Why do spics have zero sense of nationality? They all act like they're one intercontinental identity

Why do spics have zero sense of nationality? They all act like they're one intercontinental identity.

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cause they all speak the same language and all brown

You tell us

>why do false nations comprised of racially homogenous mutts systematically erased of any sort of nationalist concept by the international forces of capital tend to have the same cultures

Or what? Do you prefer them to be like Asian who all look the same yet hate each others so much.

>rare flag
i'm pretty sure they also hate each other

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All asians definitely don't look the same.

Brazilians are just the Amerimutts of the Southern Hemisphere. Change my mind.

didn't go to your country

Portuguese speakers in the Americas are also spics, like it or not. This doesn't change magically because "muh cunt tree".

Also, nationalism is for retards. A nationalist is something mentally owned by its ruling government, not an actual human being with free will and intelligence. In an ideal world we could lump all nationalists together and they'd kill themselves with rifles stuck in their arses, while screaming "FOR THE LOVE OF [insert government]" but, well... life is like this, right.

Each state here has more culture and identity than each spic noncountry.

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>Each state here has more culture and identity than each spic noncountry
Than every spic noncountry including Brazil.

Let this sink for a moment.

>nationalism is mental cuckery
>but identifying with a globalist communist fake golem "identity" made up out of nothing by foreigners in the last century isn't

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Indentiying by any group is soy.

You can split them into like 2 categories. East asian and southeast. That's all you really need. Filipinos are pacific islanders so they don't count

I hate anyone who is not from blue or red region.
We do not all get along, brazilian is ignorant monkey.

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The power of Reggaeton.

How are the killing fields doing cambodian jungle crawler bugoid

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Why do Monkeyzileans think they aren't spics when they are the darkest in "latin" "america" and their language is literally a dialect of spanish spoken as if you had down sindrome?
Each state is the same miserable 4th world brown shithole.

All Spanish American countries should unite and all Arab countries should unite

>Why do spics have zero sense of nationality? They all act like they're one intercontinental identity.

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*bombs you*

Better than disease propagating chinks

Hey cadelinha, don't forget to get on all fours and waggle your tail for your owner, the Brazilian government! Remember to be a gucci boi!
(Did you sell your mother to Brasília yet, nacionalistazinho?)

You're still a nationalist, even with that stupid map. And a dumb one EVEN AMONG NATIONALISTS. Just sayin'.

Yeah they do. They look like bat-eating disease carrying chinks

>systematically erased of any sort of nationalist concept by the international forces of capital
You never had an identity beyond being mutt offspring from europeans and indios.

>Indentiying by any group is soy.
Yup. Specially when that "group" exists to enforce a narrative of a government.

if your country have something to be proud of you probably a nationalist too

What the fuck are you talking about? I hate the federal government.
Latinx faggots are the kind of morons that want to federalize all of the americas.

Mexicans identify by region or state they are from, most do not believe in latinx bullshit

>mixing up nationalism and statism while simultaneously shilling for big state globalist ideals

>if your country have something to be proud of you probably a nationalist too
Not really.
Borrowing Orwell's words, "nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception". A nationalist is something that, unachieved on its own, gave up becoming an actual human being.
In other words a retard swallowing nationalism is less about the country it pays taxes to and more about the retard itself.

>What the fuck are you talking about?
As expected from a nationalist, it's too stupid to understand simple written sentences.
>I hate the federal government.
You hate it so much that you identify yourself based on the federal government.
Nationalists and their "lojik", gentlemen.

"Nationalism", "statism", "patriotism", they all amount to the same stupidity. The only difference is that one of those words is a dysphemism and another an euphemism.

You're making a whole lot of wrong dumbass assumptions here user, you're far from as smart as you think you are.

Yes im nationalist, problem macaco?


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>You're making a whole lot of wrong dumbass assumptions here user
I'm in the mood for a Chewbacca defence, so be my guest then.

>bark bark, you're far from as smart as you think you are, bark bark!
Still smarter than something that whores itself in the name of a country.
Já vendeu sua mamãezinha e sua irmãzinha como putinhas para Brasília, nacionalistazinho sujo?

>nationalism means importing all the culture from america and Europe while destroying all your local, homegrown organic culture in favour of turning into yet another wannabe European country
Why are right wingers like this
I'm not a spic, i'm a mayan.

>Yes im nationalist, problem macaco?
Even if I was a monkey I'd still be two or three steps above you. Not because you're Mexican or because you're American, but because you're a little bitch intellectually owned BY AN ABSTRACTION.
Remember to make humankind better by removing yourself from it. Rifle in arse, hanging yourself, suicide by cop, you know the drill.

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Stop embarrassing yourself. If you're going to meme with something, just say in Mexico everyone decapitate each other or something like that. You're a cultureless shithole like USA.

Holy fuck what an idiot, you don't need to swear allegience to a corrupt central government to have a sense of attachment to a homeland, in fact the most centralist leaders we had like Vargas destroyed any sense of patriotism by trying to force the false golem "futebol e carnaval" culture and more recently the latinx fake identity promoted by PT which I bet you're a big fan of.

>I'm not a spic, i'm a mayan.
Good for you but how did you get internet in your bush hut?

Everyoone is mixed race, being mixed does not mean you can not have an ethnicity.
Keep seething rootless ape

See >Holy fuck what an idiot
>Waaah he didn't drink the kool-aid! I'm going to call him an idiot!
Brazil IS that corrupt central government.

If you were attached to your homeland you'd refer to yourself by your city, AT MOST your state or region. But nope - you're calling "your homeland" places that have ZERO to do with you, because the government told you so and you obeyed, as a good boi.

>Keep seething rootless ape
>hurr durr I have nothing to answer you so I'll tell you "seethe"
Is this the new le NICE reddit maymay? In my times they used "yikes" or "cringe".

>muh roots
>muh ethnicy
What are you? Some tribal literal nigger clinging to what some of his ancestors did? Read and develop a personality.

This post is very based and unironically big-brained. Congrats, user!

Also, it's worth noting that you somehow manage to be dumber than your typical nationalist, by preaching a "nation" yourself doesn't belong to any more.

>Everyoone is mixed race

Cartels do push for gang culture to recruit young idiots so you can say cartel antics are memexican culture, I won't even meme about mexicans being bloodthirsty aztecs because that's an insult to the natives that were exterminated and replaced with rootless mutts, in reality mexico is just a plain criminal immoral shithole with no goals other than making and selling drugs, with decapitations or not.

You keep pushing for the same nation = government angle and it won't work, in fact governments are almost always anti-nation.

idc about what my ancestors did, I just like the phenotype of my people and I know homogenous nations work better than heterogenous ones.
Living in another country does not get rid of my ethnicity.
Yep we are a mix of ancient races.

I will not respond seriously to a seething retard who is telling me to kms

>You keep pushing for the same nation = government angle and it won't work,
I'm not to blame if you're a retard unable to understand simple words.

> in fact governments are almost always anti-nation.
On the contrary. All governments use the myth of a "nation" to compete with others, even if (paradoxically) they claim to rule over "multiple nations". The difference is just the ratio of soft power : hard power being used.

Based rare flag

To be fair the only legitimate New World nations are the US/Canada/Mexico/Cuba/Dominican Republic/Colombia/Peru/Chila/Brazil/Argentina
The rest can get fucked

>I will not respond seriously
It makes no difference.

>to a seething retard who

>who is telling me to kms
I'm not too worried. I know you won't kill yourself - suicide is only a thing among humans.
Here, have some peanuts. Animal + namefag = zoo attraction.

You're just trying to play semantics now, a nation is a community of people that act a certain way and have common goals, while a corrupt government is a leech trying to dictate how people should think, a good government should be hands-off when it comes to identity and culture and only focus on technical matters.

True, I wont kms. Im more likely to kill others, im very mentally instable inhuman savage

>and I know homogenous nations work better than heterogenous ones