>yfw finnoids are posting from treehouses
Primeval forests in Europe
I'm very surprised this thread wasn't made by a Finn
Disgusting. Forests are useless obstacles in the way of civilization and full of nasty bugs. The only reason not to destroy them completely is that they provide wood that is useful to create many things
Forests are based and pretty obviously the best biome to be in.
>Comfy cover, you cant be spotted from far away
>Good to adventure in, gives a feeling of being lost
>Top tier animal life (unless you have aggro bears)
>A diverse pallet of naturally satisfying smells
How come Estonia has so much forest?
It's not fair the first people there were Irish and they were nearly totally forested by huge forests reaching far above the clouds before Germanic subhumans took them over and totally destroyed all their forests every Germanic must be deported to africa and wherever they previously dwelt be totally reforested and all cities roads etc demolished to make way for forest
You mean *nglo-s*xon.
>tfw your forest got burnt during war and commies planted rows of pines in their place
now we have dumb pine monoforest everywhere and since they are made of one tree they get eaten by bugs easily
Go back to north africa or sahara
The TAIGA BVLL will rule the earth
>tfw your country has taiga, tundra, desert and place where you can't see sun during winter
>Adding the Veluwe as an ancient wood
This is beyond retarded, it's a big manmade park because the actual pre-modern forest was completely cut down for meadows. Only recently they decided to replant it as our national LARP wood.
Perfect for a nocturnal creature of the night like me!
Imagine not having forest everywhere around you
Bravo, estonia!
The other half is bogs
i live in a brick house because i have lots of gold money
We are similliar in so many ways.
Shame you lack lakeland
>not building a gold house out of all your gold
no need to brag
i am of humble folk
>not dismantling your brick house and saving the bricks for harder times
well i think i could do this...
he can't because he will be shot outside for breaking the lockdown
yea, both of your cunts lack mountains
We have these mountainlets in the north and plenty of hills, rocks and boulders. and some countries have only 20 meters higher "mountains". Very liberal definition of a mountain if you ask me.
Jukka, those are not mountains
Fuck you Sven, if you ask an American if this is a mountain or not, he will answer it's a mountain, so it is a mountain.
look like a mountain to me too, not very tall but a mountain
that’s not a mountain
Americans think you're Russian. Don't make them right.
>1.029 m
I wish I could go to colorado
The mountains there are epic
That my friend is called a hill.
Pic related is what is called "mountains"
Also how come I see no medieval fortress on that hill?
Gypsie stole it
>height from sea level is sign of mountain
mountain is when from the base to the top there is at least 300 meters no matter the sea level
that's why Tibetan highlands are highlands not mountains
Funny, I went skiing there last Winter. We don’t have mountains or even large hills in Florida so it was nice, as you said
How do they do it
Like, brick by brick or the whole fort at once? Did they also steal rest of the mountains?
>mountain is when from the base to the top there is at least 300 meters no matter the sea level
we call that a hill here lol
I would just want to sit there and observe. Take in every scenery like an autist.
>hasnt heard of gypsie magic
Well youre lucky I found you guys. Be VERY careful if a gypsie rises her hand towards you, you will be cursed if you let her finish her spell with you in sight.
>The UN Environmental Programme's definition of "mountainous environment" includes any of the following:
>Elevation of at least 2,500 m;
>Elevation of at least 1,500 m, with a slope greater than 2 degrees;
>Elevation of at least 1,000 m, with a slope greater than 5 degrees;
>Elevation of at least 300 m, with a 300 m elevation range within 7 km.
then you are wrong
Is this why Tolkien liked them so much?
Yeah I don't think this is very accurate. I think most of our woods are just tree farms at this point, there isn't that much untouched forest left
Fuck you. The tallest mountain of Scotland Ben Nevis is only like 200 meters taller than Saana and yet Scottish "mountains" are called mountains. Fuck you. :EEEEE:E:E:E:ed
>only 200 meters
The bongs are game admins. They do what they want.
Yes, because real mountains have curves
>rusifying the landscape
when your brand of totalitarism is still not totalitarian enough
prove that aesthetic matters more than size
Ok so because Korvatunturi has pointier top, it means it's a mountain. Thanks.
No, those mountains are equivalent to cup A, the scottish mountains look like a cup B.
lol check out this pointy mountain haha
Why are Finns the most butthurt posters?
Too much ES
>most finns do gay posting
>finns are butthurt
Color me surprised Hans
Fuck you retard, everyone would call this a mountain if he didn't know about some scientific nitpicking that determines it's not.
haha pointy wowweee
buy our toilet paper pls
Where do you need mountains when have hills and enddless amount of lakes, riverers, streams and pure untouched forests.
From what I've observed, there seems to be a pretty sharp divide between two types, either it's a reasonable human being or then it's these people who are taken aback by Finland mentionings and need to defend the honor of this swamp at all times. I actually see a Finnish copypasta here from time to time, it talks about how Finns are the easiest people to troll here. And it's totally true
This. Small woodlands are fine for wood and to prevent soil errosion. But untouched forest that is not being put to work? Fuck that. Germany would have remained a savage shithole if we hadnt cut down most woods.
Are Germans the most autistic posters? I'm clearly just joking so I could make more conversation and proving a bit how Finland is not completely flat. I'm trying to make international conversation. But I guess you are that butthurt Russian poster who ironically enough, calls everyone else butthurt.
And you are a typical overanalysing autist. I'm just messing around.
Essentially, calling someone butthurt or seething always kills the conversation.
You know a Finn is butthurt when he starts calling you a Russian
Teutoburg really fucked you guys up, didn't it
Well there is this Russian diaspora with German flag who seethes about Finns 24/7 and posts fake statistics about downies dying in Finland lmao, so how could I know. But then again that makes you an autistic German, can't really decide which is worse.
Looks like he's living rent free in your head
Ok, whatever Hans-Dimitry
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Feels nice to have forests and cities blend together. Only bother is the unholy amount of pollen in the spring.