COUNTRY/self hatred thread

COUNTRY/self hatred thread.
what do you hate about your country, people of the country or yourself.

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>ultrakike leeches
>30% of the voters are braindead
>three elections inone year, no end in sight, becoming more totalitarian thanks to BB trying to use the Corona to avoid trial and stop theparliment.
>socialist economy
>rude people
this place is finished.

Typical jew tricks

Football obsession
Beach and tanning obsession
Shit wages.

I have nothing wrong to say about the Lebanese and Syrian people Muslim people.

I hate that I’m a big fatass and at least a couple of times a year try very hard to lose weight, but ultimately fail, every time.

Absolutely nothing. America is amazing.

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try (intermittent) fasting.

How is your economy socialist? Example?

The french
The flemish
The morrocans
Our politicians
Common people

Who exactly is left if you exclude all of that? The tiny region that speaks German?

I hate that my countrymen are way too nationalistic to the point that they hate our (pretty big) Magyar minority just because they speak Hungarian as their mother tongue
Also, I hate that my country was dissolved (partially thanks to Sl*vak nationalism)

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Being black.

some still worshipping the krautoid menace.
thankfully that percentage is becoming smaller and smaller.

I have too many things I hate about this country to list in one post. It could all be so much better, but most of the people here are complete retards who trust the government and corporations to do eveything for them.

tariffs on everything
funding farmers
lack of competition
one rail company,centralized, not profitable, late crowded slow trains, many problems
one electricity company which is very costly and the employees receive a ton of money
government pays retirement for boomer military people in the billions
ultrakike leeches get a ton of extra funds for not studying math or english, not working and not enlisting.

Based. Destroy the kr*ut menace.

A lot of smartasses. Everybody seems to know better sometimes.

Where do I even start?
1. Gossip and envy is mandatory, we have this samll village mentality even in big cities everybody knows every thing about you and everybody judge you.
2. We are probably the normiest country in the world and I'm not even THAT autistic I have a gf and hang out a lot, but people are walking cliches. It's like an american higshcool movie, if you're rich you gotta be the quarterback stereotype (just change American football for soccer) and if you're not you gotta be a hip-hop/trap outcast.
Everybody screams a lot, continuous meaningless physical contact with everyone and so on.
3. Corruption is rooted in our mentality, not just politicians. If you can avoid paying for an underground ticket, you will, if you can avoid paying taxes for a service, you will. Yet at the same time we are a nanny state filled with manchildren who expect a bunch of bureaucrats to tell them how they should live their lifes.
4. Cultures is despised, people take pride on never having read a book, or gone ti the theater. Fotball and party is everything.
And I could keep for ages.

But free healthcare lol


old white people who are rude and drive lexuses

I'm kind of a libertarian and I still think access to the health care should be free for everyone, even if you privaticese the management of clinics to private companies


>Not being allowed to genuinely feel proud of any accomplishment because how dare you boast about something!
>Everyone always needing to express their opinion on even the most complex matters despite knowing nothing about it to begin with.
>"Dutch soberness" which in practice is mostly just an excuse to be stubborn or stupid.
>The false sense of national pride while in reality hardly anyone would risk their life for their country or fellow citizens.
>Posting GEKOLONISEERD in the comments on anything that mentions something Dutch.

I don't have enough space for that

I hate fucking everything about the shithole country. Every goddamn fucking thing.

i hate the rampant misogyny.
not being able to take a walk without feeling unsafe.
how everyone eats so much meat.
everyone is extroverted (but me)

ah and a few other things: everyone's a racist. everyone hates poor people even if they're lower middle class themselves.
everyone's selfish. if they can take advantage of you they will.
everyone thinks they're better than everyone else.

I don't know, I just stay in the house.

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sounds like a pretty based place desu, besides the extrovert part

Everybody expects me to be a turbo social assertive reckless guy just because I'm front the North coast Caribbean region
Foreigners too

Forgot extroverting too

Are you andalusian?

shut up fat

socialism, and the corruption it brings

>tariffs on everything
Everyone has this
>funding farmers
Everyone also does this
>lack of competition
That's just capitalism after a while. Consolidation and collusion
>one rail company,centralized, not profitable, late crowded slow trains, many problems
Is it federal or private? Israel is too small to have more than 1 rail service between cities anyway. Also, no one is building commuter lines when some already exist and are claimed
>one electricity company which is very costly and the employees receive a ton of money
Once again, private or public? In Canada, our public electricity price depends on the province with some of us having the cheapest relative electricity in the world
>government pays retirement for boomer military people in the billions
That comes with the whole oversized army thing.
>ultrakike leeches get a ton of extra funds for not studying math or english, not working and not enlisting.
Again, that's for being Jews and pumping out kids. The alternative is just as bad, massive immigration. I assume a jew state would like to avoid that

shut up woman

you are either too young, or too hillbilly. every country has a dark side, and more so empires. murica is in its last days as a empire, which also means many typical "end of empire" trends are affecting it now.

in mexico lots of things are also great, but we always have the shadow of narco and gangs from southern countries. also lot of bs that happens here is related to the bs that starts in the usa. its symbiotic bs.

Your GDP per capita is 50% lower than the Soviet Union's in 1990. How is this socalism's fault when you live in capitalist country? Are you sure it isn't the horrific levels of education in your country?

be quiet tub of lard

zionism tries to push the racial card, so their bs politics and abusive practices arent criticized by foreigners or their own citizens. thats typical nat socialist bs.

>when you live in capitalist country
based retard

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silence cunt

Based retard who doesn't even know his own country

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how is export related to the country being socialist or not
can you stop arguing shit you have no idea about

Retards get retarded replies.

i'd rather get NO replies from you desu

People like this

oh piss off and go eat your mcdonalds

I hate pretty much everything.

Not a damn thing. Best country in the world, and quite possibly the universe.

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Regulations, taxes, boomers and zoomers alike, corruption on every level so rooted in our mentality that we don't even notice it
Despite that I like my country and that's why I also hate self hating italians

Do you happen to have Latinamerican descendece

well i hate mercs
people who drive them are saaa-aa-aad

literally everything about my country. i wish i was german or serbian.

go play barefoot soccer in your favela, latin bitch

1. mudslime
2. mudslime
3. mudslime
4. have i said mudlime?

1. Racism
2. Politics
3. Celebrities
4. """"""""""""romantic"""""""""""" novels
5. Richfags are getting richer, poorfags are getting poorer
6. Shitty TV shows and movies
7. No free education for people with special needs
8. Foreign workers
I don't know what to say anymore

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Poland? What? Are you chinese or stupid? whats wrong with you?

Castillean, why?

Why there are so many Muslim hating Indonesians on Yas Forums?

>ultrakike leeches
But actually, Orthodox Jews own half my city

Are you me?

leftists and immigrants everywhere

Literally me. I think I lack motivation because I basically fucked my life up and have no chance of ever getting a job or gf, so I kinda feel like food is my only pleasure now.