Ooooo say can youuuuuu seeeeee

Ooooo say can youuuuuu seeeeee

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-19 at 22.33.58.png (451x292, 44.91K)

Italy, I love you. Why you betray me like this

*cough* nothin' personal, pal.

why are seppos so ignorant to doing a simple fucking quarantine? I dont care how many boomers die from this, but if you faggots collapse the world economy 1 more fucking time, I will lose my shit.

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Get ready to loose your shit Mike, it's cumming

What are the symptoms, I feel kinda light headed, warmness in my chest and nausea

Jesus fucking Christ, we're like insects. Just stay the fuck inside.

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That's drunk sympton.
Stop drink alcohol and weaken your immune system.

You getting a dry cough and high temperature? These are pretty much the basic symptoms

Cough and fever are the most common early symptoms, and often with fatigue as well.


Would a crash even effect romania? I guess you will have to stop leaching off of the eu for a year atleast

personal is right, kike

1% of our shekels come from EU. As for "effect" ? Nigga shitty countries like us get hit the hardest.

>palestinian education

bruh moment

Imagine new york in 2 weeks

it's okay, just donate 1 acre of land to palestine and report to the islamic council for 30 lashings

>Uncle lives with me
>Uncle works in a hospital
>last three days he's been coughing like hell
>says he did a test and gave Negative
>he still coughing

Should i be worried?

What the FUCK

are we really surprised

I must say I'm impressed.

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no, because you are already a walking corpse

its wouldnt be spelled U S A without the NUMBA 1

Reminder that Italians infected California.

wtf I love italians now

What about per capita though

Well you ain't wrong.

t. australia
t. italy
don't disrespect him

Yes, Doctor likely to die more than normal person, yuong or old.

will they knock down another skyscraper if you insult them publicly?

Why can’t the virus kill me already

the virus only kills the unworthy

>I feel kinda light headed, warmness in my chest and nausea
This plus
- dyspnea (very heavy)
-loss of flavours and smells (typical of corona)

t. infected in quarantine with mild symptoms

Corona-chan is defined by dry cough and fever, you just have a hangover.

yes, we are that based

WTF? Wow it happened so fast


Israel is based

>this kills western civilization

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why cant italians do like us?

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>41k cases
what the fuck italy

In the West, our "governments" keep telling us that masks are useless (because these fuckers don't have enough of them), and that we should just wash our hands.

Why are some of the signs in english?

Wut? Bilingual signs are the standard pretty much anywhere (albeit now trilingual signs are becoming more common, with Chinese)

we unironically got too cocky, itabros...

they didn't hug enough chinks

Germans brought it to Italy monkey.

Attached: coronavirus italy caught it from germany.png (1048x661, 319.48K)

>Please keep left during rush hour
>Please keep right during rush hour
>everyone just says fuck it and goes middle
wtf I thought Japs were supposed to be orderly

I think thats for the people going the other way...theres a little corridor so they can go around the super big mass going down the middle.

What if Japanese people are immune to the coronavirus?

nips are weak to the common fucking cold, that's impossible

persistent dry cough and high temperature

Guess white people are not as immune as they thought they were a few weeks ago.

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In what page can I see that?

Look up "coronavirus stats" on Google

thanks, found it

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Because it's Tokyo. I see a lot of people that don't wear masks. Japs do this all the time. Trying to show their best to le west.

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>Germany: 15000 cases, 44 ded
>Spain: 18000 cases, 831 dead
I don't get this, where are we hiding the bodies?

I'm starting to think that the South got another strain.


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I think we got your strain

you don't do post-mortem tests and you register all corona-related deaths something else if the person had a preexisting condition, it's pointless to compare death rates between countries

that would make sense, even the USA can manage to keep death counts lower than south europe so it's probably not the healthcare system.

Actually wikipedia says otherwise, without preexisting conditions(vorerkrankung) it would be something like 10

Attached: covid19.png (892x915, 82.69K)

What I don't understand is how the fuck is the USA supposedly behind us in the contagion. A shitton of Chinese come and go from the USA