
The omega slag edition

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we're here:

this is the real new

fuck of johnny foreigner

that guy must have a lot of "confidence" to get a girl like that

Fucking roomates dog whining at the door until I let it into my room because nobodys home then staring at me when I want a wank
It a staffie too so not even good to pat

classique image

how much confidence do you need for an angel?

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Honestly look like brother and sister

Confidence/looks gets you to shag her, but you'd need some amount of status to keep a girl like that

hard to tell with all the makeup

is someone dropping a fluffy tail thing on her head from the buildings above? why is this happening

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No... lads... the muslims...

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so are we here or there
there or here
nobody fucking knows
get it right next time spammers

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Woah imagine if you lost your job and didn't have savings. That would be shit. Probably happening to tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people right now


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Glad I work for the government so I am getting paid regardless.

life was going so well was making excellent gains at the gym, new career was about to take off, even a gf was a real possibility this year then the virus came

now all of that is off and my plan for when this is over is to learn how to live off the land and then disappear into a wilderness somewhere

3 years have passed and we still DO NOT have a source or name for this CHEB ANGEL. /brit/ was a mistake

lurk more we have tonnes of her lol

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Next 3 months are gonna be shit

any good series to watch?

omg she's fuckin PENG

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everything at work has basically been cancelled
really worry about the low paid workers and stuff
this is so sad and i have tears in my eyes

I need an insta or onlyfans account, bruce

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Sorry don't speak to wogs
*skiis away from you*

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Prince Philip died last year. He was reborn in Wuhan.

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eat shit jungle cracka

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swear I used to work with the bloke behind her

something like 40% of the population live paycheck to paycheck

need a built for bbc gf desu

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cant stop procrastinating my paper


spent 8 hours playing minecraft today and now im going to spend another 4 or 5 hours wanking haha

Might buy Doom Eternal
Fairly pricey though

just found her m8. my life's complete now. U the real MVP

TIL 3m is 40% of 65m
Dumb little yankified twat using yank spelling and yank numbers

and who asked exactly?

why do you have to be like that

link pls


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cause I'm English
simple as

Plans are on the table for Boris Bucks but nothing concrete yet

40% living paycheque to paycheque != 3 million one paycheque away from homelessness

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>boris bucks
shall be using this term

Just sell the royal palace

need a third opium war I reckon

source then?

so fucking fit its unreal fuck

Lads I got credit card debt and my income is being severely cut due to this quarantine bullshit. Don't think I'm gonna make it

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trump just secured republican rule in america for the foreseeable future by doing neetbux

I said hop in

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i shall not

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you literally could not make this up real life is The Thick of it on steroids

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it has more posts


Chebs can cure corona

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fuck sake lol


chinkmong will blow a gasket when he sees this

*blows a gasket*

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