Peter Whittingham edition
Goodnight sweet Bluebird prince
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your mom sent me this
a quote from the sopranos lads
>"This mad cow disease... I think it's terrible the English government didn't tell people sooner."
coronavirus will be the catalyst event that makes America follow the Nordic model
im gonna cum
patiently waiting for inevitable martial law
Any man remember Cadbury nigger bars?
LOOK: Flags of various countries affected by the spread of COVID-19 are projected onto the statue of the Christ Redeemer atop Corcovado hill in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
>482 dead in US today from Covid-19
Chinese man rescues bad you WONT BELIEVE what happens next
>uni telling me to fuck off home
just found out
please excuse me for a minute
>chinks eat this
god demands nuclear hellfire raining down on china from above
My favorite Anglo countries? Why, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malta of course
Reckon if this was a virus that predominantly killed 16-24 year olds the Tories would have increased social interaction
was it autism?
Lads, loads of people have been visiting my profile apparently on Twitter
Must have been making some banging tweets
Only taking reparations in form of a Chinese gf
enjoy your 6 month break
Beyond based
That or he's desperately trying to get a gimmick going
governments wouldnt go these drastic measures unless this fucking virus is way worse than they're making out
*jumps off your balcony*
based poster. these types are the best
Roaring nigger at everybody I see in the street with ZERO repercussions
might go outside tomorrow
shagged an absolutely PENG girl from hong kong back in my uni days
shouldve shagged more international students
its not that lethal its just darned infectious
they are responding appropriately
fuck the queen though
is this a rap
you do realise the biggest casualties of the virus are boomers, brexiteers and tory supporters, the conservatives and in the usa trump are clinging on for their life
Shagged two Canadian chunks in Switzerland last year. That's too early to get rona from them, yeah?
Gran Bretana
why lie?
are you a chink
>capitalist italy overtakes socialist china's death toll
imagine moi surproise
is America a LATINO country?
Lads you're never gonna believe this. I tried to say "chinks" but missed the i and hit the u and said CHUNKS instead haha
2.16 terabytes of pirated movies on the unlimited google drive
think I may have a problem
will b
>download movies to keep them on an online server so you have to download them again
single digit IQ
am I a LATINO?
Where is this the UAE
as long as I don't get laid off I don't care about quarantine
>what is offline storage
single digit IQ
Proper fancy a Cadbury nigger bar
Any up and coming Findom players we should be made aware of?
>what is a Plex server
I know wanking to porn is bad for your brain but what about just looking at it?
How is calling it "China virus" racist when it's referring purely to the country of origin, rather than the race?
offline and wireless should mean the same thing but they don’t
that’s insane
Still bad I reckon
>rosie now listing her prices in dollars
I don’t think it’s racist but the only people I’ve seen who call it the “Chinese virus” or “China virus” are 95iq mongoloids
They'd rather avoid embarrassing conversations about how the Chinks treat animals
>google drive is offline storage
zero IQ
plex runs locally, so if your movies are on your cloud drive either way you have to dowload them again if you want to watch them
why is it bad?
>google drive is not offline storage
anything that you not host is offline storage
fucking retard kys
China shouldn't have been manufacturing diseases for biological warfare so I have no problem if that fat orangutan calls this the "Chinese virus"
she starting to hit the wall
Fucks with dopamine levels and the brains sensitivity to said dopamine init
What a vile slag
This, it already had a name and then a proper more accurate name, the only reason to call it the chinese virus is some autistic power play
hahahah you fucking retard
anything that is not in your local storage, is not offline storage
if you have no internet connection and your movies are on google cloud, then you have no access
you have to download them from the online servers
pay for her only fans lads and post it here cheerrs
Mad how mainland China doesnt have any history since they destroyed it all and always larp about how Taiwans history is theirs lol
>if you have no internet connection
who said anything about this?
>who said anything about this?
that's the whole point you retarded mongoloid
he had his movies in google cloud
so he has to DOWNLOAD them to watch them
>it already had a name and then a proper more accurate name, the only reason to call it the chinese virus is some autistic power play
i hate chinks so damn much
it's because china are saying it came out of an american lab
are there any scientific studies into this?
A bit of social nationalism, perhaps?
>>download movies to keep them on an online server so you have to download them again
ah yeah I forgot to mention that I hooked it up to the seedbox I purchased
British workers will be either sacked, put on reduced hours/waged, quarantined, cooped up with limited social contact and encouraged to blame the People's Republic of China for their predicament while banks and businesses get billions for bailouts once again.
websites owned by evangelical christians designed to stop you wanking and sinning
mcdonalds is a microcosm of a classless society inside the capitalist machine
Boo, shut up bitch
Corona is a collection of viruses
the one we're dealing with is COVID-19
there are many corona viruses and they all came from different places and have different effects
Who cares
take your money out of the bank
Baz down the pub loves a good wankathon to tranny porn and goes on about how he feels like a fried chip for a week min after
wrestlemania behind closed doors
Maybe the Tories released this virus to get us to hate China (which was really popular beforehand)
the lads
its about trump trying to stoke up latent anti Chinese sentiment that has existed in america for like 180 years, this article explains it well
it is the chinese virus
china is responsible for unleashing this thing on the world and they need to pay
nuclear hellfire raining down from above is the judgment god demands be carried out on china
i don't, but that's why he's started calling it the "chinese virus" as a rebuttal
*newtown bypass enters the general*
if god was to punish atrocities, then the US would be glass by now
>it's because china are saying it came out of an american lab
Russia is saying it was created in Porton Down
china weaponising racism to deflect the blame
there's no god but i think wiping china off the map is a public health service at this point
you can win this war without firing a single bullet
watching wrestlemania
>yanks howling at china
imagine believing anything china says. a country so fragile and insecure, they ban winnie the pooh because the leader finds it offensive
Should have listened to Macarthur and nuked the Chinese back to the stone age when we had a chance.
it was though
me? I think it was created by corona to sell more beer
i keep going to the river to pray
1% anglo saxon
Every person that the PRC pulls out of poverty, every factory and railroad China builds and every tank the PLA has is a step towards the liberation of you, British worker, whether you know it yet or not.
>How is calling it "China virus" racist
>brum-pakistani lad at uni
>everyone's going home
>ask him if he's going home
>he says "this is my home"
>told him brexit means brexit and punched him in the face