Man just love talk shit, get shot
Man’s doing up goals on the paigon block
Girls love me and I love them not
'Cause I ain’t got time on my hands that’s long
Crash don’t dance man you must be lost
Man two-two step or I one-two bop
Can I get a two-one wings in the box
That's a one-two meal for a two-two don
Trap hard you ain’t got no prof
Man crossed the road when I diligent bop
OT put my hands on box
Nine-to-five 'cause I’m on my job
Feds came to my door at one
Tried to ask if I bunned that don
Shit den I don’t speak English:
Non j’étais à la maison
/brit/ - UK Drill Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Going to eat some mashed taters and pork roast with gravy.
isn't there a corona drill song or something
second for renationalize Qantas
its not the flu.
yes it is
be quiet
it's not the flu, it's the fucking banks
just caught a beedrill
I don't want to go back to work particularly
its not the
yeah it's kinda cringe
why are you replying to yourself
guess what
its not the flu
there is literally NO reason not to have banks be state owned enterprises desu
>b-but the state then takes on the credit risk if they fail!!
this would be true if they were nationalised industries, but the state can let a SoE fail. a SoE is just a company where the state is majority shareholder.
plus it's not like the state would let the big private banks fail anyway. if they're gonna paypig when things go tits up they might as well take the profits when goings are good.
>Spreadin' (Coronavirus)
funny stuff haha
Black Brits are just black wiggers
if you asked an asian child what he wanted to be when he grows up he would say astronaut
if you asked a white child what he wanted to be when he grows up he would say twitch streamer
if you asked a black child what he wanted to be when he grows up he would say drill rapper
guess what
chicken butt
there's a repo crisis that started last year, pension funds are insolvent, the government is bailing out every industry, dozens of CEOs quit their jobs in anticipation, senators sold millions in February, the unemployment websites are crashing do to load, mass layoffs haven't started, supply chain hit hasn't fully manifested yet (companies will run out of reserve stock soon), quarterly earnings are next month, hmm what else? yes there is a global pandemic. Oh right, there's a housing bubble, student loan bubble, sub-prime auto loans. What else? OH YEAH. All growth in the market since 2009 has been fucking stock buybacks! OH RIGHT any the fucking pandemic hasn't even slammed the hospitals yet. Do you realize by this time next month the average hospital will be swamped with elderly people who are literally suffocating to death? Picture it, and the media coverage.
We haven't even priced-in all the people who will be drawing out their 401ks to pay for mortgages, rent, and food. OH yeah, and the food shortages. OH YEAH and the national GUARD is being DEPLOYED because of the very real possibility of riots in the major cities. OH YEAH and there's going to be an Occupy Wall Street 2.0 coming that will be militantly violent with a fully built-up army of anti-Drumpf cattle manipulated by strongest anarcho-communist blac block America has even seen (as a reaction to the Alt Right).
Yeah mate this is the bottom for sure... for sure... for sure.
/brit/ on the topic of corona
its *clap* not *clap* the *clap* flu
What's your take on the last week mate
>there is literally NO reason not to have banks be state owned enterprises desu
Because then international merchants couldn't exploit the people of that nation, duh.
The Spanish Flu's death rate was only 2%, the regular flu is 0.1%
If you asked a Latino kid what we wanted to be when he grows up he would say alive
get fucked yank
only fucking brain dead retards think its the flu, its simply not the flu
>it's a "page 7 thread gets saved by one person then everyone starts posting in it" episode
love these ones
more *clap* PoC *clap* intubated *clap* ICU *clap* coronavirus *clap* patients *clap*
desu this just makes me optimistic
a better society can be built on the rubble of the absolute fucking shitshow that we created. it'd certainly be hard to build one that was any worse.
True underdog story isn't it
de sauce de lads
>in shop
>everyone wearing vinyl gloves and keeping distance etc
>go to till with items
>shopkeeper (without gloves) mindlessly grabs items to scan them
well that was a fucking waste of effort then wasn't it?
Just run the numbers on this so-called Coronavirus situation lads
+ More time with the gf
+ Less toil
+ Less pressure to socialise
+ Excitement of living in a Fallout pre-game cutscene
- Nothing in the shops
- People (women) are insufferable in a crisis
- Getting a bit bored now
can clearly see you've changed the pixels in ms paint
hearing americans converse with each other is so cringe lads
nice edit
*wafts it towards my face*
>yes, exceptional aroma...
last week (before the weekenda t least) was basically business as usual and now look where we are haha. johnson is half arsing it a bit though i think you need to command puibs and shit to shut otherwise the quarantine isn't going to work because people still going out and doing it
okay now this is kino
might use all this as an oppurtunity to try and learn 3d moddeling for the millionth time
>it's just a flu bro
getting a bit bored of fucking the gf
might stick a finger up her shitter tomorrow to spice things up
That’s doesn’t prove anything though it would still say >you if you samefagged
ever see a post that just looks so boring from the outset you give up after 10 words
just experienced that from copealone
the writing style equivalent to the colour beige
One man's flu is another man's seizure
*tosses in a bunch of mars bars*
you're welcome
not really lad
Me in the pic
State of that overacting, woman barely got a word in before people started crying also lol at that dykes eyes
its so fake they didnt even say how bad it was or if anyone had died and theyre all crying
the only thing worse than a keyboard intellectual from britain is a yank keyboard intellectual, marginally though
start of a great post, you need way more names
having a go
fingered the proto gf after chopping up chillies and made her fanny burn
The best investment is applying yourself, and investing (in yourself) to learn a valuable skill, and then building something for yourself from that
Everything else is bullshit. You won't make money by winging it
they can gauge how serious the so-called "seasonal flu" is by the empty stadium for their eviction night
putting my best virus forward
Not like it's just going to go away at this point.
Reckon we're en route to having people do corona parties where they go off to catch it and get it over with, bit like chicken pox.
capacitive buckling springs are objectively the best keyboard switch
cherry mx are shit
rubber domes are laughable, I don't even a board with them a keyboard
Chinese have a better method, just fuck everyone else's shit up to make yourself look better.
Got a link to the German one?
a muscular effort
only 1 of them even posts here
wankberg is forcing my hand
that's sort of the governments intention but it wasn't working well enough so they've been strongly suggesting places close, and museums cinemas etc have but the pubs and bars a lot aren't and people still going
someone over the road being taken out of their house by people in white suits
and the one that was mentioned is relevant to the image
*walks away from you*
love tails
hate feet tho
had two wanks already on my first working from home day
>sent out an email to professor to show I was very interested in Angloland PhD
>no response
ah heck
working from home as of Monday
NEETing from home
Do one, this is brit not fucking cum or lat, post with your own kind
anyone read the conspiracy theory about loads of the world elites getting tied up in oprah winfreys child trafficking scandal and thats why we're being deflected with this outbreak
imagine if your mother saw this image saved on your computer
you should be ashamed
Imagine being a nigger
put a sock in it rorke
Its fugging habbeding and theres no way you can convince me otherwise
rorke rises
piss off dickhead
imagine being a vile racist
>we used the cell towers to triangulate the location of your phone which was within contamination range of the infected patient
>we're gonna need you to come with us to one of the decontamination plants for the next 14 days
wat do?
guarantee she'd laugh if she saw this one she's edgier than
he's probably got the 'rona
Lmao that gets posted every time something happens
they just sat there and took it, not that interesting
love gold
just stare at it sometimes.
it's shiny and ethereal
has an indescribable beauty to it
love it honestly
Dangerously redpilled
Hahahahaha imagine being a nigger though
mobilising a military must be a heck of a job
can I bring my gaming pc
more corona slags lads
Friendly reminder wuhan was completely locked down when they had only two dozen deaths
We are fucked
only need to imagine one of these things
Haha... yes... excellent
Mother watches that Aussie gold hunters, wonder how many gold ‘poachers’ are out there hunting for gold but not paying to search the land
why would you watch porn on the computer you've given IT remote access to
use your phone or something they wouldn't have an inkling
Won't lie to you niggers reek of shit
lmao the bootlicker seethe on twitter
ijaf gang
>Friendly reminder wuhan was completely locked down when they had only two dozen deaths
>We are fucked
mikey coming in with another classic hot take
Came here to post something VERY important but now it escapes me
guarantee black hands typed this post to give reason for GCHQ to monitor this general
I cheffed up bare man with da longest blade
pet nog just did a nig
going out to my favourite restaurant tomorrow night
Taking bets on global deaths lads
2m here
milk truk
Upset that woolies was closed early
Had to spend twice as much by going to foodworx
Jesus Christ
*pauses song to focus my full brain power on posting in /brit/*
*cracks knuckles*
heh, you dare enter my arena with the expectation of leaving alive? so cute x
friendly reminder that nobody with half a braincell believes ccp numbers after they covered it up for months
>hate feet tho
give me ideas for more stats to count lads
im already working on a gimmick-tracking system which will rank each gimmick by its popularity
Think if they just waited a few more months they could have killed Epstein without suspicion
tfw no lactating girlfriend to feed me during isolation
getting this stupid pop up every time I go to the homepage on youtube
bit annoying desu
hopefully not
i'm a bit late on it so maybe he's already got an Oxbridge applicant and keep the position open because of legal obligations
i hope not, though, the position was really interesting.
keep dreaming nigger
1.8 billion
Bring back a double fillet Bondi burger for me please?
VILE racist can't withstand the REALITY of BASED chineseBROS driving the virus to EXTINCTION without much hassle [4k reupload]
How are you folks holding up? Our NHS are such heroes, I can't state that enough. 10 years of Tory austerity has done an unbelievable amount of damage to our marginalised communities.
I'm an engineer who is able to work from home leisurely, but our hard working nurses should be paid more than me. I would gladly pay more taxes if I could to support our most vulnerable.
Food is difficult to find but I'm still grabbing pasta and rice whenever I can and donating about half to my local refugee shelter.
At least I can fap more haha, now that porn sites should get a big boost in revenue from this debacle.
Area manager toilberg is still in the
>just a flu bro
me? why i will be supporting the local chinky of course
The word nigger exists for a reason
autistic freak
Doubt corona will even reach 100k deaths, won’t be nice having it tho