What do you think about a North American Union(NAU)? It's recently become very obvious to me that we have to start taking things in this world WAY more seriously. Together with a population of around 580 million We would quickly ascend to the lone global mega power needed to protect our species and planet from the shared existential threat posed by foreign negligence.
North American Union
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no, fuck off. we don't want to because of your retarded system of governance we would have to follow, without a manned border all your guns, drugs and dumbassery would seep through. god no fuck off.
Based leaf, mutts destroyed
> your guns, drugs and dumbassery
We are now painfully aware that these are minor issues compared to the actual threats our species face. If we work together we could fix all of that and then turn our gaze to the west
NAFTA already exists
how about you fix your shit first and then make the proposition?
Or we could just open the border by force
Only include red part of mexico, canadians and south mexicans are cucks who hate us
try it bitch, progressive liberals have infiltrated your population at such a degree ya'll fucking retards would civil war before invading us. get fucked.
This is the real flag
This is far beyond trade agreements or defense pacts, this world needs us..we have to act NOW
this subhuman does not speak for me
get fucked oil sands nigger.
The Mexican is whiter than the Canadian
We would be the most powerful force in the world. I'm all for it.
Dubs checked
Your fucking retarded my guy. The guns and drugs come from many more places than just the U.S. please kill yourself.
Raj please go back to your containment board
shouldn't you be on the EI holding line instead of shitposting? oils at 20bucks you should consider moving south.
get fucked move south oil nigger.
We should add the Canadian provinces as territories not states, that way they don't get electoral votes, senators or representatives.
We need everybody on board for this one, a United North America, industrial might never even imagined, unprecedented military strength, the greatest national power that the world will ever know.
>Alberta oil bad
>O no winter must heat tendies
>Better keep giving money to saudi subhumans
>muh Canadian heritage
This is degenerate French logic at its finest lol.
Those guys were all in btw according to a diplomatic cable that was released by WikiLeaks in 2011
how about we take BC, AB, YT and Baja California and how that goes first
Lol get fucked bud. Only eastern Canada should be treated that way.
we use natural gas in BC you fucking retard. we're self-sufficient here. your oil sand shit is getting pretty fucking unprofitable. if you want to suck american cock, move south, don't drag the rest of us to your faggotry.
These petty grievances are insignificant
We need unity, annexation and conquering take generations to establish a unified nation
Adding Alberta and B.C would make America greater
in a future North American Union, vancouver would lose essentially all relevance as just another west coast port, albeit an extremely expensive one, and would degrade to the level of your garden-variety portland
we are self-sufficient now with or without the US or Alberta you fucking oil sand nigger. like i said, if you want to suck american cock, move south, there's plenty of dick for you there. leave the rest of us alone.
I want SK and MB too
SK for the shale oil and farm ground
MB for farm ground and the hudson bay access
Behold the currency of a new tomorrow
>thinks they are self-sufficient
that Chinese money is going to dry up
>t. jew
fuck off dude, real estate is less to bc then oil is to alberta. we're fine, fuck off worry about mexico or corona or some shit.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America(SPP)has already laid out the ground work.
>We will establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our borders.
No gold reserves in canada.
Wait for your hyper inflated loonies.
>>money printers going BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
yeah fuck off...
we;re fine i appreciate your concern but we can handle things okay? worry about other shit your like exponentially growing cases of covid19.
>self sufficient
Yeah big nope on that one. If your worried about the enviroment kys.
face it you have been being prepped for auction for 4 years now.
This leaves the non-North American Union citizen trembling and aghast with fear
name one thing we aren't self-sufficient in. gas? thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia we got access to cheap oil. fuck off stop trying to make us think we need you. Alberta on the other hand, if we cut your dumbassess off to food and manufactured goods, good luck bitches you ain't got shit for ports.
holy shit
Canada won't make it.
Put me in the screen cap
MB, SK and AB leave together and have the bay ports.
They are the wealth of canada after all
that was planned for years motherfucker. our foreign reserves at at 86billion. 28th in the world.
Please stay focused and think about what is at stake. If citizen diplomacy cannot even prosper ITT than our future union is in jeopardy
Canada needs more gold.
>28th in the world
3rd world
There are Africans with more reserves
are you legit retarded to think that going through the arctic and the Hudson bay is cheaper than through the pacific and Vancouver? also are you double retarded for thinking that there is the port infrastructure in the Hudson to compare to the port of Vancouver?
Not any harder than Alaska.
Stay mad.
Only if Her Majesty is head of state, otherwise fuck off
Lol the prairies starving. Your not very smart are you?
gold was dead when america removed it from the gold standard.
>There are Africans with more reserves
can't even fucking read. this is why we don't want to join you.
It's a limited resource until asteroid resource extraction becomes viable. It's always a good thing to have.
>Noooooooo! You're "unitedstatians"!!! We're Americans too!
Correct. The entire western hemisphere belongs to the United States of America.
did i say starving you retard? i know school is out but fucking hell.
only thousands of kilometers of highways through Canadian territory to reach them. okay user, sure.
Pls see
Also please kys your not worth the resources you consume. Think of Greta lol.
Solid reference
This man knows.
talk to me when we have asteroid extraction.
>Forex reserves.
if you haven't noticed the fiat is crashing