Why do French soliders have the appearence of sois?

Why do French soliders have the appearence of sois?

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No hormones in the food that makes you look like a mutant, which is what Americans are.

>picking the one soldier with no chin
Sure user

if tall, still qt

You wouldn't last a day in the French military OP

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t. Bradley "Chelsea" Manning

One on the right is cuter than most amerimutts desu

why are frogs so insecure? you take bait better than we do

I unironically know a person that was in the foreign legion, he said that the first thing they did to him was to twist his nipple.

That's a Canadian soldier

Why do am*rinigger soliders have the appearence of soulless psychopaths who pillaged and destroyed half the world for the benefit of their jewish masters?

chino chan

love how yanks all unironically think they look like dolph lundgren

lol it is


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amazing how a weak chin fucks a man appearance.

Is that why they used "fin de semaine" instead of the very French "weekend"?

We smol, poles and other euros always whitemog us

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yeah because they're surrounded and controlled by a majority English people who's culture permeates them and makes it mandatory for them to be bilingual they're going to be sure that their French is the most Quebec/French thing ever and any influence of English is a truly horrendous attack and existential threat to the Quebecker people while France which is self governing and Parisian French is the only language officially permitted with it and it's culture being super strong doesn't really care about a few cool angliscisms or americanismsmuch like how in norn iron everyone is 100% irish catholic or british protestant while no-one in Ireland or Britain really cares about that anymore

Remainder that frogs got their ass kicked in Vietnam BEFORE it was popular to do so
What the fuck did punctuation ever do to Ireland?

they do?

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Possibly the longest sentence I've ever read

So, Ireland chose religion over its own language because English values and the English language was seen as the correct path to follow, while Quebec didn't let go of their language because they felt oppressed by it.

>Ireland chose
They didn't "choose" to be under your hemogeny and forced to speak English kek

>Reservists in basic training.
They look like that everywhere.

The states managed to get all the French speakers of former Louisiana adopt English as their main language through a mandatory education in English . Nowadays people seldom speak French over there.
I'ts the same in Ireland with Irish.
What makes Quebec different?

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Québécois here, this is the Canadian Army, not French, you can see the CADPAT camo and béret are not French at all, plus the "fin de semaine" which is used only here. Also it's basic training, not the special forces, litterally any army gets scummy soy trash who wants to be a big badass joining the military in basic training.

Larger proportion of the population, francophile royal family in Britain, appeasement policies to avoid Québec joining the American revolution, etc.

>>French soliders have the appearence of sois?
>Qu'est-ce t'as dit le nabot ? Je t'ai pas entendu en raison du bruit de mes énormes couilles raclant le sol.

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>tfw you know history and military history and you see memes about French being cowards
Read "The Price of Glory" by Horne.

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Better than any chink soldiers

shut up fat

Wow you’re just a ball of sunshine aren’t you?

we do everything better than you do, period

You’re definitely better at losing wars I’ll give you that

shut up fat

Try reading La Route des Flandres then. No, in fact don't, it's among the shittiest book I've ever read

Nah, I'm pretty sure the Americans have them beat there. The French had a Pyrrhic victory against a bunch of underequipped rice farmers after their country had been occupied, their politics in a deadlock, their empire disintegrating and their economy down the shitter. They went in to pacify Vietnam, they left behind a pro-Western South Vietnam.

The Americans went in with the largest industry on the planet, 50% of the world's GDP, standing as the world's sole superpower (don't pretend the USSR measured up in the slightest) and a professionalized military and they failed to defend South Vietnam so hard that even Laos and Cambodia (again: the French have been here) switched sides.

Not even mad, being able to lose with the entire deck stacked in your favor is impressive.

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nice cope

>Hello cope department? Yeah, it’s Dutch user, I’ll take your whole stock

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That's just what the modern western diet does to your face

*Nordic Prussian ancestry

t.pays tribute to Chechens

>Remainder that frogs got their ass kicked in Vietnam BEFORE it was popular to do so
60 years after we absolutely buttfucked them, so that's fair.

You however, don't even have that claim and came at them with 20 times the amount of men and modern armament we had. What's your excuse?

Because when French go to war they just throw the French Foreign Legion (slavs and other 3rd worlders) into battle instead of going themselves.

Watcha on about Frenchie, you got your ass handed by the Vietkangs, they had almost an equal K/D with you frog niggas lmao

Theres 2 types of MPs here in funland those big rambos and soy conscript mps

>that faggy voice

>60 years later we absolutely buttfucked them
You guys do buttfuck a lot I’ll give you that much

I'm pretty sure it's not the French who de facto legalized prison rape and made it a staple of their pop culture.

Le très basé major Gérald.

hey sup everyone is this the bait general

this so much
i dont know what theyre bragging about
theyve been there for 20 years and managed to do worse with all the odds on their side

People who work for the army in civilized wprld (Europe) are manlets, soyjaks or women

>Civilized = weak

Armies forgot most men don't have a good enough jawline to look tough without a beard so we're stuck with sissy-soldiers everywhere.

>Pyrrhic victory
Uh, that's one way to describe a total military failure followed by the lost of their colony, for sure. There was an American puppet-state (to no benefit of the French) there but it only existed because of a total lack of interest on the part of the Soviets. France's defeat was total.

You know that tearing France down only makes America's humiliation look even worse by comparison, right? I was giving France some leeway to be generous to America.

I'm not here to engage in a childish flag-waving exercise. I only pointed out your lie. Cope.

>I'm not here to engage in a childish flag-waving exercise
Of course not. You entered this thread because you're not into childish flag-waving. You're not coping at all.