Completely unnecessary country

Completely unnecessary country.

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_Serbia.svg.png (800x533, 76.76K)

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Slavs are based, fuck off Magyar nigger

Free Nagorno Karabakh, subhuman.

It's already freed, what's your point here?

We should bomb them again.

Stop cringeposting.

>Completely unnecessary country.

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shut the fuck up
also serbia started ww1

a good friend went there and killed some serbs some decades ago

S*rbs are the Israel to Russia and unironically to Europe.

Have you seen the posts you shit out?

>serbia started ww1

Attached: 1578756210687.jpg (640x701, 62.63K)

Yes, they're exceptionally based.

Why not just give s*rbia to Croatia or it's neighboring countries and then move the people back to Turkey or gypsy land?

dumb soiposter

Take your meds

what the balkans would be like without serbshits

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>"Take your meds"

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Same can be said about the rest of the balkan countries. There is no reason for them to be independent. They should have stayed as a part of our country

>Take your meds

Attached: index.png (210x240, 6K)

>greek flag defending the people who invaded and nearly destroyed their former empire

>dumb soiposter

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>Same can be said about the rest of the balkan countries. There is no reason for them to be independent. They should have stayed as a part of our country

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Gayreek monki, please stop shitting up the thread with your low quality crap.

>Gayreek monki, please stop shitting up the thread with your low quality crap.

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spisak postoji


>also serbia started ww1
Germany started WW1

never EVER compare the glorious OTTOMAN empire to the contemporary r*Public of t*Rkey

No one cares.

I'd say AH also had a very big part to play in it. It wasn't Germany which pushed for AH to declare war on Serbia and thus on Russia, even though German high command was itching for war with Russia.

>No one cares.

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Shut the fuck up beaknosed subhumanoid Aoid. Fucking failed lab experiment of human-bird hybrid looking ass.

>S-shut the fuck up, y-you are ugly
Lmao, do you understand that it's a compliment coming from turkish flag?

I called you a subhuman too, you should wear it as a badge of honor with big letters reading: PROUD SUBHUMAN AOID everywhere you go

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Imagine looking like this and complaining about the fact that someone went through the effort to visit your rundown shack in 5000m tall mountain and exterminate you 100 years ago. Armenians are so subhuman that people climbed one of the highest mountains in Asia just to kill them for fun lmao.

Attached: Armenian officer.jpg (500x381, 49K)

That's pretty funny as only a culturless subhuman monkey would consider Mher Mkrtchyan as something insulting. But you're turk - a literal orc, so your chronical inferiority is genetical, understandable and can only be ignored


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>Mher Mkrtchyan
Oh, he had a name? I thought blobfishes weren't named

>culturless subhuman monkey

That's a bad timing to come defend your biological brother, Aoid 2.0. I'm going to rape you both.

Attached: The Aoid.png (745x903, 1.37M)

Why do Balkan threads always end up like this

Goats are the only thing you're ever going to rape, nargila gargling turanid retard

Armenoid faggot:

If Turks are inferior people as you claimed, then what getting stomped out for 9 centuries by people you consider as inferior beings makes you? It makes you inferior than Turks. Next time choose your words carefully you 85 IQ mental ameoba. Turks culturally, politically and socially dominated your nation for centuries, the power dynamics here is not in your favor.

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Why do armenoids blame TVRKs for the armenian national walkathon? The architects of the walkathon were an ALBANIAN and BULGARIAN and the people who carried it out on the ground were mostly Kurds and Chechens. TVRKs were too busy fighting the war to end all wars BTFOing britshits and holding off russoid hordes while armenoids were getting raped (literally) lmao

I would rather rape goats than spending one minute in a room with your women, you fucking detestable monstrosity. Your "people" look like Jews that Nazis drew in their anti-semitic cartoons in 1930's. You fucking wish that I actually rape your women so that your family tree would actually resemble a family tree instead of family ladder.

Attached: Armenian woman.jpg (600x749, 76.47K)

Imagine being armenian lmao

>byzantine bitches for all time, literally cum guzzle greeks
>conquered by arabs, then turks for quite literally a millenium
>conquered by russians, proceed to guzzle their semen
>lose 75% of your population in a few years raped into oblivion by KVRDish bulls
>forced to become the largest relative diaspora in the world where your women are globally known as bbc sluts

We shouldn't have done it to them bros we went too far

fuck this thing will haunt me in my dreams

Don't forget that modern Armenia is a land locked mountainous shithole in Caucasus that completely relies on Russian humanitarian aid to survive. They don't have any room for agriculture nor industry and they're poor as fuck lmao

Attached: protestuojantys-armenai-558bcaa458d79.jpg (680x450, 48.94K)

This thread is why you never trust roaches: they act as if they are victims but love to shit on anyone they oppressed.

Sm h. We fucked up by paralyzing them so hard but going a step short of taking them out of their misery. It's cruelty against animals

>Zerg Rush on divided countries weakened by imperial policy and inner conflicts
>Let the conquered nations to ruke your empire, completely get assimilated
>Your whioe "nation" literally consists of traitors and opportunistic fags
>Some centuries later
>Some virgin incel calls you subhuman and jokes about genocides on Somalian fish trading forum
STFU dog, unending numbers of biomeat was and a good luck is all you that you have. If Western europoors were not such faggots you'd stop existing long ago
Yes, unfortunately we let inferior t*Rkish monkey genes to pollute our genepool, luckily some time of natural selection will fix that pretty soon.
Also I can find cherry picker tUruk pics twice as morbid lmao

Gucci'nin yeni yüzü hakkında konuşurken terbiyeni takın

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Never forget it armenoid


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Why are you replying to a bait thread


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>>Zerg Rush on divided countries weakened by imperial policy and inner conflicts

Ooh that's a very shitty move from Turks. They should have waited until they bury the hatchet and declared war when they reorganized their army and state. Real life is not a EU4 Ironman run, monobrow desert jogger.

Btw Byzantines were on warpath against Armenians and Seljuqs unironically saved Armenians from potential Hellenization or genocide.

>t*Rkish monkey genes to pollute our genepool

If anything, Turks polluted their genepool by miscegenation with Armenoids in Eastern Anatolia and Pontus. There is a reason why the "people" I posted above are called Armenoid and not Turkoid.

No need to post your self-portrait. We already know aoids look like walking pubes.

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Friendly reminder one of your country's most famous national heroines who your state subsidized her lifestyle and built her a mini-palace was literally a harem girl of an Albanian bull

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When you cum but she keeps sucking

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Serbien muss Sterbien

not white

I'm bored, but yeah I probably shouldn't.
>Seljuqs unironically saved Armenians from potential Hellenization or genocide.
This is your brain on turanid nationalism lmao, what a degenerate retard. I'm done giving any attention to your redneck circus, all thrkish posters are unfunny clowns anyway. Just fuck off Selim


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Difference between races like Turks, Albanians and Armenians, Greeks is that former creates empires and latter can only become a second-class citizen in the empires created by Turks or Albanians.

Kill yourself steppe nigger

Sure bud

lmao someones seething

*Artsakh, Ugroid swine. Stop larping as Turks, it's cringe.

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>Difference between races like Turks, Albanians and Armenians, Greeks is that former creates empires and latter can only become a second-class citizen in the empires created by Turks or Albanians.

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How does the fact Seljuqs unintentionally saving Armenians getting steamrolled by Byzantines have anything to do with your second greentext, you mental midget? Don't they teach history in your mountain shack? Byzantine Emperor burnt bunch of Armenoid churches in Kars and vowed that he will annihilate the Armenian nation.

Also "Armenian Genocide" was in fact Turks and Kurds defending themselves from aggressive orthodog militias trying to carve up their state at the expense of Muslims. It's just to Turks' luck that this time the tables have turned and it boomeranged back on Armenoids and they successfully stopped Eastern Anatolia from becoming another Balkans.

Don't except an apology from anyone because you lost the war you started, subhumanoid. Eat some snack and go to sleep.

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