/MENA/ - /مينا/

غير مرحب بهم هنا:

-المرضى والمتخلفين عقليا
-اعلام لها علاقة بالنبات
-الشتات (بكل انواعهم)
-اي شيئ لا يتحدث العربية
-المسلمين والطائفيين
-الملحدين المنفعلين
- الاتراك والاكراد

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Other urls found in this thread:


كسم الشيعة

Attached: shia_donkey_piss.jpg (960x720, 171.78K)

(You)'re not welcome here.

بس كسم الشيعة

Attached: shia_mudbath.jpg (1024x640, 146.15K)

فهمنا كسم الشيعة اذا عاجبتك الطائفية روح ارجع الى

هم ليبراليون r/Islam
بس كسم الشيعة

Attached: rafida_deaths.png (932x732, 506.11K)

متمركز و احمر الكبسولة

Syrian bros, how was life in pre war Syria?
My superiors are asking me to move there to start giving Dawah to the Sunni's since they're building Shia seminaries and such.

>How was life in pre-war syria
Just as shitty as now
>start giving Dawah to s*nnis
You're gonna get laughed at and beaten up
>they're building up shia seminaries
Too bad the only people who go there are iranians with citizenships


Attached: File.jpg (1080x2219, 367.16K)

البلد عايش على المعجزات

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-20 الصحة العالمية العراق حقق معجزة طبية بتسجيل اصابات قليلة بكورونا.png (795x111, 12.88K)


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اريد انيچ بلچيكي المنيوچ

اني مو شيعي بس المسلمين عموما يسوون هيج

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-20 كورانا النبي محمد - YouTube.png (869x2012, 1.4M)

فرق بين الي يقول الي عنده علي والي يقول الي معه الله

>فرق بين الي يكول عنده بقرة وبين يكول الي عنده صنم

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the mobkilling of hassan shahtah is the epitome of niggerism and shows the true subhuman nature of Egypsies

البوست التي خلص /مينا/٠

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I wish more preachers would say this so the retards that believe it will die of corona.







SEETHing virgins

Attached: chadmus.jpg (680x838, 50.22K)

>add me on discord

Attached: groomer.png (1200x732, 578.76K)

66 cases

>send me your boypussy pics and i'll (you) you

Attached: kek.jpg (335x327, 8.48K)

>muh myssmpsoysysystsiamam godsss

Attached: boomboom.png (455x661, 362.61K)

All of the palestinian territories belong on reddit

egyptians are the gypsies of the arabic people


self-haters belong in an oven

Attached: ath.jpg (509x552, 48.15K)

the sheer amount of underaged atheist zoomer larpers in /mena/ that think deviating is cool makes me want to start a revolution against them

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Attached: hailiraq.gif (562x1000, 317.68K)

This is the flag of Armenia.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Armenia.svg.png (1280x640, 1.17K)

are you that faggot schizophrenic? I haven't been to this awful general in a long time, if so, I hope you suicide, or corona gets you, but even that's not enough of a punishment for a faggot like you, you deserve the worst of torture.

how are my /MENA/ bros doing in quarantine ?
im bingewatching the office and playing deus ex for the first time

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calm down you're a bad troll

You seem alright for a kike.

I'm playing doom and red red redemption and team fortress with my online buddy


the new doom ? is it good because im getting mixed responses ?
still waiting for RDR crack desu

Bost some songs guys, i'm bored asf

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>Tomoki.. let me smell your dick cheese..

Playing this game since all internet lounges are closed

No, the 2016 one and doom 2, I don't buy games on day one, but trust me, I've seen enough gameplay videos to know that doom eternal is pretty fucking good.

are internet lounges still a thing ?

doom eternal has been cracked, and fuck day1 buyers\preorderfags they're literally the people that turned mainstream AAA games into dogshit

Based and gamerpilled kike

Nice, probably gonna install it but I'll have to buy it sooner or later cause I really wanna play multiplayer.

Hey hey, less antisemitic remarks

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الف لعنة على روحك ياصدام


متى يفك الحصار عن مكة؟

Yes, with actual PCs that can run modern games like siege and not a 90s 300kg dusty computer that can barely play minesweeper