1. Mexico
2. Italian
3. Japanese
4. Spanish
5. French
6. Thai
7. Med? (Like those people who speak Arabic and have gyros of lamb/beef and serve falafels, I'm not sure what exact country does this)

901. American (some is very good like Cajun, some is absolute shit tier like Midwestern)
902. Indian
903. German


9001. British
9002. Slavic foods
9003. Ethiopian
9004. Nordic


90000000001. Chinese (have literally started pandemics over their fucked up diet, fuck off)

Irrelevant/10: not mentioned

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>Like those people who speak Arabic and have gyros of lamb/beef and serve falafels, I'm not sure what exact country does this

wait maybe it was Turkish or something, idk I don't give a fuck

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>some shit between two slices of bread
wow, cuisine

wtf do u mountain niggers even eat

Its Levant and Egypt so just Arab

bluepilled an0n

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wtf do they eat besides rice and beans
sudaca food is absolute shit, argentinians have their steaks and that's it

I eat a lot there but never touched that, if you like it take it. Plus I hate burritos and tacos, that is not food.

>I hate burritos and tacos

literal subhuman

>a mutt talking about food
a hamburguer maybe?

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so was /ck/ not taking the bait anymore or what

ur moms pussy

can you check soy jak's ethnicity?

Both meme foods

filthy sudaca go die
I'll crosspost there actually good idea
seriously wtf do u eat

Mexican food is garbage bro
they are only popular cause Chicano made American thinks its "spicy"
Peruvian food is better

authentic Mexican is top tier you stupid chink

Actual Mexican food is ok because at the end of the day it's just different assortments of corn and chili peppers, however seeing as you're American your choice is probably biased by whatever you call "Mexican food" in your country, heart attack tacos and burritos or whatever. And even if it's not, it still doesn't deserve to be first.
On the other hand, Spain makes some high quality produce and ingredients but that's it. As far as recipes go, Spanish cuisine lacks in originality and variation, and although it's tasty it's not something I would eat every day. and I have no idea how Spanish people manage.

In any case I would remove Spain and Mexico from the top 5. My top 3 would be Italy, France and Japan, and I would put China in the top 10 (you've never had actual Chinese food).

I'm not sure if it's a matter of lack of recognition generally or simply OP having a low effort list but our cuisine is getting slept on here

ok maybe but not top tier
most authentic south american food are better than mexican
your food is only popular because of retard mutt

> at the end of the day it's just different assortments of corn and chili pepper
t. clueless about actual Mexican, kys pastanigger

*sprays raid*

ah okay, you're just retarded

>2. Italian
mmmm carbs und tomato sauce

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turkish is just arab food with yogurt, fuck off roach

ravioli ravioli what's in the pocketoli

Sei ritardato?

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thank god I've never been this ignorant

spain makes better ham
hell, corsica makes better ham

thank god I've never been a literal manifestation of evil that is a t*rk

You don't.

apparently you're not only retarded but also an eternally butthurt diaspora loser

i am neither spanish nor corsican so i don't know why you're addressing me in the first person, but yes, yes they do mr. vincent defranco from brooklyn

Yikes. Go back Gomez

your ancestors were literal rapist babykillers that tried to kill my ancestors, fuck you roach, burn in hell. Enjoy living in your shithole with your shithole cockroach president

go shoot up a school Cletus

damn wipe your tears off the keyboard nigga

I mean your country doesn't make better ham, Mohammed Oogadooga from Ougadougou.

Chicano are mentally ill creature

wash the blood of innocents off your shit covered hands you fucking roach

Ethiopian food (inb4) is amazing. There’s an Ethiopian place where my family lives and it’s great.

you guys were raiding turkish villages as irregulars under the russian army, it's not nice that all of that killing happened but you're not completely innocent either

t. faggot fighting for israel or mentally ill tranny

>raiding turkish villages as irregulars under the russian army

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I'm neither of those even if you don't believe me
But you are forever a seething chicano that have no culture, despised by actual mexican and american
And your food still suck

he's an armenian.

Mexican food is al a different version of the same thing

I bet you'd get extremely mad if I replaces turkish with armenian and russian with ottoman

Christ, this is pathetic. These read like you ripped them straight out of a Yas Forums insult template or something.


he's mentally ill is what he is

where did i mention my country, schizo

so some ugly chink, got it, seethe more faggot
>Christ, this is pathetic. These read like you ripped them straight out of a Yas Forums insult template or something.

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alright, what diaspora are you? Greek?

none of your business roach

I'm starting to think you're underage
You need to be at least 18 to post here, you know

probably a chicano

Top 7 (no particular order)


no he's a former vassal of the ottoman empire, can't be a mexican, at least not a native

mexican-armenian mutt?

Reminder that u filthy subhumans are responsible for some of the worst atrocities in Europe including the Armenian genocide which you pieces of human trash still deny today

assuming you're a white person in the american continent, you killed far more people than we ever did