/MID/ - /midwest/+./midatlantic/+/mitteleuropa/

Inaugural edition

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I accidentally added a period before midatlantic

its too late, its canon now

hello where are the foreigners at

you niggas bout to get rektd by da coronas.

big talk for a small man

parents are pretty rich for where we live so we hoarded up

I eagerly await the impending collapse of society

why is that my /mid/ bruddah


So I can finally establish an independent Delawarean state

will have to leave the midwest for 4-6 years of grad school soon reeeeeeee

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but user, the midwest has the BEST universities in the world

i did get into uchicago, notre dame, and michigan which are pretty good schools but those fuckers didnt give me any funding

are you guys part of the convention of states yet

thats what happens when theyre the PREMIER universities in the nation
what state you from



missouri chad checking in

Missouri more like misery lmao

join it
real flat hours who tf is up

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there's plenty to hate Joe Biden for but when a voter says "hey Joe I disagree with you on an issue" and he immediately puts the guy in a rear naked choke that's raw, unfiltered leadership buddy

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you fags dont deserve a general
this is Yas Forums
not /america/
you can speak english to anyone, fuck of to /brit/

dont care toothpaste

seething Colgate associate


t. harry potter

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Rightful PAX MICHIGANIA clay

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too bad Michigan is a state for LOSERS
that land will always belong to the buckeye state

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Why are people from Ohio so fucking weird?

extraordinarily high testosterone

fuck the south
fuck the east coast
fuck the west coast
midwest is the best

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/midbest/ bruddah

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which midwestern state will coronachan hit the hardest

I love my state and all, but it irritates me when obnoxious people here (typically from the northernmost county who are more like PA) use the term "flyover state". We are quite literally a drivethrough state (not that there is anything wrong with either).

she will drop a massive shit on cities
country folk will be largely unharmed
chicago is fucked, and that`s a good thing

you guys are on the coast and most of your state is on a peninsula
they sound less obnoxious and more stupid

I thrive on the word "flyover"
it means those stinky coasties don`t land here and disembark
lets keep it that way
keep flying over

no offence Delaware
but most coasties are stinky

yeah, i think things will pick up here in the next few days, at least in terms of numbers for people testing positive, which will likely cause some panic and possibly some more restrictions. wouldn't be surprised if they started asking people to stay home, regardless of ill or not.

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this stuff reads like the stats page on plague inc
so grim..
What part of Indiana you from user
im from SW ohio

Strongly agree Ohio, but it depends on where you are. The two Southern counties of this state and the Eastern shore of Maryland are very humble, laid back, people. Unsurprisingly the assholes in the northern part of the state look down on them and call them "slower lower"

middle europe is included as well

Staying in Nebraska with the gf and working remotely for a few months.

Jesus I see why it's so cheap out here. Fucking nothing going on. Though I'm originally from Denver so the change of pace is nice

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we have college hockey this time some years haha...

speedybois will speed into an early grave from heart failure
I dont know much about deleware besides i think it was the first state and you guys might have lobsters

it's really weird. it's so odd seeing all the places vacant and empty, streets normally filled with traffic are wide open and whatnot.
i'm in the northeast of the state
that's a neat area. i've been through there some, years ago.

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What's up, midbros? Reporting in from NJ. Corona's pushed me to go full NEET, it's kinda ass desu.

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Fug. Normally I'd be up late watching the Avs win, but nope. Virus took down all the interesting things.

I haven't left our apartment in like two weeks except to go to the store. It's weird.

I fucking love how everyone is staying indoors and how so many stores are closed. This is the way it should be. There are too many people and the world is getting stagnant. The old need to die so the young can thrive.

We are heavyweights in the Blue Crab industry. Lobsters are more northern

Fellow Mid Atlantic bro, how are you?

>Fucking nothing going on.
this is where you must invent things or die of boredom. all the boring people here have either died off or resorted to a catatonic wagie state.
Thats why based OHVO has so many astronauts and presidents

I do my best. I brought my rig out here. GF works night-morning as an anchor on the local NBC station. I work while she blows me, we she goes to bed, and then I have like 8 hours to kill. Trying to write but shit just isn't working.

you been through gary? thats all i know about that reigon
I have a buddy who goes to uni near ball state and man, it is true midwest out there.
My region is hilly in parts and very flat in most, I love it here.

yee, crabs. Thats what i was thinking of.

>that reigon
Gary/the Region is northwest indiana, not northeast. A good rule of thumb is that NW IN = Chicago burbs and NE IN = pseudo Michigan.