/v4/ + frens

Albania edition

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it protects others from you, you fucking mongrel with at least 50% efficiency if you are wearing the shittiest one

just make your own

Já jsem incel.

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Argie what do you think about this song?
I think it should be coronavirus' theme song.

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you are beautiful as you are incelbro :)

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how come this fat creature doesn't have big gut

even the blind can see that it's shooped to oblivion

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Bruh, just why?

what did you made masks off ?

My name is Flavivs Illircvs Slonforonivs, Scholar of the Mathematics of the Szeged University, General of the Balkan Legions, loyal servant to the true shitposter king, Fyrombey. Boyfriend to a thot, brother to a Serb'd sister. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Coughing is part of your defense system to get rid of viruses. Keeping them inside would drasticly lower your chances of survival.

Even if the mask manages to catch some, you'll just suck them back into your lungs.

Who nCore Chad here?

fuck albanian lobbyists

stop larping

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becuase just like Otti she is thicc and not fat

Do pensioners want to die in your country too?

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>tfw getting a respirator today from the bowels of hell
Wonder if I should flip it for 50 000 czk minimum

Imperial Guard > Space Marines
Metro > Tram


you have to change the filter after 10 hours, and one costs 90-100 €
just give up

Fucking wagecucks on vacation are clogging the internet. Can't wait till the chink plague is over.

They do here, when they could they would still go out for walks even if they are the only people with big chances of dieing.

both wrong

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Iron Warriors>All

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Realistically speaking, how long are the majority of people going to be away from workplaces?

Depends on your country, but here in Czechia the quarentine "proper" will be only 8 days and still many people keep working if they can't work from home.
And I expect 30 days for this to go off, similar length to China or even shorter.
For Spain it will take more time I think, 45-60 days would be what I would expect.
Honestly it wouldn't be surprising if work from home also increased after coronavirus, since companies are forced to it and they might see that in some occassions the results are similar or even better so they might allow people to work from home.

I should just go to some resort in Turkey until all of this is over

But I don't think there are flights

you want kokona so bad?

Everyone is at home anyway

Actually Turkey is supersafe for corona outside of taking a plane.
He should fake being a refugee desu.


how do you know its safe?
theyre hiding it
multum turkish jihadists coming from turki infecting everyone in north syria


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I know some Turks here, if there were rumours of more cases they would know, they are all critical of Erdoğan so they would be the first to criticize if they knew something about it.

literally worst primarch

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I love you.

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>trami is a redditor
Not surprised.

D'aaawwwwwww so wholesome :333
>yunan province
Lmao those elephants got slaughtered right after the picture was taken and their organs were ground to powder so chinks could use it to get their tiny dicks up

What the hell...

>he doesn't know about chink poaching for folk remedies
This whole cjink flu bullshit started because chinks actually believe that eating pangolin fetuses would cure their impotence

Can't make this shit up

What if it does? How can you deny something without scientific evidence?

fuck infantry

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Good point...

rent free

>china banned pangolin meat during the SARS epidemic in 2002-2004 because they feared that exotic meat might spread disease
>then they went straight back to doing it
Dumb fucks.

Fuck horseniggers
t. Rhodok

>Boyfriend to a thot
Just because you got cuckolded it doesn't mean that my gf is a thot.


I want all the corona happenings to end

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>can't go outside to take a jog
>can't go to mcdonald's to get a burger
>can't fly out of the country to escape this shithole for a bit
>can't even take any fucking trains anymore
It's fucking over

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Who woulda thunk that some guy eating bat soup in China could change our lives so drastically, huh?

I wouldn't mind if I didn't live with p*rents.

I fucking mind, I've gained 2kg's since this started because I can't go fucking running anymore.

There is zero proof for this. It was created by the Western media to demonize China.

They actually arrest you for going out? Fortunately we still have this privilege.

>talk to a girl
>she makes fun of short guys
Why are they like this?

Also buy an elliptical, running isn't as tedious if you can watch shit at the same time.

>can't go to mcdonald's to get a burger
I am pretty sure you can if you order through the drive-thru and wear a mask as well.

I kinda want to go to me mum's dacha, but I don't want to drive 300 km.

Stop cringeposting

Stop believing lies.