Never comitted war crimes

>never comitted war crimes
>never offensive against anyone
>has been constantly losing territory for 1000 years
what possible reason could you have to hate them?

Attached: Denmark_flag.gif (1181x788, 8.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:–1346)

Bruh Denmark literally reduced Greenland's population in half by raping, killing and genociding them.

>what possible reason could you have to hate them?
I don't know. I just naturaly dislike anything above the alps.

We will never forget the crimes commit by the Dan*s on the Kingdom of Sweden.

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denmark was merely trying to replace sweden with the one true eastern scandi nation: finland

what the fuck? did greenland have a native population?

>never comitted war crimes
Thousand have died in famine and been impoverish for centuries because of danish monopoly trade system.
>never offensive against anyone
You can't say you are from the Faroes or especially Greenland without a dane coming with some ignorant offensive comment.

>never comitted war crimes
>never offensive against anyone
t. Preben


they literally forced cute german boys to clear their mines, many end up killed or crippled

>>never offensive against anyone
Say that to the animals they rape on the daily

is that right? I thought they just are so depressed they kill themselves every other day

>has been constantly losing territory for 1000 years
They did get some back after WW1

Only things I know about this country is Lego, Mads Mikkelsen and Sheepeva11.

swedish nobles were mere terrorists and had to be suppressed

I've been educated on their evils.

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Denmark is the cutest country

German PoWs. After germany had invaded and occupied Denmark.
Also, it was their own mines.

>never comitted war crimes
>never offensive against anyone
Since Rurik's background is unclear. All we know, he was a viking, he could be just some Danish thug


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>never comitted war crimes
as a result of their conquest of Norway only 12% of people living there are Norwegian with the rest being LARPING danes.

Only the P1 was good, when they started being chased by the big guy it became dogshit

>never offensive against anyone


Why did they join NATO if they're so peaceful?

exactly :^)
norwegian people don't actually exist, so who's complaining

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that character is seen in the Norwegian language for sure, same would have been true for the icelanders if they hadn't autistically manufactured their language in the late 1800s to exclude every danish word and grammar rule.

Didn't think either part was particularly good desu, for all the hype it was all very underwhelming.

>if they hadn't autistically manufactured their language in the late 1800s to exclude every danish word and grammar rule
Which was a pretty based and redpilled thing to do

those are the reasons why i hate them

Sources on this?

Yes, and as we all know, PoWs are PoWs regardless.

Attached: GenevaConventionIsGay.jpg (1000x1046, 95.43K)

the bokman Norwegians speak is Danish with a Norwegian accent.
nyorsk is actualy Norwegian made from rural dialects of Norwegian. it is spoken by a small minority with the majority speaking bokmal.

Denmark committed war crimes on my sexuality, but I don't feel bad about this

Did they only replace the language, or did they physically replace them?

The language.

only language.
it is exactly the same situation as Scotland where English is now the majority and scots is the minority.
the only difference is Norway is independent and nyorsk is standardised.

>same would have been true for the icelanders if they hadn't autistically manufactured their language in the late 1800s to exclude every danish word and grammar rule.
Every people who lived under foreign occupation who then established a nation state did it. The Finns did it, the Czech did it, the Dutch did it, etc. Iceland's language was already very separate from Norwegian and Danish because of isolation even before they started purging it.

Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification.

yeah but why teenagers, should have used adults

Because the Geneva convention, and other rules of war, only applies to the losing side of a war.

>Steal our territories
>Makes us starve by joining one pointless war after another
>Sell off OUR land when they lose said wars
>Also some D*NE shot our Albino moose

Attached: Danes.jpg (1024x703, 428.99K)

No, it's likely that Scandis settled the place before Inuits immigrated to the place

here we couldn't do it because of the eternal eastman and his love for danish
just thinking about it makes me feel depressed. Now our language is a clusterfuck

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>You can't say you are from the Faroes or especially Greenland without a dane coming with some ignorant offensive comment.
don't you people dig up decomposing sheep and eat it?

The language.

>smashed the british empire

Nice comment, you exactly like a dane.

this country shouldnt even exist in the first place

how could a vlach say this?

Attached: pepe-punch-danish-denmark.png (360x360, 84.77K)

We invented it by a mistake. Sorry Europe!

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Blame Netherlands. They saved denmark from extinction by swedes

Ach Bruder, die ist doch gar nicht soooooo schlimm.

Rare flag

>never offensive against anyone–1346)

im in love with your flag

>what possible reason could you have to hate them?
They commit war crimes on the regular.
They are offensive, and will attack you when you are vulnerable, without provocation.

Once, they declared war on Sweden when our army was destroying Poland and culling their population, thinking that Sweden wouldn't be able to mobilize an army to defend itself. This was great for us though, because our army was out of supplies in Poland, but didn't want to lose face by returning home. The declaration of war by D*nmark let them return without shame, and they forced marched over the frozen belts to reach Copenhagen, forcing a very quick peace, giving Sweden half of d*nmarks ancestral homeland without a fight. The ice was weighed down so much by the army that they were marching with water up to their knees.

Attached: Tåget_över_bält2.jpg (951x1108, 682.15K)

based danes, sons of danes

Attached: danes.jpg (1379x884, 108.12K)

>as a result of their conquest of Norway
and what an epic conquest that was
>last norwegian king dies, probably assassinated
>danish queen inherits the crown

sry guys, didnt mean it to sound like this

they spawned br*t**n