This is how brits live

this is how brits live

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NPC ville

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I was in UK the past week and couldn't believe how meme all the houses looked. The flight back was through Germoney and the houses there even from high up in the air when approaching the airport made me relieved at how normal they looked in comparison

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Just seriously lack of tree for decorate.

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when I visited my aunt in France suburb she lives in looked exactly like that
i hope europe isn't turning into america

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Looking good

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Comfy. Remember that terraced houses are an alternative to commieblocks.

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Yes, those are pretty average working-class houses. How does the average German live, for comparison?

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Germans don't allow Google Streetview to their cunt because they don't want the world to know how they live

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ikibey. You changed target again?

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swedens next

You already did sweden for a whole month and you ended up vanishing when no one was giving you attention but me

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I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with these pictures. They just look like normal houses to me.

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Imagine being british and living like that, Aussie units for lower middle class living off the dole are bigger than that


Yeah they're a little bit grey/depressing, but I doubt the working-class housing stock in many other countries is any better desu. In most of Europe low-wage people are forced to live in commie-blocks - at least our people get a house of their own, even if it is terraced

what the fuck, what's up with that

I like how everything looks gray and rainy
looks like something out of a movie

These all just look like normal houses lmao dunno what you and the german sperg are on about, do continentals still live in mud huts or something?
Hear this a lot from foreigners especially Brazilians who were shocked that there was no trees and people bought fruit rather than just climbing one of the many near by trees to get it.

>not having apple tree with these green sour apples (papierówka) in nearby

At least we own our houses.

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we cant grow fruit in the uk outside of midsummer.

where are all the people?

we have from mid-spring to september

For now. For our generation, it seems like even middle-class people will be forced to rent houses like this until they're ~35 and able to afford a mortgage

I hear they don’t even have a backyard or a pool. Very grim

corona-chan took them all

>tfw no backyard nor pool because commieblock
good thing i have allotment

Do most poles know how to swim? I can’t imagine there’s very many reasons to learn. The joke here is that black people cant swim but it’s actually accurate cause they never had a real reason to learn.

everyone has that.

many people know, we have sea and many lakes (my town has three but you can swim in only two) and most towns have swimming pool


most bong houses have front and back gardens, though because of that the houses themselves are tiny


everybody in europe knows how to swim

it looks very nice. i wanna live there desu.

you should learn to swim in the same way you learn to ride a bike

Like this

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this one looks a lot like my road lol


based and comfy

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Terraced houses are far superior to these monstrosities. Admittedly they do have the problem that they take up more surface area though, so more of our natural environment gets destroyed to build them - can be easily resolved by telling johnny foreigners to fuck off post-Brexit

Swimming skills are more uncommon than you’d think. Growing up I thought everyone knew how to do it.
Unless you had paranoid parents like mine. They made me learn as a toddler. My earliest memories were being thrown into our pool to “figure it out”

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If you're unable to swim, you don't pass elementary school.

That’s a good idea. We should implement that here.

There is literally nothing wrong with that. Average German lives in far worse homes and conditions than that