Wake up

>Wake up
>This still isnt Finland

Anons around the world join me.

Attached: suursuomi.jpg (1400x1700, 406.98K)

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Why do you want to annex a bunch of Russified poorfag territories that would be a drag on your national budget?

germans were expelled, why can't russians?

fuck off back to british isles

i will support ur invasion friend

you are pretty dense there boyo, your country uses russians as an excuse to meddle with an invade neighbors, just like the nazis, you should be deleted to remove the problem for good

because it look cool on map xp

If anything Finland should be cut in half, or not exist at all.

Firstly those are Finnish territories.
And no. Rebuilding those areas would just give work and effect would be positive, Such china building everything just for boosting the economy.

Attached: Suomi7.jpg (2592x1944, 758.51K)

You did the exact same with Texas

>we must bomb those middle easterners 6000 miles away from our shores... because they might attack us

t. lost in 1 hour for Germans

It's rightful finnish clay but unironically

I wouldn't care for anything else in that map besides the access to the barents sea. Also Russia did actually offer Karelia back to us in 90s but we declined for obvious reasons.

Attached: c272ec02.jpg (688x730, 62.15K)

not at all, texas was virtually without population, and the Spanish speaking people joined with the texans in revolt

*because they might make our economy face it's inherent unsustainable nature if they actually create a unified middle east.
Read about Henry Kissinger and what he did for political destabilization in the Middle East.

you can't say it's not true, so you try to distract.

You know your country is evil, just admit it

Umm how about the rest of the west coast you snatched from the Mexicans after that war? You used Texas and the war as an excuse to get practically all of northern mexico.

you can't fathom how void of people that region was, even california which was actually inhabited had a population in the thousands

>ama send my boy to get his legs blown off for israel and wall street bankers
>there are good and evil in politics
grow up...

Couldn't find any evidence of the offering of Karjala in the 90s tho

your country has had and continues to have a corrosive effect on its neighbors wherever it can gain control. accept it, or don't, either way putin is your master until he dies so you don't matter anyway

>Also Russia did actually offer Karelia back to us in 90s
Fuck no, that's just a rumor to bash Koivisto

>you must suck up to everyone and invite minority men to fuck your SO
easy there, yo...

that depends, they hand't genocide the california natives yet and not sure if the mexican government bother to count them.

That still doesn't excuse it. There weren't almost anyone living in Petsamo but soviets took it because of the nickel mines and to deny us access to the north&barents sea.

God willing atleast i don't have such of a patriotic and black and white view on politics i'd get confused all the time.

indians don't matter in the course of this exchange, LEL dude

these were dubious land claims the mexicans claimed ownership of from mexico over vast uninhabited land that stretched up into the interior of this continent, that was never going to end any other way

ownership from *spain

it is when everyone wants to claim the land. Specially right now considering injuins got replace by migrant waves and put in camps.

they have no agency to act, they may as well be wildlife for what they represent in the plans of civilized peoples

Wtf, i disslike sweden now a little less

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Glad you guys are getting replaced by mexicans.

Whatever you are I don't care what your ill-informed opinion is. There are also not enough Mexicans in Mexico to replace anyone here, lol

Whatever helps you my friendly wildlife.

Seems like you need the coping mechanism more than I chief chokes on dick.

It is not Finland and it never will be Finland. The sooner you assimilate it the better it will be for your mental health.

Sure, tell me that when half your country tears itself apart when they can't deal that they aren't a majority white.

you're a nut

you should really examine your posts, and the way you think about the world

and probably read a book

I agree to this plan, but only if Sweden annexed Finland immediately after.

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Losers quit, and my nation of many great bvlls isnt losers. Thats not going to work at here where the world ends.

>>we must bomb those middle easterners 6000 miles away from our shores... because they might attack us
Except they have and they continuously try to. Have you not heard of all the countless Muslim attacks on Europe and the US in the past few years, some of which originate from Russia (Grozny, Chechnya).

what's with the swastika?

its a finnish symbol, used with their military even today


We Finns use Swatzika before Natzies.
Swatzika is also ancient Finnic symbol

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Finland_Air_force_squadrons_without_squadron_emblem.svg.png (1200x958, 85.14K)

>Finns are ancient Nazis

It was used everywhere before the mustachioed fellow and his merry band came along. It was used by the state of Arizona, on hockey team uniforms, it was even used in coke advertisements in the USA.

Because they want to be this chad, my brown manlet degenerate.


Just because Himmler had weird accosications about Finland and carried Kantele every around doesnt mean we are nazis, Neither that other studies they made.

What matters they failled.

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No one would live in there, besides rural shitholes are depopulating more and more.

But Russians are white and Finns are not.
Have to agree with this user, it'd be the only way to keep Europe majority white while punishing Russia for stealing land.

I would definitely buy a summer cottage from Viena

> texas was virtually without population, and the Spanish speaking people joined with the texans in revolt
an excuse valid for litterally all of russia

the situation on the American continents was really unique to history

I would reconstuct a farm at that "shithole" with already fielded "plain" places.
Once used to to be FINNIC fields.

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Classic American post.

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you'd probably need to spend the season felling trees

Finns and Russians are both glorious and I will hear nothing otherwise from browns

Finns are Finnic
Northern Russians are mostly Finnobaltic Mutts mixed 1/3 Slavics.

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I wouldn't advise that
Trust me, we tried

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>the situation on the American continents was really unique to history
so was russia.
every argument you gave applies there

god i wish i were Finnish..


You lost the Winter war twice.

I mean I guess it would be alright to have access to those bodies of water, but I don't know what all that other space would be used for, when almost 60 percent of the population lives behind the first yellow line, and nearly 80 percent lives behind the second yellow line

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In this videogame you wouldn't go to the lenghts needed to replace slavic lands with finnics.
Like crushing skulls of infants, raping their women in minecraft of course.

They want it, they scream for it.
Its different.

Attached: Ukko.jpg (1651x1149, 584.28K)

Looks beautiful. God I wish that was real.


Does that really count you're basically med, german, celt, slav mutts

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only death wins wars

>a nation which had no written language until 19th century (when Russians wrote it for them), let alone a state, making claims on a nuclear great power
Now this is autism.

>the grossfinland meme
every time

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what is that fat, drunk man doing on germany?

it might be funny if you roleplay as a country
but it will be much less funny if you will be burdened with extra taxes to support poor people who cannot contribute to society

Now now, it was the swedes that gave them their language and first written history, and it was a scholar trained by swedes that first put pen to that archaic tongue of theirs. The enduring legacy of the Russians is giving the new Finnish capital called into being by the king of Sweden some nicer buildings.

The Swedes also showed the finns they could live in cities in the first place, quite transformative.