fuck whiteys
White men back then used to think that homosexuality was masculine and life affirming too.
nords are subhumans
Are those raggare? I suspected everyone in that subculture was fat and over 50
Well, those who are over 50 and fat got children.
No Norseman would ever say he was "white".
It could always be worse. You could always be a chink
white people then: peasants dying of plague in their own shit
white people now: pic related
>it's irish-germans cosplaying as scandi thread
baltic pirates aka vikings are overrated anyway
The plague actually killed only 20~30 percent of the population here unlike italy where it killed up to 80 %
Mutts arent germans.
Besides HRE was much cooler than vikings.
>White people back then used to be main background image of Turkish video game
Wow they progressed
Also, white people as an ethinicity doesn't exist. It's a fucking American thing
white mutts are 80% of german stock, although heavily mixed in with irish, so irish-german
>white mutts are 80% of german stock
Lies, dont trust amerilarpers.
*Wyte people then*
Asian men now: incels
Asian women now: hopping on BWC
me n the lads
wyte wemen lusting after Chinese Bvlls then
wyte femels still lusting after Chinese BVLLS now
>that flag
Let me guess, Hapa or Zhang ?
lmao it's true
Lack of hardships and parental pampering created at least two generations of mentally weak whites here.
Some of them go apeshit and try to turn into self-sustaining pseudotrads like Varg who leech of gubmint gibs and preach like they're the new Zarathustra.
It's a fact jack. Bigger meme is americans thinking they're anglo.
Funny how the latter has the power to end the world.
But i do agree we aree being turned into livestock not unlike the Japanese.
The guy taking a scull of alcohol is the chaddest guy I've ever seen.
>Funny how the latter has the power to end the world.
Ok, fag.
Most of the blue area is farmland and Rust Belt shitholes with two people
>White people then
Brainwashed, single-tasking soulless sweat-smelling biorobots for killing people and destroying things
>white people now
highly developed neat metrosexuals with bleached teeth
the fuck is a scull? learn English
These guys are based and kids nowdays are still keeping it alive more than ever.
Every year I see an increase in EPA-tractors. Now I hate EPA retards mind you but its fun to still see around. This culture wont die out thats for sure.
Drinking fast from a bottle or aluminium can
And boy do we miss sinking a blade into someones soft and tender body until it becomes limp and lifeless
It would be a dream come true to die in battle. I fear that I will die comatose in bed instead at the age of 100+ when im weak and pathetic, give men the last taste of adrenalin or hook me up on cocaine and steroids
Chugging but in the down under people slang
so like, millions of people
imagine thinking south africa is a good example
user, I hate to break it to you but the rhodies lost the war and their country
Rhodesia is not South Africa.
>And boy do we miss sinking a blade into someones soft and tender body until it becomes limp and lifeless
>It would be a dream come true to die in battle. I fear that I will die comatose in bed instead at the age of 100+ when im weak and pathetic, give men the last taste of adrenalin or hook me up on cocaine and steroids
ya i just now realized, don't care, they still lost
Just like the nazis, hehe, losers.
forgot 2 crop
It might be neckbeard as fuck but thats something Im willing to suffer. I honestly get panic of the thought of dying peacefully in bed. What kind of a way to go is that? Literally rot to death? I’d rather experience one last rush
They didnt lose the war they were told to give up.
Ending the cold war was more important hence why rhodesia was hung out to dry
Hows the black death doing in the states or as you call it the "white privilege problem"
la criatura de /gsg/..
It still is. Defeating other men and bending them down is to cause ultimate humiliation. It's manly as fuck if you're the one doing the fucking. Romans and Mezapotamians thought the same too.
Dude, you're a grown man wearing a costume, that of another country's low class specifically.
They weren't wrong
i dont have a sufficient soyjack for this one
Don't compare me to nordcucks
>i dont have a sufficient soyjack for this one
we got rånere, who are essentially the same and there definitely are quite a few younger ones around
mayonnaise is spicy
( ´∀`)b
I'm so fuken ready bro
If these roach motherfucks deleay it because of the shanghai shivers I will personally destroy the nation of Turkey, wallah.