Being a mutt and knowing you'll never live in a beautiful place like this must suck
Being a mutt and knowing you'll never live in a beautiful place like this must suck
Samuel Morris
Ayden Rogers
Yes if only I could surround myself in the picturesque beauty your average Brit gets to experience daily
Nathaniel Flores
Whenever I see an English town I have a sudden urge to act like the Huns upon Germany so to completely destroy the town as a punishment for their crimes against the world.
Brody Ross
Looks boring
Jeremiah Nelson
we could just move there one day
If I moved to any other country it would most likely be the UK
Brody Wood
Those houses probably will be empty soon.They have a chance
Tyler Brooks
Anglo cities are so repulsive
Isaiah Price
Not really
Charles Sullivan
How many money do I need to live there?
Kevin Brooks