Do white girls love chicano guys?
Do white girls love chicano guys?
No. They love black men.
I miss star, hurry up with the new show nefcy
No. White women only love white men.
Croc comic
Not if you keep acting like a faggot and watching children's cartoons.
>this cope
Yes. White girls have asked me out before but I rejected them because I was autistic with homo tendencies
It’s true. Look up the stats. White women mix the least.
No they didn’t.
No, too low testosterone, they prefer black men
Just kill yourself
mexicans in the US are such cringe
They did, white girls like chicanos. Only girls that dislike us are asian ones.
Yes, I still am
How so?
They like the feminine looking ones or the very masculine Med guys, so as long as you’re one of those which is rare, you can probably attract a bunch of 7-10/10s, however beware of angry racist boomer parents though, if you just look tan enough, you can larp as an spainard/Italian and they will buy it, but you won’t lower yourself to so flat ass white girl, right? At least get a non fatty athletic Pawg or a athletic kween
they're insecure, weak, effeminate retarded loser parasites, shit identity, shit culture, overall dirty subhumans
at least mexicans in mexico have some integrity
You have never chicano irl, your opinion is just based on Yas Forums shitposters
chicanos are pathetic and chicanas prefer the wasp man anyday over lil chicoboys
She dead
>tfw no californian gf
naw, only white boys do
Idc, im gay and white people are the minority.The only people who lose from racemixing with chicanas are whites.
chicanos are all ugly manlets and look the same
this is now a star thread
> Tf
> Tp
Insulting anyone's apperance
I can get mexican gf if I wanted to
>white girls like chicanos
Statistically white women prefer white men.
> They like...very masculine Med guys
This, don’t encourage him to larp and lie if he isn’t actually Med though. Whatever woman he’s with deserves an honest answer about his race.
I do not care if they insult me, Im masochist and provoke people so they insult me
>Statistically white women prefer white men.
True, they prefer white men but they still like chicanos.
From my experience when it comes to non white men dating white women blacks are the most successful followed by Latin American guys
Kek, insult me more
user, don't beat yourself up like that...
Most white girls are afraid of black men, only a few fetishists date them
You are describing europeans too.
Chicano shitposting triggered him
White boys like chicanas.
Give me your chicanas.
BBC is a meme really, everyone is disgusted by niggers
Are you not the footfag who is afraid of talking to women? lol
Brit sissy who is afraid of women projecting hard lol
No idea who you're talking about. Post chicana feet. Not all Brits are the same person. Talking to attractive women fills me with abject terror though.
No te proyectes en mí boludo
Why are european "men" so effeminate?
Europe's very safe now, so people evolved to be passive and non-confrontational. It's like how penguins in the Antarctic will just waddle up to you because they have no natural land predators.
Most chicanas expect you to be masculine, you will have better luck with an asian girl who just expects you to be white
I'll just get one of those giant, dominant chicana gfs who are attracted to men in tune with their emotions
In California, Utah and Texas. Yes.
Better be packing a BBC ANYWHERE else.
Remember when everyone unironically believed that marco and star had a baby at 15 and that's why they where missing for a year, even fucking his ex tought so
If you look Spanish yes. If you look Indian no
>If you look Indian no
I mean they act like a couple already
it's true
Chicanos do not look indian
I know
Based and blackpilled