, can you read
>establish or contest a parentage link

Roosian, zlata sharvarok

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Me personally? Nothing. What you should be afraid of is getting cucked, being forced to pay for a child that isn't yours and having no means to discover if it even happened at all.

In other words, when a woman needs someone to pay for her genetic vomitings only then do the French start testing. If she already bagged a simp to pay, there's no need to test and it's even illegal.

Don't you see that this is actually worse than an outright blanket ban? At least a blanket ban would mean whores get fucked over.

Obviously not, she has a butt

>people here who think it's to protect the woman while it's in fact to protect the Chad and not let him be annoyed by the complaints of the cuck

yeah, I wouldn't expect her to be this slutty

How are the two mutually exclusive? Sexual liberation in general benefits both, as does polygamy. Monogamy is a construct enforced by Rome and the Church in order to secure social stability, at the detriment of women. Same reason why the Church executed adulterous women and fornicators.

im not here to defend this system im just saying that we can

If you aren't even sure the woman you're with isn't fucking the neighbor I'm nor sure french law is actually the problem. You seem obsessed about France, why is that?

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>Italian princess

unofficial stats from hospitals (when they need to perform test for transufions and stuff) show that around 5% of the children are born from a man who's not their official father

Source: believe me bro

>Just give her a gun, man. If you don't expect a woman to not shoot you, what kind of man are you?

On how many layers of dystopia westoids are at this point?

Maybe the real nazis were the friends we made along the way

imagine her farting on your face that would be funny haha

> self-aggrandizing fartsniffing

source: working in hospital
but as I said, it's not soemthing that is written in official stats about this of course, so yeah, indeed you're right about that: it's up to you if you believe it or not

Imaging sticking up your face between her sweathy ass cheeks when she's done with her workout. Haha, fucking gross.

what a bizarre law to have in place

It's great though, you don't pay a dime until she can prove you're the father.

fuck france and poooland

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Yeah, if you're not married to her. If you're married, she gets a child, you want a test and she refuses then you're presumed to be the father by default.

In a just world it would be the exact opposite: part of the (pre-)natal treatment would be a paternity test and a married man would only be default be presumed to acknowledge fatherhood of his biological children.

If you assume your woman would shoot you if she has a gun, maybe you're both the problem and not the law

>If you assume your woman would shoot you if she has a gun, maybe you're both the problem and not the law

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>having a child with someone you don't trust
Posting soyjacks isn't an argument

In that case you go through the legal system. Yes it's a pain in the ass but let's not forget that any test before birth is invasive (maybe even dangerous idk), and it's logical for the woman to have control over that.

What books are they burning?

Harry Potter and other stuff about magic and vampires

>Burning books,
based and redpilled

Wtf, shame on you pole

only matters for normalfags who have sex