/mena/ + /diasتيز/ - Le fil du Moyen-Orient + l'Afrique du Nord + Di*spora

Édition mena

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كسم الشيعة

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Salaleaf vs shiite muttflag

According to true islamic standards, how does salaleaf estimate the number of true muslims in the world ?

bout tree fiddy

كس أخت الفرنج
كس أخت اليهود

وكس أخت الفرس

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Based diaspoo making assad peasants seethe

what u mean?

Earlier today salaleaf was shitflinging with some muttflag shilling for iran

Exclude those who :
>dont pray
>work for govt
>in kafir army
>celebrate shirk holiday
>joke on islam

And you should get a few million true muslims.
This should be expected as Allah SWT says the majority enters hell.
I assume every proclaimed muslim is muslim and I dont takfir them without evidence.

هل أنت فعلا سلفي؟

>few millions
Based, i can see the numbers diminishing to a few hunder thousands in a decade or so
>how would salaleafo beefo cope ?


I like shia, sufis and salafis equally

unlikely, but numbers are irrelevant

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What's your religion?

Do you post on 8ch?

Circumcision is genital mutilation

Was Muhammad a cocksucker or a rapist?

Neither you filthy dogfucker. Have fun burning in hell over a Yas Forums post.

No...do you?

not anymore

Hell doesn’t exist.

So answer, was Muhammad a cocksucker or rapist?

Do you mean /islam/?


Hell is real and it'll be fueled by dogfuckers like yourself that can't behave, only bark insults and blasphemies.

Happy nowroz!

how many liras for a cheap syrian wife?

Prove hell is real.

Cool people go to hell

there are some who when they die say there is no diety but Allah and die peacefully

and there are some when they die or are killed scream no or have muscle tension as if in pain

what did the see? Allah knows, im not taking chances

You’re an idiot

Muhammad was a cocksucker


The Ar*b fears this

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bump based op

how about paid by goberments?
aka neets?

The absolute state of /****/

friendly reminder that /mena/ is a ****** free general


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(You) motivate me to continue my life and find new hobbies instead of posting all day long here.

thank you.

They are not helping the kafir infact they weaken it by leeching. It's ok.

I hate introverts physically, I despise those kinds of people. I can hardly bear to talk to them. They have the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. They are arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, their arrogance is unlimited. And that makes me almost nauseous with anger and disgust. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s afraid. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups.

Introverts are ridiculously arrogant. Their "humbleness" is arrogance. Their "shyness" is arrogance. They are as arrogant as anyone else. But you won't know that because they are afraid. They don't talk much not because they are shy or quiet, but because they are afraid. Afraid of being made fun of, afraid of being humiliated. Afraid of other people. This is where the arrogance, and the contradiction comes in. Introverts crave validation; they crave it more than any extrovert. They want to be praised, they want to be glorified. But the fear of humiliation prevents them from striving for it. It makes them paranoid. That fear drives them to hate everyone else, to antagonize everyone else, to sit in a corner and spit on everyone who passes by.

Now, what will our poor little introvert do now that he can't get his validation from other people? He will be put on a pedestal, by himself; he will rub the nose of others in the dirt, by himself, all in his own mind. This is why they are so passive aggressive: they don't need to bring you down physically, you are already humiliated in their own minds.

Their patronizing tone, their false sense of humbleness, their self-depreciation; it all makes me nauseous. I want to hold them by the ears, and scream in their faces at the top of my lungs. To beg them, please, raise your head and stop smiling at yourself. That you are not so superior to me that you have to resort to humiliation to bring yourself down to my level.

I want to humiliate them. I want to humiliate them till they lose that sense of pride. I want them to be humiliated by others, again and again and again, until their deformed and exaggerated sense of pride and self-esteem gets grounded into dust, so that they can rebuild it to be normal like the others.

I want to punch their lying faces. I want to cause them great pain. Not to cause them injury; nor to humiliate them. But to make their faces become angry, frightened, weeping – anything but that smug, almost anaesthetized serenity they wear everywhere. To break that shell of humility, to scratch away that veneer of humbleness, to reveal the haughtiness and hypocrisy inside.

Hypocrisy? Yes, they are hypocrites. Arrogant people are by nature hypocrites. They have impossible standards for others while forgiving themselves their own transgressions. How else do you think they keep up their façade of humble superiority? Another aspect of their hypocrisy is their sensitivity and cruelty. Introverts are sensitive, that much is true, and also a well-known fact. What most people are not aware about is the unusual cruelty of introverts. They can be very cruel. This is because they believe they are more “emotional” beings, able to feel and appreciate the finer sensations, while other people are Neanderthals whose amplitude of both sadness and happiness is minute. They’re not cruel because they’re sadistic or heartless, they simply don’t believe others feel the same way as they do.

The mind of an introvert is inbred. The prejudices it holds feed off themselves, and the biases festering within confirm themselves. It returns, again and again, back to itself for comfort and validation, like a spiral circling inwards ad infinitum. (This inbreeding of thought sometimes leads to a very deformed and ugly view of other people and the world. No surprise then at the fact that sadists, masochist, fetishists, serial killers, are more often than not introverts).

As I said before, introverts get validation from themselves. External input is filtered to remove anything which might affect their prejudices and biases. This is why they appear to be so neutral, not because they are actually so, but because they are afraid to bring out their opinions into the glare of public scrutiny. They start getting anxiety at the thought of people picking away at their precious little values in the broad daylight. At the thought that their worldview might be wrong. All they want to do is to sit in the dark and let their biases and prejudices fester while quietly smiling to themselves in their surety.

Not surprising since their entire world is closed up like a tightly wound ball of yarn inside their minds. Unlike extroverts, who are more receptive in that they welcome feedback from the outside, introverts are not so, they rarely ever change their inert minds, no matter how much evidence you throw at them. They are stubborn, afraid of change, unreactive and often they mistake this stubbornness, which originates from fear, as integrity.

c o p e


kill minorities

/islam/ is filled with shias

t.kaaffir kalb


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I think there's 1, but it's a dead board with like 4 or 5 active ppl
The owner is ibadi and he allows shiites for board activity, if he banned them it would just be 3 sunnis and him lol

let the ira@i thread die

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t.kaaaaafir who lives in dar al harb

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>drawing the prophet PBUH
>mocking Jesus PBUH
t heretic kaaffirs


you saved them didn't you kaffir

t.shiite kaafir

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kvrd bvll saladin
kurd rote of all civilization
kvrd liberate palestine qudds

t gazan BVLL

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