
Plugsuit Rin edisi!

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I like this Anime pict thread rather than that dut dut thread

nambah lagi gan

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What do you say when the wife of a US militaryman sucks you off?

'Thank you for your service'

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Supporting your Thread
Imagine what the Philippine Government could do to solve the COVID-19 crisis if we had leaders that prioritize Filipino lives, instead of the corrupt and incompetent Duterte regime that prioritizes China. #DuterteVirus

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>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CANT LAUGH AT TOILET PAPER HOARDERS, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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why are you guys enabling him making threads so early?

all me

nice trips man


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We will eventually have to move to a new thread anyway

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makan gan

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Joko should just lockdown all of Java

Remember to wash your hand for no less than 20 second!

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Fuck you beat me to it.

ngl feels bad for the cop

I take it back, it's a basedbruh rather just plain bruh

Anything about the Catholic and Hindu one?
The one in Flores and soon Nyepi in Bali and Prambanan.

now that's a based weeb

>jawa barat

Of course there isn't. How are we supposed to create a narrative about kadruns if we include other religions?

All cancelled.
Except that one in NTT.
Nyepi is a hard-lockdown, tard. (Internet will be also disabled)

What's for dinner?
I'm thinking of buying much more foodstuff for stock
What should I buy?

Eh people will twist this to suite their perspective. Here after all mosque/surau are closed to prevent more infection and no objection at all from muslims, few non-muslims then mocking saying that muslims are more afraid of virus than Allah. You can't win with people like this, from both extreme end.

Yeah, it's just human nature I guess

all I see are bunch of subhuman (except the based police)

>Internet will be also disabled

Yeah. and TV as well.

Anyone here using this?

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I'll fucking riot then. I don't care about TV though.

Over one thousand

Saritem mah rumah-rumah pribadi kok dibilang tempat umum logikanya aneh deh

yeah, we do not accept subhuman like you.
Also critical service like Hospital is available and datacenter or backbone are kept online

Damn thats cheep


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What would you use 1Gbps for?

The flores one still going, even Johnny G Plate was there but "have to go back to Jakarta for work" in the morning.

Why religioustards are retarded?

Even when there is no suspect and NTT is far away from Java
this is bruh

Probably to download those 100GB games.

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Post 2D OLs
t. Indonesia

why are religioustard like this?

I have relatives that are really religious, surprisingly they were the first in my extended family to advise people to pray at home (this was a week before the restricted movement order in Malaysia), and just to replace the friday prayers with zohor prayers. Even gave hadiths to support their point

Some people are sensible, some aren't.

Blame the guys who initiated divide et impera in the last election. These kind of guys are usually just follow their leaders/imam/ulama. But because irresponsible people in last election created fake news/hoaxes/issues for their own greed, these people can no longer trust people "above". Now they're akin to US' #notmypresident crowds.


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Gonna fap so hard lads

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The coverage is limited, even in KL the places that are covered are apartment buildings and some residential tamans. If you're in a covered area, go for it. I myself use a unifi 800Mbps that was upgraded from the old 20Mbps package, so the price I'm paying is sub-200 shekels is still bearable.

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We win, like always

>2 deaths

800 MBPs? That's really really fast.

Remember last week when Perlis was the only state that ban Friday prayer while the state mufti is an alleged "wahabi"? They are more objective with their ruling compared to others and probably most in Indonesia that are more traditionalist and basing the decision on feelings and symbolism. Can't blame them because even wearing a hijab and praying is already considered kadrun by Indon 4channers so you're gonna have an us vs them syndrome all the time

Did you even read?

>SG 0 death
Fucking whale

I am a 100% sure they are Salafist, not Wahabbis. They look similar, but Salafist put Ulil Amra (mean: the leader, President, PM, Gov) first.

what if yellow women gets more pleasure with brown men than with yellow men during sex?
could we consider browns to be the blacks of SEA?
what type of white women prefer sex with black men?
what type of yellow women prefer sex with brown men?

why this yellow woman has learned a brown language?
she stills single to this day.
what if she dreams about being fucked by 4 brown men at the same time?


That's still pretty fast.

Mega-bit-per-second, not Mega-byte-per-second

that said I'm unable to get the full 800Mbps after the original router shit the bed, plus the provider has been pretty shit every now and then

Isn't salafi and wahabi the same thing?

>After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed you further in the recruitment process with us.

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I thought they're the same? Nobody call themselves wahabbist, they all call themselves salafist. Only others that hate them call them by the deragatory title wahabbist.

Similar, but different. My Salafist friend condemn FPI and called them Khawaritz, and argue "if our President still a Muslim, and you still able to do Sholat, Zakat, Fast and Hajj, the you have no right to hate him"

At least they were actually kind enough to reject you, most companies just leave you hanging.