
Chinese/Han general
Thread to discuss Han Chinese culture!
All welcome!

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I hate these bugmen like you wouldn't believe

>Chinese/Han general

>Thread to discuss Han Chinese culture!
Steel torrent is unironically my favorite military march of 21st century, no doubt top-10 of all time greats

Go home Zhang

New world leader


Fuck you chinks

Ching chong chang

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Hokkien here, I propose we nuke everything above Sichuan and be done with the Beijing menace

lets free teochew and hokkien but nuke hong kong they are too cuck


I would Like to learn Mandarin just because I think it would be fun to be able to communicate with like a third of the planet in total but it just seems to daunting. Theres lots of chinese near me but strangly they have no interest in say a chinese language school or private 1 on 1 tutors to help you learn. Dont think it would ever be possible to learn Mandarin unless I got to work in China. Which I think would be a neat experience, cyber punk fantasies in Shenzhen seem fun.

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What a waste of time. You can do better than learn a chink language.

Hong Kong is cool but zoomzoom protesters need to go
I can't tell if you are a MAGA poltard or a Zhang commie, either way you are a subhuman yourself

Like what ? I wanted to learn something practical and useful.

Learn a coding language so a chink doesn’t feel the need to. Gain some muscle mass.

a fat, greasy hand of a subhuman locked up in the basement typed this post.

learning other language is pretty useful it can easily land you a job
You don't have to like China but learning Chinese language will be beneficial in the future
If you don't like Chinese than you can learn French or Spanish even Arabic is good

Shenzhen is a fun city, another cyberpunkish city would be Chongqing

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No. But I bet a corona-stricken midget chink fag is you

might look dystopian and daunting but it's actually a huge vibrant metropolitan with really nice hotpot

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Chink. Go back to your cuntry China and get a new disease from eating rats

I love the surreal, futuristic vibe

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shut up fat

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Looks otherworldly

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I love Chongqing, not even Sh*nghai can compare

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This was what i was thinking
Thank you for these friend.


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Go suck a dead coronavirus cock you chink

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Chinese mainlander are vastly different from generic asians
t. been to China

Nah you’re all ugly chinks

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my great great grandad immigrate to Thailand before Xinhai revolution does that make us inheritor of true China legacy?

海外华人 especially Malaysian Chinese are even more Chinese than mainlanders
Not sure about Thai Chinese though, is there a lot of racism there or are Thais cool with you guys?


Thai Chinese here is completely assimilate
and to be honest i don't even consider myself Chinese, we only say like yeah some of our ancestor is from China
Its a good thing to be honest, without the assimilation our country would be divided like Malaysia

nice, maybe it's because you guys are Buddhist
Chinese are still not that accepted over here, they tend to stay in their own housing complex, open their own restaurants etc

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You’re a chink

either craft a better insult or rope yourself and do the world a favour

Sound bad they should have assimilate you guys instead of ostracizing
Our assimilation ironically happen because of nationalism though

nah i think buddhism laid the foundation

nice quads
they tried that too over here but Indonesia is too diverse and large. Malaysia still has it the worst though

*blocks your path*

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eww disgusting, go back to china you chang purnomo

step aside n00b
I am planning to

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For me, it's shrimp dumplings

Go back to China chink. Get a new disease and give it to your ugly mom

Look how this cute hungarian girl is trying to get the attention of HAN CHINESE BVLLS


you are that expat right? which city are you staying in?

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Give me a reason to not spam the copypasta to ban all chinks from this site right now

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Deport them too. They ugly

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Friendly reminder "Muh Heritage" LARPing is stupid and you will always be a mutt

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LUL where are they from? The Chinese version of >>BAYUWATCHU?

I don't know do I have Polish roots or not but I learned the language

Sorry for offtop

A city in Jiangsu

Chinks are nasty


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