A general for members of Indian subcontinent
/desi general
I no longer think in my native language and can only get off to western music youtube.com
am I an ameriboo?
Most likely, hear this
takes me back to new vegas
>northies shit on southes and vice versa
>NRIs shit on natives and vice versa.
>katuas shit on kaffirs and vice versa
>hindus shit on mlechaas and vice versa.
here we go again..
katus deserve the hate. Simple as
How the fuck did paki have so much more infected than us now? what happened?
The cruel Court killed the rapistbros lads :(
I wake up before sunrise and immediately offer prayers to Krishna, then I do pranam to the deity of the sun, Surya, as the sun slowly rises from the horizon, next proceed to a shower, clean my teeth using a Neem twig.
I then face either north or east on a pure sheet positioned on pure grounds, that remains undisturbed by any other object or article. I take 3 sippings of holy water and proceed to put on my forehead, bosom and tow arms a round mark of red powder (tilak). I then meditate on brahman itself for several minutes, before bowing and chanting mantras to the murtis of 5 deities (namely Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, Devi and Surya, also known as Panchayatana puja) as a means to raise to higher planes of the swinging pendulum of birth to death to rebirth (in order to the avoid duldrums of lower planes of existence which ulitmately distract the finite brain from contemplation of atman and brahman).
I've read the Vedas and Upanishads 108 times already and can recite Puranas off by heart, all in their original sanskrit. I've also studied the systems of logic from Nyaya, veered off into the Nastika metaphysics of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika, Advaita and Dvaita systems of ontology, the mathematics of Aryabhatta and countless Sutras on all topics and fields.
I avoid all tamasic foods and activities and try to avoid maya (worldly pleasures and attachments) as much as possible, as such all I own is an saffron shawl and i spoil all morsels of food with drops of water, to dull the taste (attachment to sensory pleasures only leads to misery and suffering). I do this because the entire material universe is a merely a distraction from reuniting the soul with the unknowable, infinite and immutable mind that underlies everything one materially senses. I haven't deliberately looked at a woman in 3 years (let alone touched or spoken to one) and I subsist solely off of begging for alms.
stupid native
F for /ourguys/
The future doesnt exist.
The past doesnt exist.
They would have to exist in the present which is impossible.
The present doesnt exist. It would have to exist between the future and past, which have been shown not to exist.
Are the present and the future dependent on the past or not?
If they are dependent on the past they must some how exist in the past. This is not tenable.
If independent of the past, they do not need the past to happen to arise, and can thus arise during the past. This is not tenable.
Time therefore does not exist objectively
*mic drop*
mates my friend is becoming obsessed with sadhguru. how do i tell her he is full of nonsense
show her the videos where he goes on about physics and cosmology or summat
the problem is she's watched enough of him to think that the yoga masters are right and the scientists are wrong.
are there any good exposés or anything of hm?
Are bhai bhai bhai
Once a british soldier woke up and walked in the Himalayas and met a yogi who told him a guy is coming to him to check out his previous life. It happened for real. The yogi showed that guy a video of his previous life in air screen. The British soldier then walked back to his camp and went to sleep
you still here asking m8 its been a month let her get brainwashed if she wants to.
fucking hell how can people fall for that scammer
you didnt give me any good exposes of him
people in emotional distress i suppose
he is charismatic but hes also full of shit
because if there were, he'd have been exposed. He got away with murdering his wife and having her father arrested. If your friend can't identify the pseudoscience bs he spouts, then that's on her head.
first for FUCK P*KIS
Just make her read something accessible but worthwile like Yogananda's autobiography of a yogi, it's simplified stuff but it's at least very well crafted and (as far as I can tell being non Indian) he respects the tradition
Leave her alone. There is nothing wrong with Sadhguru.
Yes, Sadhguru has said some cringy pseudoscientific things but so has every single priest, imam, and rabbi in the world.
Thambi you're going to get an aneurysm if you don't calm down
Awesome! Brohoof dude!
/) (\
Ahh yes fellow Brahminigger NRI, tell me are you also 6 '5?
Free Goa! Indians stop occupying Goa!
What does that mean you Romani shitskin subhuman.
You forgot #HitlerModi
>Free Goa! Indians stop occupying Goa!
You can make Indian liberals retweet that if you include hashtags like #FuckHinduism and #HitlerModi
Is Modi officially the new Fuhrer of the Aryan race?
new vegas was not that great, it contains haram things such as lesbian and gay. user play fallout 4 or 76 and visit /fog/.
Ayo tawid nigga hows the coronavirus situation in Pakistan
Gypsies are Indians you retard.
The annexation of Portuguese India was illegal and India has no claims over Goa.
i am fine.situation is under control,the first case of coronavirus was in sindh,karachi.major cities are under lockdown,anyone seen outside at 8:00 pm is going to jail for 4 days.
>or 76
>the first case of coronavirus was in sindh,karachi
Our muhajir double agents at work I see. Stay safe inside and play video games bruh
>he isn't playing the best fallout game of the decade
Lmaoing at you obsidrones
you too bruva,stay safe
guys i hate all mudslimes because of a few that are protesting against CAA
i dont want to be racist, help
namaste lads
Thalaivar and Bear Grylls soon.
dumilan on Yas Forums
i have seen it all now
dei hexamutt punda neeya da adhu Yas Forums had four or five tamil posters from india alone, the denmark poster is a tamil/telugu mutt too.
are u the neet who got fired for rating 1 star for his company on playstore?
lol no
seri da
dei solra dumil do u work?
if yes, what are your companies work from home policies?
dai nee erkanave interview laam eduthutta da, work from home policy laam onnnum illa office la enna pannuvoma adha dhaan ingayum panren.
which is work for an hour or two, watch netflix and play pubg.
Om Bhur Bhuva Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat
God passed judgement
why'd you delete the gf post m8
Fucking aboriginals
Get the fuck outta here chimps.