s/cum/ gaaaaaaang edition
/cum/ Canada USA MExico
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first for s/cum/ gang
do you identify as a pervert?
dumb quarantined thots still taking the same pictures cause they never actually leave the house
Why would I?
Jannies iffy, uh, user got the stiffy, uh
Got piccies, uh, thread it holds 250, uh
Also, where is six now anyway?
Define perversion
nooooooooooooo! not the hecking trannyarinos!!
Stranger: Hey...
You: Hiiii
You: You ever do drugs
Stranger: How are you?
Stranger: No...?
You: Boring
Stranger: ?
Stranger: How
You: Boring
Stranger: Excuse me
You: You're boring
Stranger: You’re rude
Stranger: You don’t even know me
Stranger: Yet you call me rude
You: How old are you, boring fuck?
Stranger: I could be the most interesting person you would ever know
You: Shut the fuck up stupid woman
Stranger: Old enough to know that you need to learn some more respect
Stranger: And you need to watch your mouth
You: Boring cunt
You: sigh
You: tsk
Stranger: Wtf
Stranger: You need help dude
Stranger: How old are you
You: how old are you cunt
Stranger: I’m probably younger than you but I have more respect and maturity than you
You: if you do
You: then tell me how fucking old you are
Stranger: 14 and you
You: dumb fucking cunt
You: i knew it
You have disconnected.
I would unironically fuck Jazz like an animal IF she had kept her penis. Don't know why the fuck tranners do this, the dick is the best part of a trap.
yeeehhhhhhh boooooooiiiiiiiii we ouch'ere
>people literally fucking dying
>hospitals overwhelmed
>trannies think they should have priority at a time like this
and one day, for no reason at all...
>its a "Bobby starts ranting about the Chinese while learning to drive" episode
well least they got a cheap dinner
they don't want to have sex with gay men. the whole point of AGP is they want to become a woman, bride of frankenstein
Fucking gonna suck hard when Dormph closes the border for casual travel tomorrow ffs, I still needed a few things to pick up from my PO Box.
smith & wesson will fucking cure them
mental freaks
yeah honestly, I would probably sodomise him after a few drinks, provided he still had a penis instead of a hideous wound. I wouldn't want to kiss him either, there's something about those lips that disgust me.
i don't like the idea of anal sex. i wouldn't do it.
how close you live to the US? Texas?
What’s the problem?
haha woah, this the new one?
have you done anal sex with a girl?
Haven’t had anal in general yet
right on the border with Cali (not Tijuana though, thank God)
butts are stinky
it's messy, uh oh stinksy
You're missing out, just think of all the stinky poo smells you've missed out on
Would fuck a woman
Would fuck a trap
Would fuck a tranny
Would not fuck a post op
I know they are mentally ill but seeing the rubber stamp just turns me off. Also the thought of sticking it in a mutalated gash probably has something to do with it.
yeah, a few times. poopiestinky once and never again
Do girls not bother with the enema stuff?
I think anal is a good idea until I have s bad shit, than it makes me heave desu
A bunch of people are already losing their jobs and a friend out of the country has been MIA for 5 days now.
did i ask
what part, bud
Honestly, I think sex is just cringe
yeah you did fuck you
Why don’t I enjoy anything
cause ur gay
*butt chugs a Miller High Life*
wtf coronachan this was supposed to be a boomercide
>drinking miller 32's
wtf is this real?
pretty curious how the morbidly obese handle corona
lol look at him splatter everywhere haha
hate it when gets are in some stupid moonspeak language
>Jews! it is the Jews who created and spread the virus.
I'm unironically scared
Hello guys. Im immigrating to Canada in august, how will leafoids cope ?
oh well that's pretty based then
this convo i had is autistic
should i post it
hahahaha no you won't, borders will be closed for 6 months at least
no you're not
you guys miss the part where he's letting in "refugees" and illegal aliens still? (very smart idea, diversity is our *coof coof* strength
Guess i can postpone my immigration a year or two