A latin american poster calls an american poster a mutt

>a latin american poster calls an american poster a mutt

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I am an American of Mexican descent

Attached: shoutsouttohalfarmeniananon.png (2048x2048, 1.16M)

Latino scum are natural projectors. They'll go through hoops to try to put others down when they aren't even worth the dirt under the barrel.


most people in the new world are some form of mutt, we shouldn't feel ashamed of that


yeah it's retarded

Attached: averagebeanboi.jpg (1024x921, 32.56K)

Feels good being unmixed
>can trace all my ancestors back to before the classical mayan collapse
>even mayenses are mutts compared to me

Latin Americans admit they're goblin. But Americans are still in denial

Nah, south cone fags will still call themselves white, that's why "Argentina is white" is a meme to veginaith

>if you are a mutt that mean im not

Yes. I'm a mutt too, but that doesn't mean you isn't one either.
You think it's a insult because of incelism

Argentinians and Uruguayans are more pure than the average American, though.

he said latam, not brazil

Not anymore, they got browned years ago

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All Americans are mutts heavily mixed with niggers and 10 like other different races. pic related
Southern cone genepool is like 30 native at most (except in Chile where it's more like 50%)

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Tu inglés es peor que el de los japoneses bro

Shows their lack of awareness.

argentines and uruguayans both have toned it down in the past 2 years and have accepted their mutt reality tho. They're not as cringy as they used to

>You think it's a insult because of incelism
So the 56% face meme isn't supposed to be an insult?

This is my glorious bronze skin blessed by the sun, shut your mouth mutts

Attached: bronze.png (2070x1501, 2.26M)

It is a joke because you guys used to claim that half of Europe wasn't white

We don't hide we're mutts, so it's just calling you Afro-Mexicans in your hypocrisy.

no lol that is only the black and hispanic americans, ones that are white are usually just euromutts. maybe a few % of native or african at worst. the problem is that some hispanics claim they are white

We do it because it makes you seethe, as this thread proves, amerimutt.

Who cares? English is shitty peasant language anyway

That explains why you're speaking it, peasant.


"Euromutt" is still a mutt. You'll never be pure white (pure Germanic race).

"oh but if they all have pale skin it's not mixing" > t. goblin cope

>south cone fags will still call themselves white
because we are
but there's no point talking about this here
apparently everyone who lives on this continent has to be a shitskin or retards like you can't sleep at night

Yes, I came from a long lineage of illiterate peasants.

You can't be white and have a "Fernandez" as surname.

You can't be white and NOT have a Latin surname.

I've met plenty of guys with German surnames and they are brown manlets, that's not a way to prove "whiteness" here.

Based racist „latin“ americans


Attached: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg (225x225, 11.26K)

Zimzam is white though.


>hehehhe golden face so funny xdxdxd
kill yourself

>>hehehhe golden face so funny xdxdxd
>kill yourself

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Rather be a Euromutt than anything else in US

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You're delusional, go outside for once in your life. Make sure you wash your hands when you go back home though

>he's mad


>You're delusional
How is he delusional for saying that there are white people in South America? Ultimately this "HURR YOU CAN'T BE WHITE IF YOU'RE FROM A SHITHOLE" mentality is based on nothing but feels over reals.

We're not even 50% white anymore. Of course there are white people here. But it's not enough for us to be considered a white country. It's far from that
Only racists and self hating nonwhites care about this anyway

the true argentinians are white
if you are an immigrant it is not my fault
go back to your country boliguayo

>We're not even 50% white anymore.
That's bullshit though. Argentina, Uruguay and South Brazil are whiter than the US on average.

How can he be something that doesn't exist?

Idk the proportions but my blood is native argentinian, spanish, and portuguese

I know what the OP is, but I wasn't comparing us to the US, I was looking at it from a more objective standpoint
Also our whites are more southern europe whites while theirs are central/northern europeans

brasilians are the new argies/yoruguans

You are white too stop trying to hide it.


The difference is that Americans get called a mutt for being half German and half Italian or some bullshit

Whereas LATAM posters who are half black and half Amerindian will go on rants about how they are actually white

More realistically for Latin Americans would be 50% white, 25% black and 25% amerindian.
While americans are 100% white mutts. Even the ´white ´ Latin americans would be considered mutts because they are a mix of different ethnicities from Europe, just like Americans are.

>LATAM posters who are half black and half Amerindian will go on rants about how they are actually white
This never happens btw.

wtf, is this true? I though Argentina was white

It's not, Peruvian is making it up

Attached: white-arg.png (261x411, 10.57K)

This one isn't accurate either, it's more like 80-85% white.

t. irish-italian-german "white" american

t. Lovecraftian Benjamin Franklin

both are mutts
>25% black
that's too much

European = white here. Doesn't matter if it's north or south European two European nations are still considered white here

However being 25-50 percent native American or black you are not considered white here

>European = white here. Doesn't matter if it's north or south European two European nations are still considered white here
>However being 25-50 percent native American or black you are not considered white here
same here