Reminder of how Korean erect statue in memory of prostitute

Reminder of how Korean erect statue in memory of prostitute.

Attached: Georgia City to Relocate 'Comfort Women' Memorial to Larger Park.jpg (599x399, 81.14K)

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All women are whores, desu.

should we do it too?

Why does Japan hate Korean?

Attached: Sk babymaker wife.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

How was I already sure who was behind this post before I clicked on it?

What's the problem up in thailand?

Attached: plastic surgery before and after.jpg (1908x1146, 210.45K)

nothing really
but erecting a giant statue of big tiddy futa probably attract some tourist

Do you know Korea cheek bone statue?
Thailand is also famous for some surgery.
Thai xxx (you know what) statue might be good attraction

K davido

During Japanese occupation of Korea 1910-1945 Korean women for first time in history experience strange sensation known as orgasm.

and also the last time jap men put their dick on woman instead of pillow

what does surgery have to do with prostitute statue?

It is humorous that Koreans think Koreans look best in Asia

Fucking roasted

this rivalry is so cute I can't take it seriously for some reason

prostitutes make the world go round

It is interesting that Koreans think Japanese are small.Height difference is only 2cm

Bomb demon please keep silent

>bomb demon
lol what?

Do Arabs commit suicide bombers on weekends?

their holy day is friday anyways so they probably would

At start of 20th century Korea is absolute backward shithole like African tribes. 90% illiterate population everyone is rice farmer who live on landlord estate and die age 45 of tuberculosis, whooping cough, malaria, smallpox. Women walk around with tits hanging out. Only aristocrat can read and write by using chink runes. Korean king pay annual tribute to Chinese emperor including 100 virgin for his harem.

In occupation roads schools hospital factory built. Korean learn write in hangul instead of chink runes. Park Chung Hee son of farmer who had no chance to go to school in old Korea, he serve in IJA and model Korea industrialization on Japan.

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still smol jap lmao

My height is 188cm.

Attached: 7AC4A523-D6F2-4344-8FCF-8D3D118E2648.jpg (286x496, 119.65K)

how did you civilized them?


dude Japan is still using "chink runes"

Actual Koreans prefer Japanese people. Like a Canadian sees the UK

turkey is european not arab

Are you Turkish English?

Were you talking abt prostitutes

My gf is korean and told me that the Japanese are secretly extremely two faced and horrible people deep down and I thought she was overreacting until I interacted with japs on Yas Forums

Absolutely disgusting “people”

Your moms too.

>Your moms too

Attached: 1584153669710.png (2218x1752, 2.65M)

>German women would fuck for a tin of canned meat or a pack of cigarettes
>If they get pregnant they would claim rape and receive free abortion
>"Nooo, you raped Berlin!!! From 3 to 80!!!"


>Soviet occupational forces had to establish talon-based food distribution points, sometimes out of their own rations, giving milk for children and butter to families
>meanwhile Americans poured cacao into Berlin sewers just out of spite and starved German POWs
>"Noooo, you starved Berlin!!!"

Attached: 71yygWWPncL.jpg (637x1000, 218.43K)

Which Comfort woman is the cutest?

Attached: Which Comfort Woman is the cutest.jpg (1188x2332, 1.64M)

why is Korean so insecure?

>be japanese netouyo incel
>fap to jav made by yakuza's whores

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>gook thots have been blacked for over a half century

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Asian woman is fucking

Why Thais hate Koreans while they smuggle in here and get mistreated?

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This. You can never trust a j*p

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>this thread again
Literally what is Korea and japans problem?

Based and vatnikpilled

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>40 Black GIs ejaculated hot semen into my kimchi-smelling pussy everyday, while Korean men were just standing there and watching like a literal cuck!

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nothing special, just our daily greetings

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money obviously
but they are also hated here as well
trading you soul for being plastic gook slave is sad

40 nig cum everyday? Damn, sounds helluva tough. I am so sorry for these poor girls.

What is this AV? I don't want to watch this but I get pure curiosity

Idk i got it from another user.

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why aren't they look like kpop girl

Japanese family picture, 1945, Hiroshima

Attached: Japanese-family-picture-1945-Hiroshima.jpg (1024x683, 38.83K)

>Yes, build a statue of a impregnated Korean woman! Let's symbolize our women as black men's cumsluts!

Attached: comfortwomen3.jpg (640x437, 82.95K)

Then why do you make a theme park about being cucked by two bombs?


Attached: Photobomb.jpg (700x700, 52.68K)

Did you know that 20,000 Koreans were killed and vaporized that day? and that was the only good aspect of 2 nukes.
Even a nuclear mushroom cloud can have a silver lining, user.

>According to recent estimates, about 20,000 Koreans were killed in Hiroshima and about 2,000 died in Nagasaki.
>It is estimated that one in seven of the Hiroshima victims was of Korean ancestry.

Attached: We Wuz Hiroshima (1).jpg (682x1024, 171.88K)

all east asian should be exterminate accept mongolia

>Even a nuclear mushroom cloud can have a silver lining, user.

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20000 Korean die
200000 Japs die
Koreans did a great sacrifice.

Stop the right wing from rampaging

Yeah, it was a great sacrifice.

>"We went over there and eventually burned down every town in North Korea, and some in South Korea, too. Over a period of three years or so, we killed off, what, 20 percent of the population?” — Curtis LeMay, in “Strategic Air Warfare”

>“The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20 million people. I have never seen such devastation. After I looked at that wreckage and those thousands of women and children … I vomited.” — MacArthur in 1951

>The U.S. dropped a total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, on Korea.
>By comparison, the U.S. dropped 160,000 on Japan during all of World War II.

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No let him do it. I have nothing to do anyways

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Hospital massacre Rape of Nanking Beheadings Systematic cannibalism Comfort woman Bataan death march Unit 731


>"We went over there and eventually burned down every town in North Korea, and some in South Korea, too. Over a period of three years or so, we killed off, what, 20 percent of the population?” — Curtis LeMay, in “Strategic Air Warfare”
What's up with bombing North Korea?
I love watching North Korea burn.
In fact, it was Korean soldiers and Americans mission to burn down North Korea
Why do you think North and South Korea are friends?

J. Howard McGrath thinks otherwise apparently.

No Gun Ri massacre "Kill 'em all!"

>400 South Korean civilians gathered at a bridge were killed by US forces, mostly women and children.
>“There was a lieutenant screaming like a madman, fire on everything, kill ’em all,” recalls 7th Cavalry veteran Joe Jackman.
>“I didn’t know if they were soldiers or what. Kids, there was kids out there, it didn’t matter what it was, eight to 80, blind, crippled or crazy, they shot ’em all.”

>J. Howard McGrath, referred to the Koreans as “rodents,” and thus had no regrets about the ongoing slaughter.

Attached: NoGunRi_massacre.jpg (450x343, 88.41K)

No Gun Ri massacre happened. So what?
Are Japs and Americans still enemy because of Atomic bombing?

Savage. You should be sorry for crushing his "muh Justice America liberated Korea" dream.

Koreans miss the BJC