How do you even defend against this I mean damn
How do you even defend against this I mean damn
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one tank would bootyblast this shit formation
Don't engage them from the front?
>Teleport behind them
heh nothing personnel Romans
from the sides, the are not very effective turning
alexander protected the flanks himself for a reason
Shit ton of archers and fire
You get longer spears
That's clearly a Macedonian phalanx
phalanx are greek
do a backflip
Thats not Romans, it's a phalanx, a Greek formation that was supplanted by the Roman legion as the dominating military force of the Antiquity.
just send in the Legions are superior
>30000 Roman BVLLS vs 120000 "invincible" phalanx cucks
>Decisive Roman victory
*teleports behind your phalanx*
Nothing personell kid.
I see the pike, but where's the shot?
>The Roman short sword was a weapon suited to both formed combat and individual fencing. The phalangite’s pike was only effective in a formed unit in good order. In a one-on-one fight, the pike was little more than a long broomstick.
>Diodorus describes the famous duel between Dioxippus (wielding a short club), and Coragus (wielding a long pike), with Dioxippus closing inside the pike’s effective range to beat Coragus easily. Further, the phalanx could only fight in one direction – straight ahead.
> The short sword makes changing direction simple. Wielding a 21-foot pike, even a simple 90-degree turn can cause weapons to get tangled, causing chaos. The massive Roman shield provided excellent protection for the mad rush that would be necessary for the Roman legionary seeking to get inside the effective range of the long pike to where he could deploy his short sword to maximum effect.
>canadian education
fucking leaf lmao
Nothing personnel
Throw a Bible into them and wait until they'll turn their other cheek.
It's insane to think that people actually fought like this. Just walk forward and hope you don't get poked lol. I can't find it now but I remember reading about these situations where everyone just gets tangled into this pile with spear poking through everyone, where they end up looking like that phalanx in Dark Souls
Oh yeah push of pike
Romans had phalanxes also. And they got rekt because of italic hill tribes that didn't engage them from the front in an orderly fashion.
throw stuff at them
Death was very very commonplace both outside of war and in it, so it probably wasn't such a big deal to them.
we have these wonderful new weapons called rocks
Hot oil and/or fire
Archers, slings, and moats
if you are rich you can get cavalry to disrupt formation then charge with spearmen
Go to their sides, hide in hills and bushes and pick them off.
To be fair, until roughly the Renaissance (where gunpowder changed the entire game) actual combat casualties were very low. As a general rule, in a battle the winning side would often suffer very few casualties and the casualties on the losing side depended on how severely the winning side was chasing them down. Usually the two sides would clash, relatively few would die, one side would lose their nerve and then retreat, which ironically made them more vulnerable to the enemy (my favorite example of this in action is the Battle of Muret. You need to see the numbers to believe it). That's why discipline and personal bravery were so important in pre-modern warfare: NOT running away actually improved your odds of survival, but only if your companions also decided to not run away.
Gunpowder made things worse, as even the winning side would now suffer immense casualties.
>Aside from getting impaled by enemy pikes, those in the front ranks died from getting crushed or suffocated due to the sheer number of bodies pressing from each side
do humans really do this?
What movie?
fucking faggot lol
roman phalanx were of the hoplite type
How much does modern greek military we wuz about this?
>defend against this
They're called bow and arrow and even throwing spears
wh*Te poopoo do this. no wonder they sucked at war until they stole gunpowder off of BLACK greeks.
Captain Alatriste, I think.
projectiles and flanks
True, but this phalanx has a depth of 16 soldiers, and they are using pikes and not spears, thus it's a Macedonian phalanx.
How would that move about tho
they had extremely much higher testosterone than us
If you think this is dumb then think about how from 1750 until 1850 the most effective tactic was walk with a rifle in a line with your bros and shoot the enemy when you get in range.
Build a wall around them
>Battle of Muret. You need to see the numbers to believe it
I tried looking it up, but the three sites I visited had different numbers. Do you perhaps have a book on the subject? I'm interested, but the number of soldiers on the Aragonese side differs from 6k in total to 35k in total.
It hardly ever made it to that normally one side ran. Battle casualties were ridiculously lower than in modern war (until drone strikes and shit)
Point is the large majority of the Count of Toulouse forces were untrained militia who got slaughtered after Peir II was killed
with their legs and feet
They can just rotate senpai
>They can just rotate senpai
thanks for the (you)s virgins haha
(You)s have no value though
Reminder, in late medieval times most of the Phalanx or Gewalthaufen was actually Halberdiers for close combat, pikes only made up around 40% of the men. Later they changed the Halberds for Arquebuses and pike & shot was born
swiss traditions
>t. (you)let
Considering they are attacking: archers from distance, cavalry archers or with throwable spears to constantly harass them from all sides, and light cavalry on the flanks to finish them off once they are exhausted, with broken formation or with enough deaths
If by the contrary they are defending with that formation, especially in a closed space, you are simply fucked and sending your men to certain death
Arrows or just attack them on the flank lmao and if you're feeling really cocky just get so close the spears are useless
>superior mobility
>fighting in a forest or just stay away from plains in general
>impregnate their women while they waste time preparing formations
I thought most legionaries only had a pillum and short swords were a luxury weapon.