>still has almost 2 billion more views than the second most viewed video
oh no no no
Still has almost 2 billion more views than the second most viewed video
what is it?
I still haven't heard this song
reggaeton recs *ragged breathing* por favor, señors
It's nothing special. I don't understand why it has so many listens
anglos simply can't compete
post more latino and korean songs that no one listens to but bots
More than gangbam style!?!?!?!?
It has a baseline of catchiness. That’s all spics need to overplay a song to death.
Latin music is fucking to say the least.kpop is more handsome and has better music
Gangnam style was million times better than this shit
This music talk about sex and sex and sex
Wasn't latin america catholic culture?
Why are they so whore?
Hello Joe Hernandez. You don't have to pretend to have broken English
>Why are they so whore?
Says the country that cut its dicks because Private Gomez did it too.
I love it when music is fucking.
Shut up Sancho Hernandez
Who cuts dicks? They cut foreskin and now nobody do it
>and now nobody do it
Yeah because your birthrate is abysmal.
Think you have to be a spic to appreciate it
Who want children now anyway? They consume tons of money and health of parents. Not having child is smart.
>Not having child is smart.
Then who takes care of you when you're older?
>Then who takes care of you when you're older?
Why don't you save your accounts and hire some third world country servants?
Shut up, comfort country.
lel sorry
Austrian women's butt felt good
You never felt touch of women, yerrow baby dick
No, my height is more than 180cm so my dick is huge
>No, my height is more than 180cm so my dick is huge
Why is Japan so good at lying? height more than 180cm? are you ethnic Korean ?
Not a lie.But I'm fat
Lol I am becoming scared of you. 188cm and 106 kg is not 'fat' but it's 'scary'.
Sigues con el
Me gusta
The taller they are, the harder they fall, but they can still pick you up and throw you.
188cm and 106kg means he can break my spine for fun
The taller the bigger the heart.So I won't do that
are you a girl? I mean he’s 6cm taller and 20kg heavier than me but there’s no way I wouldn’t kill a jap, even more an obese one
You will be a comfort boy for him
>all the angloids seething itt pretending this song is even remotely popular still in the hispanosphere and its not just a bunch of anglo retards that do clubbing and arabs and insectoids listening to it over and over
all normie songs are mating songs one way or another
the style and presentation are different but the intent and message is the same
wtf I thought gangnam style is still the most viewed video on youtube
yummy Papis
based brother
Reggaeton and hot latinas are the biggest contributions to mankind by LatAm. Today the new album by J Balvin is also available so it's all good.
this is why i hate panchitos de mierda
Was a few years ago. Then shitpacito took over
* UNTZZ TZ untz UNTZZ TZ untz UNTZZ TZ untz UNTZZ TZ untz *
I hate this song so much. And when you understand the lyrics is even worse.
becoming a spic is upgrade or downgrade/?
That song in particular doesn't mention sex, not even once, mr.bugman
Must be millions of spics blasting the video at parties because they can't afford Spotify
Also I saw the video once and it fucking cracked me up how they dance so joyously while the city as a backdrop is a run-down fucking shithole. I fucking hate Latino """"culture""""
Everyone I know has a Spotify premium account (cheap af on its own, like $5, if not most of the time it comes with the phone or internet plan. Why do europoors keep falling for tired memes?
No slut shaming sweatie. Not even during social distancing times mmkay. No hugs no kisses no handshakes.
>*cough cough cough*
Corona-chan take this classist scum why don't cha
I never liked this song.
fact : hispanics are most powerful people on planet earth
for who?
Anything would be an upgrade to an indian
never liked despacito, BUT GASOLINA by the same artist is the best song in the world.
At a certain point people here were so tired of this song that they started beating the shit out of the DJs who wouldn't stop playing it in clubs