Who are the Americans of Europe?
Who are the Americans of Europe?
france, germany, uk, dutchland, and sweden
Brits without a doubt
Brits of course
>both speak english
>both fat as fuck
The brits are a scourge upon society and must bs eliminated.
Britbongs. Similar kind of la creatura.
People have told me Swedes are more like us.
Swedes are just very overexposed to american culture, just like Ireland, Britain, Netherlands and others. But I wouldn’t say they are that similar to americans
Who are the Americans of America?
That's not true at all. Swedish people care more about the group than the individual, something foreign to americans.
Yes, that's probably it. But I noticed Scandinavians I talk to on Discord speak English (sometimes) literally exactly like Americans. I have mistaken them for Americans before. The sense of humour is really similar to ours as well. And I think in general Scandinavia has a resemblance to North America as far as the actual nature goes along with the fact that a lot of times their houses are really spaced out far apart. But parts and aspects of Britain seem almost exactly like the US too.
In terms of people who actively try to be like americans, it the scandinavians, germans or irish. The UK is obviously the most similar because the US was an English colony
Who are the Americans of Alabama and California?
Yeah, that is the difference between us and them. We are obviously politically very different and also Swedes are much healthier, liberal, and attractive but outside of that there are still a lot of similarities.
Apart from Common Law and a language, you don´t share much with America. Your nation is a graveyard for civil liberties infested with authoritarian powers, proponents of the nanny-state and weak-willed people.
California has transformed into Mexico and Texas follows closely behind.
I thought Germans were like the French and really anti-American?
As I said, in terms of people who actively want to be like the US, Scandinavians
Being Mexican is a very American thing.
>Hate each other
>They think the world is all about them
That's as American as apple pie
They adore american culture, just like scandis if you speak to one they'll put on an american accent
It's actually really cute when I meet Scandinavians and they love America/act American. It's actually very endearing, they seem like really nice people.
Swedes might be similar to Portland or Seattle I guess, but definitely not the rest of Yankeedom
I didn't mean politically. I just mean look at someone like Pewdiepie, he obviously is very americanized
Attractive Swedes is a meme, whenever I search for images of swedish girls, they look like borderline Bimbos and blowup dolls. Southern Euro women actually look like real flesh and bone humans.
I don't understand the logic of saying the consume a lot of American media while at the same time not being like Americans
Deep South obv
I think the whole Nordic thing is a little overrated but in general they are still pretty cute.
Yeah nothing sinister about it just a bit sad, even their country people pretend to be like 'rednecks', very bizarre. I'm sure they had their own equivalent of all these American things at one point
Brits, Dutch, Germans, Swedes
Look, an Americanized Nord! If we wait a bit longer, he might unironically start claiming that gun control is literally Stalinism and that it's his right to shoot and kill any Hikers who accidentally stumbled on his property
unironically 100% correct
What Nordics have you met? All the Swedes and shit I run into (Swedish step family, go there for Christmas) are insufferable when the topic of the US comes up. Theyll all act like 1960s hippies protesting the Vietnam war.
>I'm sure they had their own equivalent of all these American things at one point
We didn´t, as reading a history book will tell you. American commoners had liberty back when most of Europe were still feudal monarchist societies, and they still have far more liberty than any European victim of the drivel put into words by Karl Marx & co.
Christ, you are so cringry
Don't forget an extreme in depth knowledge of American laws and politics
Google "Raggare", Scandinavia literally has a subculture of Redneck American cosplayers who drive 1950s cars and fly the Confederate flag, in the middle of fucking Sweden
I don't really know I guess it's anecdotal. I think they're a little tsundere for us? A lot of their media seems like a carbon copy of ours and they still consume our culture.
>being too much of a brainlet to understand the purpose of gun control
It´s not enacted to save the chilluns, you moron.
I always find it funny that double-digit IQ plebeians rally for their own disarmament and subsequent subjugation and enslavement, while calling idiots the proponents of a society in which government is subject to the will of the people. Never ceases to amaze.
Are you living in a fantasy? What incredible civil liberties do americans have that you don't, apart the right to TERMINATE all INTRUDERS with EXTREME PREJUDICE? Its always the cultureless scandis who go on these autistic rants
Are you a wannabe Yankoid too? American Libertarianism is autistic cancer that is polluting my country, watch out or it will come to yours too.
Australia, Canada, the UK and New Zealand are all unironically better than the USA when it comes to rights and freedom. They dont get shot by the police, or shot in school, or shot for accidental trespassing, or shot by vibrant African culture, etc.
You are as Americanized as the people you claim to hate but you delude yourself into thinking you're the most patriotic of Brazilians lol
ah yes, UK the country where you can get a prison sentence because you shared a video of your dog doing the nazi salute
Why havent Americans used their 2nd amendment rights to overthrow the Patriot Act, shut down Guantanamo, shut down the NSA (aka the Stasi's capitalist twin), etc.
Meanwhile, Canada or the Netherlands or the UK, are enjoying freedom without enduring weekly shootings too.
France, can't think of another european country where 1/2 of young people brag about some obscure foreign origins.
Well, I actually am a US born citizen myself, yeah. I just recognize that the 2nd Amendment crowd has proven to be useless and utterly hypocritical. Where is the action against the unconstitutional NSA spying on us? Where is the action against the Patriot Act? Against the unconstitutional torture going on in Guantanmo?
The Gun crowd is an utterly spineless meme, they only serve to make money for gun manufacturers, but they never take up any actual action to defend their civil rights and liberties. They unironically tolerate the government spying on them and do fuck all about it.
>What incredible civil liberties do americans have that you don't
The right to free expression - that was taken away from us in the early 21st century with the advent of "hate speech law".
The right to arms - this is a central right in a civilized society, which even you britcucks used to recognize from 1689 to 1920, whether you like it or not.
The right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure. In Finland, a policeman may search a person, his/her home or his/her car based on any suspicion of criminal activity - and falsely reporting suspicion will not lead to any adverse consequences for the policeman making such a decision. Therefore, police can pretty much "barge in at any time of day, with any excuse", to put it bluntly.
Furthermore, our taxes are through the roof (and thus the concept of personal responsibility has been flushed down the toilet). Lastly, any and all evidence - whether or not it has been illegally acquired by the authorities - is accepted in court, which indirectly encourages authorities to ignore the law in the their pursuit of "justice".
Do you want more examples?
>They dont get shot by the police, or shot in school, or shot for accidental trespassing, or shot by vibrant African culture, etc.
The only group of Americans getting shot on the daily are blacks and latinos getting shot up by rival gangbangers.
They're loud, refuse to speak the local language, have a superiority complex. In Europe I've always seen french tourists treated the way one would expect Americans to be treated.
No it's alright I've got proof enough that you're a weird little dweeb, imagine you saying those things in real life to real people hahaha
Americans are an infernal basterd child of the worst traits of Germans and Brits
EU is the closest European equivalent to USA
Norway is their Canada
Turkey is their Mexico
fuck me the boomers shitting up your funfair of a country really done a number on you
the faggot english
>arrogant for nothing
>stupid habits
>live on island
Britain and Scandinavia seems the most like the USA to me as far as how the countries actually look and their homes and infrastructure and rural communities/nature are. And culturally in certain ways too. I think mainland europe is a lot different from here.
>go to jail for sharing a video of a hitler saluting dog
>thrown in jail for 5 years for carrying a pistol
>literally do not have a right to silence anymore, as a consequence of retarded password disclosure laws
>surveillance state matched only by communist china
Bongistan is a shithole.
>Well, I actually am a US born citizen myself, yeah. I just recognize that the 2nd Amendment crowd has proven to be useless and utterly hypocritical.
Do us all a favor by staying out of the US and American politics.
> They unironically tolerate the government spying on them and do fuck all about it.
The difference between government spying and gun control is that nobody forces you to carry a smartphone, drive around with your license plate showing or use facebook to plan criminal heists, while gun control PER DEFINITION LIMITS THE NEGATIVE RIGHTS (LIBERTIES) OF PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY WISH TO BE SUBJECT OF SUCH LIMITATIONS. Retard.
Please show us an example of American Gun owners successfully defending their civil liberties
Currently, Guantanamo Bay is still open, despite torture being outlawed by the US Constitution
The NSA still spies on American citizens, despite privacy being a right outlined in the US Constitution
When is the Redneck uprising going to happen? When are they going to redeem the good name of gun owners? We are waiting
Did you read the word "dweed" on a reddit post you recently upvoted? Japan is not a bastion of liberty, you fucking brainlet.