
strip poker edish

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anyone wanna play strip poker with me?

Wrong hahahah you’re wrong what a fucking dunderhead blockhead boy is wrong yet again no surprise hahaha don’t you think you’ve humiliated yourself for the last time??

consumed a box of white castle slider

girl I shagged last night just called me a virgin

>tan lines

Nederlander’s law

What's the latest with the coronavirus lads

in iso cause I might have the rona

I was the one talking about my smelly ballsack you fucking bellend

Elephants are mammals? What a load of


Back to work on Monday lads

people always talk about wanking or sex on coke but i cant get it up when im on the sniff. how do they do it?

panic buyers are scum


The world might be going to shit, but we continue to get high quality, factual, accurate reporting from the BBC. Our ability to look catastrophe in the face and not blink is something to be proud of.

Once again, British culture proves its superiority over the scaremongering Yanks

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oscar wilde was english

anyone else think this is all just surreal?
2 weeks ago I thought coronavirus was just an excuse for germaphobes to validate their own delusions and now all the restaurants in my city are closed and i can’t go into work
imagine how bad it’ll be in 2 more weeks

They don't or they are women. Or they are doing "coke" meaning baby powder.

Anyone want to have a game of ‘Hang-the-Nigger’ in these trying times? The game is simple, you or you and a couple of friends go out and find a nigger that you can hang from a lamppost, the niggers consent is unnecessary.

Whoever hangs the most niggers wins, bonus points for Chinese niggers because they put us in this mess.

just finished off a tidy king pot noodle (curry flavour) lads

Is just every cunt going to die in places like Bangladesh? they're packed in there like sardines and have fuck all health infrastructure

wow she looks like she

why are you so angry

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oh fuck off with this jingoistic reddit nonsense

anyone else /skinny/?

like cards does she?

it's a state of mind innit


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>Oh no, not the boomers, the NIMBYARINOS!

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haha bbc hehe lol

yeah, strip poker
what's the issue here?

Please share your alcohol and drug use stories for the 1000000000 time we are THRILLED to hear them.


lampposts are english
pot noodles are english

I've consistently heard that coke makes you amorous but unable to achieve an erection and that viagra + coke can give you a heart attack like zyzz


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Take viagra too

Sky news is better, Been has just turned into Governments spin mouthpiece

Its photoshop

The Simpssssoonnnnssss...

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Pure willpower and viagra

Viagra + coke = unstoppable fucking animal

just watched 12 years a slave and I actually started to root for the nigger when he started beating his master with the whip
think quarantine is making me cucked

because fuck you that's why

amazon parcel delayed by customs rorkes at heathrow
no idea why they only search stuff I get from the US
not amused considering shipping was 35 fucking quid


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Italy +5,322

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viagra is english


I can just tell from the coat that horse has lived a better life than me.

dont get it

Oh dear Oh dear

What would a Corbyn led Labour government do during this crisis?

housemate is an actual schizo
keeps telling me this coronavirus is some big plan by bill gates to microchip everyone

Yas Forumslacks droned on for half a decade about a “happening” and it turns out to be some chink who ate a bat

Howling lad you’re fucked now the game is up you’re going to prison for a long time for importing a sample of pure COVID-19 with the intention to cause death and injury upon others


I loved it when in the past girls only wore simple clean white panties. You can clearly see all kinds of discharge on white so they were forced to keep clean. Can't even look at all that stripe/colored nonsense without gagging

Give everyone an anti material sniper rifle and a helicopter

booze an that
drugs and that
sex and that
the Chinese virus and that

increased immigration exponentially and come up with some bullshit excuse

looks a bit like the outline of southern england/ northern spain and france

sucking on a covid-19

Irish show

this guy is such a wasteman

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sounds like my type of guy

But how is Corona hitting the Findom Scene?

put my name as covid19 at the bowling alley on saturday. dont think people were amused

prisons are english
shows are english

Maybe'll I learn to cook the perfect steak

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What would you like to talk about then, niggerboy?

*bungs and a bob for Big Ben's bong*


water piping hot

exactly the same thing because they would be receiving the same advice. this isn't a political issue

people died man

Homer Simpson, a proud Irishman

looks like my big black coronacock in your twink britboi mouth

Close pubs and tha probably

excellent post

>he thinks crying and moaning like a baby = heat
Victim mindset

Unemployed but I just spent £2k on the stonk market

talking is english
pride is english

Lads, this will last longer than 12 weeks