Listen to me. This is the most important post you will read all week

Listen to me. This is the most important post you will read all week.

War between the US and China is unavoidable now. I 100% guarantee that we will go to war with China.

What will you do when we go to war with China?

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>What will you do when we go to war with China?
Buy chainlink

nothing? you retards will nuke everyone and some more so we will all die eventually
maybe rape my crush before it happens

Gypo, please learn how to write in English ffs.

stfu mutt

This is a warning to all the overseas Chinese who've been shilling for the CCP.

Your time is up.

Nothing. It will be an easy win for the US. Chinks are the easiest to beat up on the playground . Even black girls can do it

eat shit and die in cancer fat cockroach
amazing how retarded you are, fat in skull, nothing else, incapable of thinking, just memes, loud, no sense of humour, not self aware, nothing, a fucking cow has more intellect than your kind

My freaking city (one of the biggest and most important cities in the world) is on freaking lock down. The entire city. For a whole month, at a minimum.

This has never happened before in my life. Never.

This COVID-19 changes everything. This is the start of a war.

Just hope we live far enough in the corner of the world we avoid being dragged into it?

>going to war when everything is shutdown due to pandemic
i share a board with geniuses

Lean back and watch

celebrate while watching american cities getting nuked

When will you accept the fact that anything that would upset the dystopia we are headed towards will not happen.

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Ain't going to happen, but it's fun to imagine it.

>Listen to me. This is the most important post you will read all week.
Stop making promises you can't deliver on

You fags are fucked

Im sending this from a hjuawey i bought in a bar

You fags are fucked, its done, might as well cope

I will go to nato meeting with brunost and salmon and porridge and celebrate

You guys don't live in the US. You don't understand what is going on right now.

The whole country is about to be locked down. My city is starting its lock down tomorrow. Something like this has never happened before in my lifetime.

This changes everything.

But most of the world is like this. How does this lead to you going to war

Death to America!

Yikes, you should work on your punctuation.

>But most of the world is like this.

To be blunt, we don't care what goes on in the rest of the world. But this has directly affected us and changed our way of life. I genuinely mean it when I say that this changes everything.

I genuinely feel bad for Chinese people in America. Life is going to get extremely hard for you guys.

Inevitable race war is comming

You should listen to the song We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel

Quarantines were pretty common before the second half of the 20th. Stop pretending this is something new.

>To be blunt, we don't care what goes on in the rest of the world.
It shows. Now go neck yourself you fucking retard.

Americans turn everything into a war, don't they? 2020 is going to be the decade of the war on disease.

And guess what took place during the first half of the 20th century? Two world wars.

Watch you two retards kill each other


Nah, Trump will just continue to be racist towards them and that's that
Well they have been hoarding ammo

Ah yes a war when the American industrial machine is on slowdown if not lockdown

t. on the continent responsible for the most deadly wars in history

Americans are literally pacifists compared to you retarded savages

Tbf Macron used the formula first.

Watch Russia picking the leftovers of both, except the areas rendered impassable due to radiation.


Jesus Christ. Pandemics aren't the cause of wars. Americans are bloodthirsty crazed dogs. It's the duty of the civilized world to put down this rabid beast.

>incapable of thinking, just memes
Nice lack of self awareness

It's obviously not going to happen immediately.

And this isn't even a war of retaliation or anything. The fact is that there NEEDS to be a war at this point to settle things once and for all.

This isn't about pandemics, dude. This is about who will rule the world.

Probably die as a priority 1 port target?

You should work the treadmill, fat.

noted with thanks burger
just don't disturb Xi, he is tired

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If the US needs my services, you know where to find me.

>genuinely feel bad for Chinese people in America.

I don’t. Chinese Exclusion Act Part II please

I was only referring to the ones who have legitimately never shilled for China on the Internet. The rest can fry, and I estimate that there will be A LOT of traitors to fry.

i'll side with the chinks
fuck america

I still can’t find a fuck to give. Fuck chinks

Well you shouldn't have made a biochemical attack on China.

China let corona spread out for a whole month on purpose so they won't be the only ones suffering. Fuck them.

Understood. I wouldn't mind a total purge either 2bh.

ITT: mentally deranged mutt psychopaths get pissed off because of chinks on Bangladeshi skateboarding forum

I would be afraid if I were you, Zhang.

Then don’t waste your time pretending you give a fuck (‘I feel bad for Chinese living in America’)

I give absolutely no fuck, I am suicidal

Okay, I won't.

Just remember, not all Americans are as stupid as you poltards would like to believe

Secretely export apples to both sides

if US started war with China, then Russia will also involve and North Korea.
then you will need Japanese power, then please treat us nicely.

not necessarily stupid, but ignorant

>maybe rape my crush before it happens

time to dump all our viruses into china and ban all chinese. fight fire with fire. they're so pussy to start a kinetic war they had to blow up the economy with bat aids