
>well then, what's your coronavirus business idea user?

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janny wont be pleased

Lmao at this Government

sell things to gimps who don't need them

lovely legs on the left. love me some legs.

I, Toilet Bog Fart, as Cuntmander-in-Queef poo solelmnly swear fat I shill fartfully excrement the Offpiss of Pooreshitdent and Burger King of the Poonited Shites of Arsemericrack, kike my predecessors before me in the Shite House, and will poo the best of my ashillititty, pooserve, pootect and defend the Constipation of the Poonited Sharts, so help pee God.

*solemnly sharts loudly on the Bible*
*the presidential poo drips down the steps of Congress*
*the US Marine Band starts up*


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Check the grimness outside those windows.
How did British cities develop to be so ugly?


Promotion: Every expresso shot you buy comes with a free hand sanitizer squirt!

....fuck.... can we setup donations for her?

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reckon after this whole thing blows over women should still be forced to stay indoors as a precaution

Just a flu lads


so its like tap water.... but it comes in a bottle

Henry's rolling over in his grave

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gf wanted to spend a hundred fuckin quid each on a spa day. managed to talk her out of it by saying its irresponsible to do that during a virus pandemic. phew, really didnt wana spend that much money on fucking massages like a bender.

lad our cities are just gay urban sprawl. pot calling the kettle black



have a piece of pizza stuck in my tooth

I live in Melbourne mate. Enjoy life in whichever grim shithole you're from

Radicalise the moderates

got the new primed and ready to go 300 posts early x

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>I live in Melbourne mate. Enjoy life in whichever grim shithole you're from

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The missus wants to spend $3k+ on a massage chair for me. Love her to bits. I didn't even think of it (I normally try to plant seeds in her mind), but she randomly blurted today: "I want to buy you a massage chair so you can be comfy and read books at home"

That's love

My girlfriend does this.

I've dated several women, different nationalities, class, social status etc and they all like this bullshit.

For me true relaxation is camping, being alone in a field and losing myself for a few days, for them it's about having people pretend to rub your body and squirt perfumes on you.

I am going to die alone.

would not.

Genuinely peng

So what have you been doing during your period of self-isolation other than shit-posting on the 'choon?

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that feel when no girlfriend

been to melbs pretty nice city tbf easy to get around. theres alot of "culture" but in the faggy pretentious way.

too many africans though deadset didn't think we had many here before i went to melbourne.

still going to toil but having the mrs cancel all the plans I didn't want to go to anyway

same as every other day as I'm not a normie cretin shagger toiler

playing civ 5

been working on the old calisthenic strength because gymberg has foreclosed on me

best city in Aus is Adelaide

I've decided to try and finish off a model ship I started making a few years ago.

thought I was showing symptoms but I was just hungry because I had forgotten to eat breakfast and lunch haha

>the mrs
>the missus

hello fucking deano cunt

>not brisbane

not convinced on this flip-flop between claiming to have girlfriends then come out as a complete and utter virgin gimmick

Going out in a bit. Worried about infected freaks everywhere though you don't know who has it

Nuked anyone yet?

What sort of ship is it?

Update: only got 2.5 loo rolls left

yeh if you're 60+ deadest city in australia

for me

1 Adelaide
2 Perth
3 Brisbane
(power gap)
4 Sydney
5 Hobart
6 Canberra
7 Melbourne

yeah I nuked rome

overrated. east coast is a scorched hell-scape these days.

Better Africans than Muslims. I find the blacks interesting to look at on the street, but I cross the road when I see a hijab walking towards me

Would prefer neither though desu, but we're fucked

people here kept mentioning darkies when I called her the wife so I just say "the mrs" now

unironically still working away from home

Ha. It's this one actually. Santa Maria. Can't believe it's been nearly three years since I started it and still not finished. It's not much different from in the pic.

pence would unironically be a great president
i hope this man is in charge behind the scenes

idea: wiferino

what console should i buy? I might buy a switch, i might buy an xbox one.

dont even think about suggesting i play on pc, the cost to buy all the required stuff far outweighs how much i'd use it

play on pc

>no wollongong

shan't be leaving the house after tomorrow because there will be infected kids running amok


those would be some big scenes if Britain had a president


business idea: "bollongong" as a euphemism for bollocks

prefer xbox personally, playstation controllers are too small for my hands

unironically went for a trim today

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Reusable toilet rolls

They haven't thought this through have they


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Oh my FUCKING goodness me

gf meow because she knows that in my bag the food

democratic republic > constitutional monarchy
change my mind

take a left at Woolywooly and if you hit Shawoddywoddy you've gone too far

extremely based. send us updates

>Bank of England cuts interest rates to 0.1%

No idea what this means

savers get shafted again

basically they realised nobody is interested

Unbelievable how easily the capitalists have created panic over this. Got people cutting themselves off from society, doing nothing but panic buying food and toiling, all so they have cover for the economic crisis incoming and to blame China.
Posted on /brit/ for years so I know you're dumb reactionaries and anti communists but christ, get a reality check. You're cannon fodder for toilberg.

good if you're remortgaging, shit if you have savings

I would unironically vote for Pence no matter which country he wanted to be President of. The man deserves to lead

it means that everyone is fucked and if you have money in the bank you're gonna lose it all

My interest has dropped to 0.0%

my interest rate in this post is 0%


helpful many thanks

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>please give us money


handsome boy. would suck

oh noo not my £35!

So should I draw it all out?

adelaide is for boomers
perth never been
brisbane eh its ok i guess
sydney nice if you like the beach and are filthy rich
hobart idk but heard tasmania has mad nature
canberra if you're not a politician wtf are you doing there
melbourne honestly prob nicest city in aus besides having shit weather, greenie pooftas, cultural enrichment.

nintendo switchs are out of stock everywhere Ive looked

>tfw no gf during quarantine

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Chess - the biggest slag in the UK

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play on pc

Why would anyone have significant sums stored in an everyday account?

This is the sort of girl I'd go for desu, wouldn't consider going for anybody much uglier than that. Unfortunately I'm no more than a 5/10 myself, which is why I've been single for 27 years

not from coronavirus, but because Ford (and all american car makers) can't compete with germans/japs on actual cars anymore, only SUVs/pickups

yes and invest in gold

Russia today is making fun of Europeans again

matey turned into a pink wojak there, thought he was gonna burst something