i wish i was the phone
why are girls so stupid lmao
she's wrong, the china virus was started and spread due to chinese negligence
that being said, she can barefoot face trample me and stomp on my face for hours if she wants to.
fuck chinks
Im fine with asian guys I just really fucking hate asian whores
She probably has a white boyfriend
americans are at fault here, if king cheetos didn't screech fake news the world would have take it more seriously
Chinese reinforcements won't save her. Gooks are now banned hahah
>and excuse
I thought asians were smart bros
nuke wuhan
step on me darling
i wish i was the phone
After this is over, the entire world is going after China for what they did.
If she thinks it’s bad now just wait
She probably has a white boyfriend
what if your c*ck was the phone
based punching frog posters
Women are literal subhumans meant for slavery according to Chinese culture. I dont hate you because you're asian, I hate you because you're a femoid who has the audacity to exercise "rights" that dont belong to her.
I would ask her to destroy my testicles. Then I would lick her feet, masturbate and she would step on me to make me lick my own cum.
What? I would lick his cum afterwards too
Wait what the hell why is my flag canadia
not even cute
I want to coom now
She's too americanized to be smart
I want her to release her pent-up anger by repeatedly stepping on my face
>US asians
>kick phones over things they don't understand
>Asian asians
>eat bat soup and mishandle pandemics thus spreading it worldwide
Get in line boi
Despite being the origin of the pandemic, the chinks did manage to control it remarkably well. Even if it did involve some rather extreme and totalitarian measures, it actually fucking worked, and the economic cost there is going to end up being less than in the Western World. And even other East Asian countries like South Korea and Japan, which aren't nearly as dystopian and totalitarian as China, did a relatively good job. Literally only Western countries are going to end up severely affected by this shit. And probably the most exemplary case is Singapore, where they acted very decisively and very early, and where they invested a large amount of human ressources to manually identify all potentially infected people. In doing so, they successfully avoided big problems without even having to resort to anything drastic. The only slightly dystopian part is that they relied on having lots of CCTV cameras everywhere, but that's not even so different from the UK for example.
I can only conclude that Western countries have done an abysmally poor job of dealing with this shit.
We all know Japan is making up numbers, they don't want money spent on the Olympics to be wasted
t. Zhang
wanna have passionate hot sweaty gay sex no homo?
slow down chang
Why the fuck are Asians crying about racism. Talk about sensitive. If people are avoiding your coughing ass it's because you're coughing, not because you're Asian.
high quality bait, i'll give you a (you)
> When you try to reach the world limit on your essay
You typed up an entire paragraph and literally.all you said was China did a good job handling the corona virus and Europe is doing a bad job.
Nope, just a completely disillusioned westerner who has lost all faith in his completely fucking retarded leaders (and in the completely fucking retarded leaders in the US). Admittedly I had already lost faith in our civilization before the corona gimmick, but this has only strengthened my beliefs. I've especially come to despise democracy, the media, and the wealthy.
That's a rather wild allegation to be making without any proofs.
>the chinks did manage to control it remarkably well
Is that why they covered it up for months and said there was nothing and then it spread to every single country on earth?
yes it is
What are you, a high schooler? I typed the equivalent of 4 fucking lines. And I talked about more than just China.
From the chink perspective, who cares if it spread to other countries? Non-foreigner cases are basically gone from the country now, and they ended up with fewer deaths than Italy. That seems quite successful as far as recoveries go.
Everything you wrote could have been explained in two sentences you have zero substance as to why you even believe China handled the situation well and why Europe didn't. You are on Yas Forums for goodness sake can you at least try to have some self awareness.
Go back to fucking twatter if you love 10 word posts so much. And you must be clinically retarded to not understand how East Asian countries handled the situation far, far better than Europe has thus far.
tik tok is so fucking cringe.
No need to get upset about me pointing out the redundancy in your writing.
> And you must be clinically retarded to not understand how East Asian countries handled the situation far, far better than Europe has thus far.
I thought that was your job to explain that to us ?
I already did, you just have poor reading comprehension.
Kys already chink
Too bad she’s wearing socks