How does Yas Forums feel about India?

How does Yas Forums feel about India?

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pakistan wannabe
pakistan best
india seeth

Kashmiris are white. Southern tribes are black. East Indians are East Asians. Punjabis are middle eastern. The rest is a mix of different cultures and languages and also poo in the loo Pajeet superpower 2020.

do white people really?

Oh sowwy did I hurt your feewies? UwU

lol mudslime on vpn

I've been to India at least 15 or 16 times. Just got back from a three week trip there, although I was only in Kolkata and Digha. Planning to move to Rajasthan for at least a year in summer, provided coronavirus doesn't bungle everything up.

TBQH there's a lot I don't like about India, but it's hands-down my favorite country (out of about 50 visited). Generally friendly and hospitable people; there's relatively little hassle for foreigners, so far as scams and touts go, outside certain parts of BIMARU. Really pretty country, especially the Western and Eastern Ghats. Good food, low cost of living, intensely diverse, tons of history.

I can easily understand why some people don't like India, but I do.

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Big yikes. Unironically.

I eat your mother the cow in steak benchod bitch

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Damn, you're pretty much an Indian at this point with all that information
I hope you enjoy more of your upcoming visits!
Also, do you speak Hindi?

Which region makes the best biryani? How’s the street food there?

To be really honest, quite uninformed about it to have an real opinion.
How much can someone who only speaks Hindi understand of Assamese, Bengali or Nepalese?

How does Yas Forums feel about Paki faggots in Canada?

lol, we really don't hake our paki bros.
Unironically, except the borders confrontation, we pretty much relate to them on everything.

I know an Indian who speaks Urdu who can’t understand Hindi for shit


they may seem similar but are totally different.
They're all different languages.

>we pretty much relate to them on everything.
especially on cleaning arab's toilets.

Proof that multi-culturalism works!

Are the two languages already so far apart from each other?

lmao urdu is hindi written in arabic script. You cannot understand urdu and not understand hindi.

Not much. I can make 30% of nepali, and not much of other languages. Fortunately mots people can understand Hindi

dravida nadu soon

> they may seem similar but are totally different.
> They're all different languages.
Are you retarded or just a stupid muslim. There is no way one can understand urdu and not hindi . They share 70% of vocabulory and all of grammar

Urdu and Hindi are Swiss German and German German.

Tamil and South Indian languages are far as fuck tho. German, Persian, Pashto etc. are closer to Hindi than Tamil.

Sanskritized hindi will be hard to understand for a urdufag.

alright, stop beating the dead meme dude, it's 2020.
how long are you going to keep sticking to the same meme? We've pretty much just ignored that at this point.
Whenever anyone mentions the poo in the loo meme, most of our reactions re like:
"oh there it is again, it's better to ignore this low-T bastard. This thread s done for If I stay for too long now that this retard is here"
try finding another meme dude.
if you have more than 10 neurons, you'll pretty much understand it's not just us.
Good day.

Relating to Bhutanese treatment of the Lhotsampas, I have read somewhere that the Nepalis there more or less took over that former country and helped annex it into India. Is there some truth in this?
Thank you anons. Quite interesting for a pseudo-linguistic fag like me.

The poo meme got inextricably tied to everything related to India/Indian in the global consciousness. It can't be undone even if India became a rich advanced country with the help of aliens.

Isn’t Mumbai mostly Hindi speaking nowadays?

Yeah maratifags are big cucks and allowed hindi to rape them.

Thanks, senpai. I took two years of Hindi in university; part of the reason I'm moving to India is to take accelerated language courses. I can read and write using the Devangari script and carry a conversation. However, I'm still striving to achieve full fluency.

>which region makes the best biryani
Every state thinks they make the best biryani. I, personally, have never been a huge fan of biryani--I like it, but it doesn't make me go wild. Having said that, I've had killer biryani in Delhi, West Bengal, and, somewhat surprisingly, Chhattisgarh.

I made a point to visit a few biryani joints in Hyderabad and was actually pretty disappointed.

>How's the street food there?
Not always hygienic, but you get used to it with exposure. I really, really fucking love meat-based street foods, especially those available in predominately Muslim areas; the kebabs and chicken shops across from Jama Masjid in Delhi are painfully inexpensive and amazingly good.

Not street food, but I recently had some good, dirt-cheap seafood in WB. Me and my GF had multiple full-sized fish, a couple crabs, beer, etc, for less than $8 USD.

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>Syed Ahmed Dehlavi, a 19th-century lexicographer who compiled the Farhang-e-Asifiya Urdu dictionary, estimated that 75% of Urdu words have their etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit, and approximately 99% of Urdu verbs have their roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit. Urdu has borrowed words from Persian and to a lesser extent, Arabic through Persian, to the extent of about 25% to 30% of Urdu's vocabulary. A table illustrated by the linguist Afroz Taj of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill likewise illustrates the amount of Persian loanwords to native Sanskrit-derived words in literary Urdu as comprising a 1:3 ratio.
I guess by this Urdu they mean Hindustani language. Cause poetic Urdu is mostly Farsi words.

The source of all the poo memes are NGOs in India that exaggerated the open defecation problem.

This is why India should become like China and ban all the opposition media and NGOs.

Sikkim held a referredum back in 61, I think to decide whether to join India. They voted with around 96-98% yes. There were afraid China would annex it like Tibet.

Honestly, It's pretty boring.
Wish you guys could come up with a new roast so we could acutally have some fun.
Instead , it's always the poo memes.
Hope something happens and we get a new roast.
it's 2020, I thought this is the year we're going to be roasted to hell,instead anyone barely talk about it.

I'm really glad at least there's someone on this forum who's enjoying this country. I hope you have more fun on your further visits kohai!

That's because he is probably a pajeet in burgerland.

well, whoever it may be.
Athithi Devo bhava retard.

i did an exchange to canada when i was 19 and had sex with a cute punjabi girl, my view on india is that it is a way-overpopulated shithole with creepy men, but your westernized women are ok

Nah, I'm white as a bhoot.

Pic supposedly from the southeastern boundary of [mythical, not socio-political] Dandakaranya.

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I didn't expect the meme to do this much damage to the image of india. The extent of the poo mene influence isn't even restricted to chans and nearly every gora's brain instantly thinks about poo memes whenever one mention about anything remotely related to India, be it Indian philosophical school of thoughts or Indian food.

beautiful country with beautiful people & beautiful culture

Does "westernized women" translate into sexually active or something?

Sure I don't care as long as people are memeing and keep it within the memes. But godaamn does it become bland when they just think that we're the lowest of the low.
Too tiring to even argue with them.

I like Indian food

I feel India is an artificial country, like Belgium.

i mean, she was just a canadian girl with a punjabi family. that's what i mean. if i had met an actual average punjabi girl from punjab i'm sure the cultural divide would've been unfordable.

i would love india if it wasn't for the fact that there's a BILLION of you in that country. if you guys were, say limited to 200 million or whatever it'd be cool, a BILLION fucking people is just way way way too much.

Yeah Everyone just replies with poo shit even though it makes no sense in the context. It's like they want us to fuck off even though we just wanna discuss or have fun...

Yeah a meme country by brits. a colonial product.

Totally get that feel.
I'm just going to stay here for a couple of days until Yas Forums gets over with the happening meme, and I'm out.
honestly, Reddit seems far better desu.
They may hate us, despise us within but they don't try to show it out openly. They try to have a convo with us even though it hurts their pride. Would love to have a normal convo with people around the world. But alas, no one wants to have one with a poo.

Yeah but India is ranked 19th in terms of population density. I mean there are many valid factors why this subcontinent always had huge population

Shitty programmers

cope we gonna make it 2 billion faggot

Did it at least end up as a good maymay?

>creepy men
I have a hypothesis on why Indian men are so creepy and horny online. The reason is simply that there are not enough women in India.

If you look at a map of the sex ratio, in every state there are more boys than girls due to abortion and killing of girls. This happens the most in the shithole provinces of the north, where for every 100 girls there are 120 boys.

At least 20 of these boys will literally never have sex, never even date a girl. It's just mathematically impossible. And they will grow up to be creepy and horny men, who have to look abroad to get girls. Except that they're too poor to go abroad and their english sucks, so they have to resort to sending dick pics with a comment like "pak chod bitch i wan hav sexi sex respond whore" to foreign women on facebook, hoping that one day, one will respond. However india has like a billion people, so it's not just "20 boys" but tens of millions of perpetually horny incels.

And let' s not forget a very important factor, india's culture is very sexist, like they have gang rapes and lynchings and no one cares. So not only are there tens of millions of men who will never fuck, they were raised to believe that they are owed sex. This unholy mix of sex based abortions, trashy culture and 3rd worldliness led to the bitch lasagna meme.

we're going to cap out at 1.7 bil bruv.
Our population is actually a real blessing for us. But our shitty politicians are all about themselves. Imagine what we could actually achieve with 1.5 billion people.

honestly the amount of indian men that get killed over violence and mob violence and shit and die due to disease should balance the sex gap. the major problem is Indian culture is ultra conservative still in most places. u can only fuck prostitutes since normal girls are guarded by family. it's not like Middle Easterners aren't known for doing this shit. The PM of Iraq sexted to some girl "I want to fuck you sex sex", just that there are waayy more Indians than MENAs.

>The reason is simply that there are not enough women in India.
And also that we're different in terms of how we speak to people and show our feelings.
Take an example :
We usually keep pressing our friends to reveal their most important things to us and usually gather info on them in life not because we want to look down on them or want to stalk them. most of us do that in hopes that he gets back to being the happy guys he used to be. We go the extra mile for our mates here. It may seem like a wholesome thing here but would definitely come out as creepy in the west.
Same thing with Indian men online.
I could write a book worth of reasons with proof on why Indian men come our as creepy.

I think the conservative culture plays a more important role than the sex ratio. A lot of lower- and lower-middle class Indian men have limited opportunities to interact with members of the opposite sex on a regular basis, let alone date or have casual sex. Many young men and women would face severe consequences from their own families if they were caught romantically or sexually involved with someone outside of marriage.

It's changing for people living in urban areas, especially about comparably educated, Westernized folk. And a surprising number of dirt poor people just don't give a shit and bang each other in rice fields while pretending to be very sanskari.

>And also that we're different in terms of how we speak to people and show our feelings.
This is also true, Indians are very emotional people. TBQH that's something I've enjoyed about dating in India relative to the U.S.: if you connect with somebody, you really don't have to hold back. Text as much as you want, call as much as you want, it's completely acceptable and even expected. Whereas here in America--especially if you're sorta young--you're constantly having to pretend to be disinterested, with that phase only ending once you get somewhat serious.

My current GF has had guys do shit to impress her that'd get them locked up in the United States, like following her home in a taxi and then claiming to have missed a flight to meet her and shit.

500,000 deaths when

Sounds like hell on earth for shut-ins.

fucking hell, you've done your research mate.

Every country has creepy horny men but India gets special focus because Indian creeps are bad at hiding their creepiness and their broken English makes them look even more retarded. The fact that there are too many Indians makes matters even worse. Their cringe behavior has more potential to spread far and wide in the meme sphere of interwebs. Also many men unironically think women are only for sex.

Yep, it's actually is.
but I've never once come across a shut-in ever in my life here.
In fact, there's no such thing as a shut-in here.
we don't have 2-3 mates, we go in a group of 10-15 of all genders and everyone likes everyone here.
Pretty tiring honestly, but it's always fun when everyone gathers.

>everyone likes everyone here
Kek, i wish lmao.

i legit have social anxiety and its worse than hell. i mostly dont go out and live in a comfy neet life.
but irl it's like some guy you just had small talk with 3 days ago comes to you and grabs you by the shoulder "Heyy whats up bro??" like we knew each other for eternity
some foreign people say that's the charm about India but i don't like it. at all.

Well, okay it depends lol.
But usually, people get along pretty well here from my time here. Compared to my experience with the people in the west.

Might be hell for an introvert but it helps that even someone like me with severe social anxiety issues gets to make some friends even though I never tried to approach anyone from my side.

m8, I'm the same user from: . I've spent half my adult life in India TBQH, you'd hope I'd know some things